This page consists of articles that were inspired by
my experiences and insights regarding the creative process.
It also includes articles on various related topics.
Shepherds of the Night
(How Your Dreams Help Point the Way)
Susan is dining in an airport café. A loud speaker
suddenly blasts a warning that a harsh military regime
is due to arrive momentarily. Frantic, Susan jumps up
and begins to bury her food under the dirt floor, determined
to cover her tracks. Doing so, however, it dawns on
her that the food’s smell is a dead giveaway,
and to bury it is “an exercise in futility...more
The Power of Your Creative Voice
(Tempering the Inner Critic)
"The Creative Voice is infinitely more powerful
than the Critical Voice." This statement is often
hard for artists and other creatives to absorb, especially
if Their Critic has been in the lead, either consciously
or unconsciously. But our intuitive center is always
urging us toward healing change, and healthy new risk,
like a lighthouse beacon, calling us forward to new
challenges and rewards...
more >>
The War on Terrorism
(Where are We Headed?)
In September 2001, president George W. Bush delivered
an elegantly written congressional speech that stirred
American resolve: to beef up security and defense, to
solidify a global allied coalition, and to exact justice
for the monstrous World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.
We were impressed by the patriotic determination shared
by all members of the chamber....But fine as the speech
was, many of us are grappling with the omissions between
the stalwart lines. The promising signs are not adequate
to still the waves of unease crashing below the surface
of our collective psyche. Our hair is on end, as NATO
ventures into the supremely perilous and volatile Middle
East.... more >>
(Discipline or Willingness?)
When it comes to creativity, the word discipline can present
problems. Webster defines the word in these terms: controlled
behavior; a systematic method to obtain obedience; a state of
order based on submission to rules and authority; punishment
intended to train or correct. For many of us, discipline is
like taking a dose of castor oil. Admonishing ourselves into
action, we "force it down" in order to accomplish our goals....
more >>