Glad ya made it to my music page!

Music is a great way to express yourself. It can help you get out of that nasty mood you've been in all day,or maybe you're feeling down,and want to keep it that way,then you play some tune that just fits into the mood.Either way music can top off whatever you're feeling:)

First of all you MUST have RealAudio to listen to these! If you dont have RealAudio...go download it here RealAudio

If after hitting play,it downloads instead of popping up your RA player,it's because you have to tell your browser what application to use to play the files.When the box pops up and asks you to download or pick app ...choose pick and browse for your Real audio exe.

I originally did these in stereo,and they sounded great on my system,but due to space,and the fact that most people were missing out anyways,I made em mono:) But they are still pretty good quality.
Hope you enjoy them!

For those trying for the contest:
Heres your hint..each song does contain the song title

Song Title Artist Play Song
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play
You Guess You Guess Play

I've tried to pick a good variety of tunes,(even some country,which is definitly not me!),so don't complain...if it's something you don't like...just don't listen to it!
But I hope you listen to them all,who knows might find something you like and would have never listened to in the first place:)

I plan to change these songs..hopefully once a month.

Pick Of the Week
This will change every Monday,could be a new song or maybe a classic,all depends on what catches my ear at the moment:)