Well I just had to make a special page for my spoiled lil' critters!
I have 3 dogs,Ozzy,Noah, and our newest tail wagger Bailey,and also 2 sugar gliders,Polly and Elmo.
Ozzy is a Cairn Terrier...yep he's Toto dog!
Oh and the newest addition,my ferret Jinx! MY DOGS
Noah is a Maltese..and a total opposite from Ozzy!
Here is Noah as a pup
Noah wants nothing but love,and of course we can't deny him that:) He's definitly a lap dog and of course being my baby, he follows me everywhere!
Ozzy and Noah together...Best Friends!
We love our little dogs,but wanted a bigger one,so the kids would have someone to play fetch with,So we got Bailey:)
The first question I get asked is "What is a sugarglider?!" Gliders like anything sweet to eat..hence their name,but they eat other things too.Exspecially mealworms!~L~
A sugarglider is not a pet for everyone,they require alot of time,and definitly a glider proof home:) Can't forget my ferret!
Not much to say about Jinx,he's a clown when he wants to be,and a cuddler too:)
Well a glider belongs in the marsupial family,meaning they have their babies in a pouch.They are nocturnal,so they are not out too much during the day,although I've heard of some people rearranging their gliders sleep habits.
If you have only 1 glider it requires that you spend alot of time with it so it can bond with you and not get lonely.With 2 it's still nice to bond with them,but if you don't have as much time,they will keep each other company when you're not around.
Here our our gliders,Polly on the left and Elmo on the right.
We give them lots of mealworms when Polly is pg to increase their protein intake.
Heres a baby glider after it comes out of the pouch.
If you want to know more about these cute little creatures,here are some links
A Pocket Full Of Fun
Glider Net
This is Jinx