Construction File.........Last updated: April 16, 1999

The H.S.Billings Career Education Center in Chateauguay, Quebec,Canada, as part of the New Frontiers School Board's Adult & Professional Education Services is about to undergo a major renovation and construction project.

This page will provide an overview of the project as it progresses with information, updates, and hopefully pictures as the project advances through the various steps of planning and construction.

Information about the 'Center's' programming and services is available within this site and may be accessed as a link under the title:

  • H.S.Billings Career Education Center:

  • H.S.Billings Career Education Center

    Renovation and Expansion Construction Project

    Construction Project Team

    Project Director


    Director, New Frontiers School Board

    Construction Supervisor

    F. Jekyll / J. Sampson

    Manager, New Frontiers School Board

    Project Secretary

    L. Boor

    Secretary, New Frontiers School Board


    V. Leclerc (Project)
    J.F. St. Denis (Design)

    Leclerc & Associates

    Structural Engineers

    L. Gagnon

    Soprin ADS.

    Mechanical & Electrical Engineers

    L. Gagnon

    Soprin ADS.

    General Contractor


    Group Canvar Inc.





    N. Burke / I. Millar
    & Staff
    Center Principal, New Frontiers School Board
    H.S.Billings Career Education Center

    General Information

    The renovation and construction project for the H.S.Billings Career Education Center, a 5.8 million dollar project, will result in new vocational education facilities for the Auto Mechanics, Welding, and Interior Decoration and Display programs. The project will result in first-class facilities, conforming to the established norms of the Ministry of Education of Quebec, being made availble to our clientele.

    The Auto-Mechanics Program Area will include: A 14 bay garage, specialized rooms for engine analysis and rebuilding, electronics and computerized wheel alignment. These specialized areas will be complemented with two theory class-rooms, a vechicle storage area, a technical data resource center, tool room and a teacher office work-area.

    The Welding Program Area will include: Two dedicated welding shops for general welding, high-pressure (pipe) welding and welding assembly. These shops will provide for 40 workstations as well as work areas for the specialized computer programed cutting, bending, and welding machines. In addition to the spacious area provided for assembly projects, there will be a technical drawing/blueprint room, a theory classroom, tool room and a teacher office work-area.

    The Interior Decoration and Display Area will include: A drawing room, two computerized design shops, a workshop, a project-assembly shop, a sign painting area and a display and window display facility. These will be complemented by a theory classroom, prop storage area, a public reception with a samples area and a teacher office work-area.

    Development and Construction

    Project Timeline

    Project development and concept planning

    • September 15, 1997 - November 15, 1997

    Preliminary plans (@ 25%)

    • December 1, 1997

    Ministerial approval (@ 85%)

    • February 17, 1998

    Plans for final coordination (@ 99%)

    • March 16, 1998

    Call for tenders

    • April 1, 1998

    Opening of tenders

    • May 13, 1998

    Commencement of construction

    • June 15, 1998

    Completion of construction

    • February 1999

    Occupation of the completed facility

    • March 1999


    Saturday, November 8,1997:
    During the past week the architects have converted the conceptual drafts of the proposed floorplan into the first set of scale blueprint drawings including the floorplan and the conceptural drawings of the building's appearance. Tuesday, November 11, 1997, a meeting of the architects, engineers, and representatives of the school board will take place to advance the project into the formal design stage.

    Friday, November 14,1997:
    This week, the first formal meeting was held with the whole professional team that will be designing and building the new vocational center. The overview of the project was given to the Engineers and Architects and various concepts were discussed to assure the timeline, and project results in a first class training center for our students.

    Friday, November 21,1997:
    This week the School Board was presented a developed 'site-plan' depicting the placement of the additional structure in relation to the existing building, the land-lots and showing the relative placement to the existing street and playing fields. With this site plan it becomes very evident that this extension is sizable and will reflect a considerable change to the building.

    During this past week, representative of the School Board also had the opportunity to participate in an engineering site-visit to the newly constructed "Auto-Center" in Laprairie. While this site has a double auto-shop and a double body shop, when considering our additional options of welding and interior decoration, the perspective of size became very evident.

    Tuesday, December 2,1997:
    While the formal construction will not commence until the scheduled date of May 19, 1998, today saw the first physical activity related to the construction. The soil testing company commenced drilling bore-holes to test the soil and soil content as a preliminary phase to establishing the methods and materials required for the structural components within the construction and renovation project.

    Thursday, December 11,1997:
    The planning continues in ernest. A Full meeting was held with the professionals to share the various architectural and engineering concepts that are under development and verify the initial budget for the project. Subsequently the engineers have inventoried all the heavy equipment in welding and auto and worked with the Career Center staff in planning the placement of equipment within the various shops.

    "Christmas Break"
    "The Ice Storm of the Century"

    Wednesday, February 4,1998:
    The long period of project design has continued with ongoing consultation with the Center Director and the departmental staff of each of the program areas that will be utilizing the new facility. Within this process, stringent observation of building codes are being examined to the extent of the design of the anti-explosive storage areas for compressed gas in the welding shops.

    Within this planning phase soil testing has been undertaken, both in terms of establishing soil content and base for construction and in testing for toxic material presence. Based on the tests, we do not anticipate problems in either areas.

    Friday, February 27,1998:
    On schedule, the plans have been completed to the 85% level and forwarded to the Ministry of Education for their approval. While awaiting the approval of the Ministry the professionals will continue to work on the finate details in preparation for developing the required documentation to "Call for Tenders" for the construction phase of the project.

    Friday, March 6,1998:
    As has been planned from the outset, programming will continue during the construction which will be undertaken in two phases. With this consideration, it is planned to relocate the automotive program to an alternate facility during the construction. Various buildings have been investigated for rental purposes and representatives of the Ministry of Education are studying our final proposal.

    Friday, March 20,1998:
    In conjunction with the engineers developing final plans for tender, they were on-site this week to make their final adjustments with the teachers regarding the placement of machinery and the final decisions regarding electrical outlets, switches, and any other minor modification required that could be identified.

    Thursday, March 26,1998:
    In order to continue programming throughout the construction project, facilities were required to locate the automotive programs outside of the existing facility.

    H.S. Billings Career Education Center
    Temporary Facilities Leased to house
    Auto Mechanics Programming.

    Temporary facilities have been acquired to house the Auto Mechanics Programs of the H. S. Billings Career Education Center during the renovation and expansion of the center. During the year-long construction project, renovating 2,800 sq.m and adding 3,200 sq. m. at a cost of 5.8 million dollars, the students will get the opportunity to learn their trade and experience the reality of working in a facility that was constructed in 1988 to house a new-car Automobile Franchise in Chateauguay.

    Monday, April 13,1998:
    On schedule, the tenders for construction have been called with the public opening to take place on May 13, 1998 at 2:00 pm.
    A site visit is scheduled for April 30, 1998 for perspective bidders on the contract.

    Monday, April 27,1998:
    Following further underground testing an localizing of underground piping in the area of the existing automotive shop, broken piping has been detected and concern for soil contamination has led to the Ministry of the Environment being notified. This "find" will require intense soil testing upon the breaking of the floor slab during the initial steps of the demolition in preparation for construction.

    Saturday, May 2,1998:
    During this past week the final steps were taken towards the project debut. A site visit was held for the contractors that may chose to bid on the project with the tenders due on May 13, 1998. The building permit for renovations to the rented garage facility was procured and the Board's maintenance department visited the site in preparation to commence the required minor renovations prior to the automechanics programs moving from the center to the temporary teaching site.

    Thursday, May 14,1998:
    As indicated in the call for tenders, the tenders for the construction and renovation of the center were opened in public at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, May 13, 1998. Nine companies submitted tenders with the company "Group Canvar" deposition the lowest tender at a price of $4,868,000. for the actual construction portion of the project. This tender was found to be in conformity and was recommended for acceptance.

    Thursday, May 21,1998:
    The final touches to the rented facility for the automotive program are underway and ready for the automotive programs to move in for the duration of the current groups course.

    Tuesday, June 2,1998:
    The contract with the construction company is ready for signing following the adoption of the "Board" resolution scheduled for June 4th at a special meeting of the Chateauguay Valley School Board and subsequently at the Provisional Council meeting of the New Frontiers School Board on the same evening. The first job-site meeting is scheduled for June 9th. with the construction team to move on-site shortly after.

    Monday, June 15,1998:
    .....As it is and prior to construction.......a starting point.

    H.S.Billings Career Education Center
    (Shops area)
    Prior to the Commencement of Construction


    The original building facing Maple Avenue.

    The current automechanic shops leading onto the parking area that is adjacent to Maple.

    The are will be the major area of construction and leave the current facility unrecognizable.


    Looking down the building towards the playfields.

    This wall area will be taken down and as part of the expansion be part of the widening of the building.

    The result will be: A new facade.

    Saturday, June 20,1998:
    Construction work commenced on Thursday, June 18th with the initial removing of pavement and topsoil in preparation for the digging for foundation footings. "SURPRISE, SURPRISE"..... during the digging a major natural gas pipe was broken on Friday the 19th. This force a major evacuation of the area. After several hours the pipe was repaired and all returned to normal.

    Friday, June 26,1998:
    This week has been a week of more preparation with the removal of an underground oil tank, removal of the protruding hill in front of the building leading to the street and preparation for the relaying of natural gas lines in accordance with the newly formed slope of the land.

    The early summer saw the actual construction commence with the preparation and initial development of the form-work to build the new building envelope upon. While it may have appeared to be a slow start, this work entailed considerable work in providing the underground plumbing systems and drainage systems for the new section of the building and the gas systems for the entire building.

    During the construction holidays, no work was done on the facility itself, however work continued. The new building concept required the construction of a new entry road and the surface drainage systems in conjunction with this major access change. This being considered "road-work", was not required to close down for the prescribed holiday shut-down period.

    Friday, August 26,1998:
    With construction back up to full-speed, the old facility has undergone major changes. The demolition work for the first phase of the project has been completed. This included the falling of the exterior walls, doors, windows and frames. The interior walls have been removed and the original ciment slab floor removed.

    H.S.Billings Career Education Center
    Construction gives form to the new building
    August 26, 1998


    The original building facing Maple Avenue changes its facade with the demolition of the former auto-shops and the laying of footing for the expansion of the facility.

    Pictured with the forms in, the backfill completed and in preparation to accept the structural steelwork.

    Looking down the building towards the playfields.

    The outer walls of the existing facility removed and the form-work in place as the building will not only be expanded in the front and the rear but also along the former driveway beised the playing fields.

    Additional Photos from August 26, 1998

    Front view #2

    Demolition work

    Form-work for estension

    Connecting to old structure

    Additional Form-work

    Rear view
    After viewing, click on your "back" button to return to this page.

    Monday, August 31,1998:
    The first work on errecting the structural steel has commenced and as this work progresses, the actual form of the building will become a reality.

    H.S.Billings Career Education Center
    The Steel Work Commences
    August 31, 1998


    The crane comes on site and

    commences to unload the first

    structural steel to bring a form

    to the "new" building.

    (Commencing at the rear of the building)

    The first steel support beams are

    put into place on the

    H.S. Billings Career Education Center's

    renovation and expansion project.

    Additional Pics from August 31, 1998
    A Day on the Steel

    8:30 am

    10:00 am

    11:00 am

    3:00 pm

    4:00 pm

    4:15 pm
    Click on your "Back" button after viewing the picture.

    Additional Pics from September 1, 1998
    Steel erection continues at the rear of the building.

    Attaching to the existing building.

    Rear of the building

    Rear view

    Side of the building expands

    Storage area takes form

    Side roofing commences
    Click on your "Back" button after viewing the picture.

    Tuesday, September 8,1998:
    With the structural steel in place on the rear of the building, final preparation for the arrival and erection of the steel on the main part of the extension, along Maple Avenue, is underway. The major preparation of the entry driveway and limited parking area is taking place to assure the completion of paving prior to winter.

    Laying the New Road-bed
    September 8, 1998

    Preparation for the new entry driveways,
    new perimeter road and limited parking area
    has commenced.

    More Pictures from September 8, 1999



    shovel_at work

    side roadwork
    Click on your "back" button after viewing the picture.

    Friday, September 11,1998:
    This week saw the preparation for the commencement of the "blockwork" on the rear of the building and the erection of the steel on the front of the building. The building form now is taking its form and the reality of the construction now becomes very visual.

    More Pictures from Sept 11, 1998

    Front steel uprights put in place

    Frontview of first steel

    Rear being framed for blockwork

    Blockwork commences (rear)

    Blockwork commences (side)

    Looking out over the steel

    Steel ready on-site
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the picture.

    Work progresses quickly - September 14, 1998
    Additional Pictures.

    Front view of steelwork

    View across the construction

    Affixing with lift-truck

    Preparation for the slab

    Side walls progress

    Rear walls take form
    Click on "Back" button after viewing picture.

    Friday, September 18,1998:
    During the past week the site has seen considerable visual changes as the ciment block-work has commenced on the rear section and the steel erected on the new front section of the building along Maple Street. In addition the slab floor in the first section to undergo renovation has been poured and the plumbing and electrical work started. Over the next few weeks we will continue to see daily changes to the building as it is closed-in, insulated, and bricked prior to the inclement weather.

    Pictures from September 17, 1998

    Front section steelwork

    Entry steelwork

    Side being erected and cement blocked

    Rear taking full form
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    Pictures from Sept 24, 1998

    Front block-work commences

    Inner walls being put in place

    Phase 1 interior takes shape

    Exit corridor from upper gym

    A new facade for the side

    Interior decoration entry

    Maintenance garage moves
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the picture.

    Friday, October 2,1998:
    During the past week work has continued as previewed to close-in the front section of the building, commence the roofing work and prepare the rear section for insulation and bricking. Work on the plumbing, electrical and ventilation systems continues and more interior division walls have been errected. During the coming week the final preparation of the front section will be undertaken and the new floor slab poured. The project continues to be on-time and on-budget.

    Work progresses on-schedule.
    Pictures - October 2, 1998

    Entry to Interior Decoration

    New side entry

    Fronting on Maple Avenue

    Window area - Maple Ave.
    Click on "Back" button after viewing picture.

    Friday, October 9,1998:
    This week has seen considerable progress in the areas of innerwall construction, application of insulation and work in both electrical and mechanical systems. In addition the main slab was poured for the newly constructed front portion of the building. With the slab in place the interior walls will be constructed in the coming weeks and the main focus will be in bricking the exterior of the building and the completion of road-work.

    Fast-track Construction Keeps Project on Schedule

    Construction Team at weekly site-meeting

    More Pictures from 98.10.08

    Entry to the Auto & Welding shops

    Entry to the Interior Decoration area

    Rear of building receives insulation

    Insulation blown on prior to bricking

    Model of future decorative brickwork

    Inner-walls give form to shops

    Future welding assembly shop

    New slab poured for front section

    Expanse of new front construction
    Click on "Back" button after viewing picture

    Friday, October 16,1998:
    A short week due to the holiday along with wet weather did not allow for the brick-work to advance as anticipated. However, the masons working inside, considerable progress was made on the interior walls of the new front section. Heating, ventilation and electrical work has progressed in accordance with the timetable of work and the project remains on schedule. Work will continue through the weekend to prepare for the installation of the outdoor light standards.

    Work Progress ~~ Inside the Envelope

    Pictures from October 16, 1998

    Side, insulated

    Gas/Oxygen storage

    Auto Mech. Office

    Interior Design Area

    New corridor area

    Separation Wall

    New ..meets..Old

    Auto/Welding Corridor

    Paper Storage room

    Second welding shop

    Click on "Back" button after viewing picture.

    Saturday, October 24,1998:
    This week the building again took on a new face as the brickwork was completed on the rear section and a good portion of the long sidewall was installed. Roofing continued and the curb-work for the new driveway and entry was started. In the interior several new wall sections were put in place. The colors for the interior were chosen at this weeks job-site meeting. The project continues at a rapid pace and effectively may have some of the workshop areas completed for use prior to the Christmas Holiday.

    Pictures from October 23, 1998

    Rear section, fully bricked

    Welding shop, supervision area

    The long side, taking a new look

    Room divider walls being raised

    A decorative touch in brickwork

    Front section layout

    Side entry awaiting its brickwork

    Interior decoration, ready for blockwork

    Front insulated and ready for brick

    Decoration paint-shop, yet to be

    Curbs in place for the driveway

    Anti-explosive room for gas and oxygen

    It is a large building
    Click on your "Back" button after viewing the picture.

    Building Site

    Hit by "Fire"

    Sunday, October 25, 1998

    In the early hours of Sunday morning a fire was discovered on the roof of the new construction.

    The reason, or motif, has yet to be determined.

    While damage was limited, considerable smoke damage appears on the outer walls of the raised gymnasium of the existing building


    Smoke damage up the gym wall

    New flashing burns

    Smoke damage from the far side

    Friday, October 30,1998:
    With winter approaching and the good weather continuing, the emphasis has been on the completion of the exterior and preparation for paving. It has been recognized that we may have to wait for spring for the landscaping. Work continues on a fast-track in the interior with work on the electro-mechanical and ventilation systems well underway. Office areas in the first phase are in the gyprock phase and near ready for painting.

    Work Progesses at a Fast-track
    October 30, 1998

    Pictures from October 30th.

    Entry being prepared

    Interior walls in place

    New Corridor

    Pulling wire

    Sud-ready for gyprock

    Welding Office

    Shop vent system

    Front , near complete

    Click on "Back" button
    after viewing picture.

    Thursday, November 5,1998:
    As the exterior of the building nears competion, the emphasis will turn to working on the inside to complete the first phase of construction and prepare for the second phase in constructing the new auto mechanics facility. Paving will be done in the coming week as well as the moving of the major rooftop heating, ventilation and aircleaning units into place. The windows are scheduled for arrival as well as the translucent panels to complete the exterior.

    Outside Nears Completion
    November 5, 1998

    Pictures from November 5, 1998

    Ready for ashphalt

    Side entry walkway

    Decoration assembly

    Rooftop machinery

    Welding booths

    1st. Shop painted

    Class gyprocked

    Drafting studded

    Corridors painted

    Interior Dec. entry
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the pictures.

    Thursday, November 13,1998:
    With the cold weather setting in, the final brickwork has been all but completed and the window installation commenced. Paving has been comnpleted and work has progressed in the interior to the point of the first welding shop being moved over this coming weekend, a month early.

    Work progresses with each day
    as the project nears completion of "Phase I"

    Corridor ceiling decorative work.

    Pictures from

    November 11, 1998

    Front entry paved

    Rear of building paved

    Driveway curbs & paving

    Side driveway paved

    Storage garage in progress

    Decoration lab ceiling work

    Drawing rooms gyprocked

    Insulating work areas

    Ventilation work

    Welding air cleaning system

    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the pictures.

    Pictures from
    November 16, 1998

    Assembly Shop

    Welding Booths

    Garage Opening

    Old - to - New

    Monday, November 23,1998:
    During the past week the work on the installation of the translucent panels commenced and is anticipated to be completed this week. The first welding shop moved into its new facilities and preparation for demolition of the rear section for the auto mechanics shops commenced. Painting continued and presented a problematic situation of fumes spreading throughout the building. This matter was addressed and hopefully the problem has been regulated. Work continues on the electrical and mechanical systems.

    Photos from November 20, 1998

    Ceiling Work

    Painted Corridors

    Entry Corridor

    Storage Garage

    Translucent Panel

    Second Panel

    Panel Construction

    Outside Panel

    Electrical Work

    Machines in Place
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the photo.

    Friday, November 27,1998:
    This week saw the completion of the installation of the translucent panels, the garage doors and the exterior metal doors. Work continued in the interior with the installation of the track-work for the suspended ceilings and the continuation of electrical systems installation. The first work on the second phase of construction commenced.

    Pictures from November 27, 1998

    New Gaz Installation

    The rear finished

    New Paper-storage

    Welding office
    Click on your "Back" Button
    after viewing the pictures.

    Friday, December 4,1998:
    Work continues to advance at a fast pace as the projected date for the completion of Phase I of the project remains as the Christmas break. Demolition has commenced in the rear section of the building in preparation for the beginning of construction of Phase II immediately following the Christmas break.

    Pictures From December 4, 1998

    Interior Decoration Public Entry

    Corridor in Interior Decoration

    Work on Interior Decoration Shop

    "Showcase" window to be installed

    "Mac" Computer Drawing Room

    "IBM" Computer Drawing Room

    40 Welding Stations

    Welding Grinding Room

    Demolition for Auto-Mechanics

    Walls Coming Down

    Preparing for Phase II

    Down with the "old", prep for the "new"
    Click on your "Back" button after viewing the pictures.

    Friday, December 11,1998:
    While the majority of the work is taking place on the inside of the building, the "showcase windows", and entry were installed. The demolition of the interior as part of Phase II has commenced and the preparation for the main auto-shop has commenced. The floor of the new autoshop will be poured during the next week. During the past week, tenders were received for the installation of new lockers and Inter/Intranet connectivity. The new center will have a minimum of 50 computerstations networked and connected to the Internet.

    The First Phase of the Project nears completion.

    Photos from December 12, 1998

    Front, near finished

    Quite a change

    Glass entry installed

    Stone-work in progress


    The long side finished


    From the street

    Auto, Entry door

    Light to the Corridor
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the picture.

    Friday, December 18,1998:
    This being the last week of construction prior to the Christmas Holiday close-down, final work was effected on the welding shop that is to move during the Christmas break. In addition the slab in the auto-shop was poured and finishing work done on the Interior Decoration shops and the corridors. The exterior was completed and exterior light standards installed and operational.

    Friday, January 8, 1999:
    The first phase of the project nears completion with the demolition for the second phase of the project underway. The finishing touches are being made to the welding and Interior Decoration & Display areas.

    Pictures from January 8, 1999

    Corridor Tiling Work

    Recessed Floor Electrical Installations

    Cabinet Units in each Workshop

    Welding Shop Fully Equipped

    Phase II Demolition

    Phase II Demolition #2

    Phase II Demolition #3

    Phase II Demolition #4
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the pictures

    Friday, January 15, 1999:
    During this past week, carpeting was laid in the Interior Decoration and Drafting teaching areas, final touch-ups in painting and the installation of hardware took place. The completion of demolition in the Phase II section as well as installation of ventilation systems was accomplished.

    Phase I Nears Completion
    Pictures from January 18, 1999


    Drafting room

    Interior Decoration drawing room

    Front Corridor

    Decoration assembly shop

    Main Corridor

    Reception area

    Samples room

    Welding Office

    Decoration workshop
    Click on your "Back" button
    after viewing the pictures.

    Friday, January 26, 1999:
    The finishing touches are now being applied to Phase I of the project including the installation of lockers, fire protection systems and lighting effects. The second phase of the project is well underway with intense work on the wall construction of the various workshops in the Auto-mechanic shops. Installation of ventilation systems and electrical systems in Phase II continues and preparation for the initial painting is underway.

    N. Burke re-visits the site.
    Pictures from January 21, 1999

    Installation of Phase II blockwork.

    Expanse of the shops.

    Ventilation work underway.

    Walls put into place.

    Preparing to turn old into new.
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    after viewing the pictures

    January 29, 1999

    "On Schedule"

    Lockers installed

    Autoshop under construction

    Expanse of the future


    Silkscreen sink area

    Welding washup area

    Fountains installed

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    after viewing the pictures

    Friday, February 12, 1999:
    In the short period since the Christmas break, the construction has progressed in Phase II to the point that the end is in sight. With all the walls in place, painting is well underway, hanging of ceilings has commenced and within the next two weeks all major work will be completed. Washrooms are all but completed and the final cleaning of Phase I will be undertaken in preparation for the classes to move into the new facility on the weekend of February 27th.

    Friday, February 16, 1999:
    During this past week the auto-mechanics facility has progressed considerably. The installation of all doors, windows and hardware has been accomplished as well as most of the painting. The tool-room is all but complete. The office, lecture rooms, and classrooms will be completed within the next week. Moving of Interior Decoration and Drafting is scheduled for February 27th. and the auto programs on March 26th. The official opening is planned for April 15th.

    Monday, March 1, 1999:
    The second group of programs has moved into their new facilities, Interior Decorating and Drafting. The finishing work in the Automechanics areas continues with the floor finishing being applied during the next week. Adjustments to systems continues and the contractor is addressing the minor deficiencies around the facility. Once the auto floor is completed, the final work will be undertaken in thes shops.

    Interior Decorating and Display Program
    moves into their new facilities
    March 3, 1999

    Decorating Drawing Room

    Table Drawing

    Decorating Workshop

    Workshop moving-in

    Display Room

    First classes

    Painting and silkscreen

    Ofice area
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    after viewing the pictures

    Friday, March 12, 1999:
    During the past week, while there appears to be little visual change on the construction site, work progresses on the final work to bring this project to completion. Deficiencies are being addressed on a daily basis. Honeywell has been on site starting the balancing work of ventilation, heating and aircondtioning systems with particular reference to the second phase. We anticipate all will be near complete for the automotive programs to move into their new facilities on the weekend of March 26 th. and all work will be completed (other than the exterior landscaping and the integration of the art) in time for the Official Opening on April 15, 1999.

    Friday, March 26, 1999: While the work of the construction company continues, the staff of the centre scurry about organizing the newly constructed tool-room and preparing for the automechanics programs to move back to the new facility this weekend. The lifts are installed, and all necessary systems are in place for program operation. The engineers and architect are completing their deficiency lists and these items are being addressed on a daily basis by the contractor.

    Nearing Completion

    March 25, 1999

    Rear of night

    Translucent walls

    Interior Dec. entry

    Along the driveway

    Display window #1

    Display window #2

    Display window #3

    Glowing in the dark

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    after viewing the picture(s)

    April 15, 1999

    The Official Opening of the Centre

    A point in our history
    to be proud of !

    To be Continued

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