How Does Gateways Work?
  GATEWAYS will guide you to discover and/or build upon your true creative core. As we do this, you will gain clarity on your goals (career & other.) We will CLARIFY your goals, EMPOWER your Creativity, and help you to take consistent ACTIONS that produce results. (This coaching method is based in spirituality, and influenced by C.G. Jung and universal mythological themes.)

Note: GATEWAYS IS FLEXIBLE: The steps below apply to most of my arts clients. However, if you simply want a mentor to help you with goal setting and momentum building for specific projects (book writing etc.), I will tailor the method to accomodate your needs.

We will CLARIFY your goals and challenges using universal themes. Universal themes reflect the common spiritual challenges that creative people face as they undergo change. Universals offer valuable insights into your creativity. As we work with a universal theme, it comes to reflect your *unique* challenges. We discover what actions will lead your creative process forward. In this way, obstacles are transformed into "gateways" to your goals. The keys to your transition will be found in one of these themes. No matter what your spiritual leanings are, one or more of these themes will help to illuminate your path.

Contact me to learn more about GATEWAYS Universal themes and teachings of Carl Jung.

You will learn holistic tools that support you in ACTION taking. Gateways tools will ease you into ACCELERATION toward new goals. This is a goal-oriented coaching method. It is not therapy, but is a holistic complement to it. I help clients to gently release the old, and shift into new attitudes and behaviors that empower them to reach new levels of creativity and new goals.

Gateways Tools:
Myth, Poetry, Dream Work, Journaling, Movement for Mind-Body connection, Personal Imagery, Drawing, Affirmations, Meditation and Guided Prayer. Each client is unique and requires a different combination of tools…