Draconian Knights Tournament Page
This page serves as an information page for Knights tournaments. If you are interested in any of our tournaments, read on for more information. The links to the event coordinators are to be used for any questions players may have about the tournament.
Weekly Knights GE Tournament
Relevant Storyline: After the battles have been won and the spoils of war have been taken, Knights return to their homeworld for a contest to gain more experience in the area of combat. Their enemies and allies also enjoy this contest and enter frequently to also sharpen their skills.
Date & Scheduled Start Time: Every week on Fridays at 1700 Server Time (8PM Eastern Time) unless other Knights' events are planned below.
Terrain: Skill Games Only, Randomly Chosen Map
Deck Limitations: 50 card minimum, Uncommons and commons only, Special Headquarters allowed.
Format: Single Elimination
Sign-up Information: All players wishing to participate in the tournament should report in the "Knights' GE Tourney" Room twenty minutes before scheduled start time. Whisper to tournament coordinator if you wish to enter. There must be at least 16 people signed up for prizes to be provided.
Miscellaneous Information: This tournament is recommended for anyone who wishes to play. Though new players should be aware that most people will use competitive level decks.
Prize: Prizes will be revealed at the end of the tournament.
Event Coordinator: Archangel96
"Bushido Champion" Tournament
Relevant Storyline: During the month of Ascension, the homeworld holds a tournament open to all to test their skills. They invite the leaders of other homeworlds to send their best champions to this contest to win honor, glory and recognition. Also some of the new technology developed by Knights' scientists.
Date & Scheduled Start Time: Friday, March 26th, 1999 at 1700 Server Time (8PM Eastern Time)
Terrain: Skill Pacifica Map
Deck Limitations: 50 card minimum, No Programs allowed, No Special Headquarters allowed.
Format: Single Elimination
Sign-up Information: Faction leaders must send an e-mail to Archangel96 with the Chron X names and e-mail addresses of the 2 faction members who are going to participate. Those 2 participants will be e-mailed the password to the event. Only 2 members of each faction may participate. Participants must show up 20 mintues before the scheduled start time.
Miscellaneous Information: This tournament is recommended for anyone who wishes to play. Though new players should be aware that most people will use competitive level decks.
Prize: 2 High Flux Nukes, 2 D. Talks and 2 Ambassador Khans for winning faction's card bank.
Event Coordinator: Archangel96
Mercenaries Tournament Program
The Mercenary program was founded by the Draconian Knights for the benefit of the Knights and Chron X players alike. This program is for Non-Professional tournaments only. A description of the program is provided below.
If a player or a team needs another player for a non-pro tournament to fill a spot, that player or team may "hire" a player from the Draconian Knights to play. The definition of hiring a Draconian Knights member is paying a nominal fee for the services of a Draconian Knights member. The fee is dependant on the value of the prize awarded for the winner(s). The greater the prize, the greater the risk for our players. Below is a general guideline of payment for a mercenary's services.
Level 1 Tournament (Small Prize): 10 Uncommons or 15Commons
Level 2 Tournament (Moderate Prize): 15 Uncommons or 20 Commons
Level 3 Tournament (Valuable Prize): 1 Rare or 20 Uncommons or 30 Commons
Arrangements for a Mercenary to be hired are as follows: Any player must contact Archangel96 twenty-four hours in advance of the tournament. The person contacted will find an able member of the Draconian Knights to play in the tournament and a meeting of the contact person and the player requesting the mercenary will occur to discuss the payment arrangements. The player will pay the requested amount in exchange for the services of the found mercenary. The payment will be deposited into the Draconian Knights card bank. If the player is unhappy with the mercenary found, a new mercenary will be contacted. There will be no refunds for the services provided, so the player is forewarned to choose their mercenary carefully. Also, the player is responsible for informing the tournament coordinator in advance of the tournament that the mercenary will be taking someone's or your place.
Draconis Combine Insignia is © 1998 FASA Corporation
Genetic Anomalies, Chron X, and the GA and Chron X logos are TM & © 1998 Genetic Anomalies, Inc.
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