Draconian Knights Code of Conduct
1. Swearing is not permitted. Swearing is not going to be tolerated in the Knights and all members of the Knights are to watch their language. Any commanding officer who receives a report of repeated swearing will give that report to his assigned Tai-sho and the Tai-sho shall deal and try to resolve the situation. Any member who commits this offense will undergo the Silver Blade Ruling (explained below), which will be invoked by the assigned Tai-sho of that member. At no time is any faction member allowed to invoke the Silver Blade Ruling except the Tai-sho and Kanrei. If a Tai-sho cannot be located, the Kanrei shall be contacted and will handle the situation. Any member who repeatedly commits this offense may undergo a magistrate decision of expulsion from the Knights.
2. No cheating is allowed. Pulling the plug when you are about to lose a game or cheating a newbie out of cards will not be tolerated in the Knights. Cheating is just bad sportsmanship and it can ruin your reputation. Any commanding officer who receives a report of cheating will give that report to his assigned Tai-sho and the Tai-sho shall deal and try to resolve the situation. Any member who commits this offense, and found guilty, will undergo the Silver Blade Ruling (explained below), which will be invoked by the assigned Tai-sho. At no time is any faction member allowed to invoke the Silver Blade Ruling except the Tai-sho and Kanrei. If a Tai-sho cannot be located, the Kanrei shall be contacted and will handle the situation. Any member who repeatedly commits this offense may undergo a magistrate decision of expulsion from the Knights.
3. Public or private harassment is not tolerated. Public or private harassment of any player in the Core will not be tolerated. Harassment is defined as inappropriate behavior which others have asked to be stopped, but the unwelcome behavior continues. Any commanding officer who receives a report of harassment will give that report to his assigned Tai-sho and the Tai-sho shall deal and try to resolve the situation. Any member who commits this offense, and found guilty, will undergo the Silver Blade Ruling (explained below), which will be invoked by the assigned Tai-sho. At no time is any faction member allowed to invoke the Silver Blade Ruling except the Tai-sho and Kanrei. If a Tai-sho cannot be located, the Kanrei shall be contacted and will handle the situation. Any member who repeatedly commits this offense may undergo a magistrate decision of expulsion from the Knights.
A. Silver Blade Ruling
1st Offense: A warning shall be given to the offending member.
2nd Offense: Member privileges ( card bank, participating in Knights tournaments, etc.) will be stripped from offending member and will not be reinstated until assigned Tai-sho sees fit.
3rd Offense: The matter will be taken to the Kanrei for a magistrate decision, which may result in expulsion from the Knights.
4th Offense: If the magistrate decision was not expulsion from the Knights, an automatic expulsion will be given to the offending member and will not be eligible to re-join until two months have past.
General Guidelines
1. Be professional. Don't resort to trash-talking because a newbie doesn't know what he is doing. If a newbie asks for help, do help in any way possible. Be respectful to GA and Sony representatives. If a player knows your not going to trash-talk them, they'll enjoy games with you. In a dispute, GA and other players will back you up because of your good reputation. "Be professional" does not mean you can't make jokes or be funny with your buddies in other factions. Friendly jokes are different from immature insults which are meant to hurt other people. Please know the difference.
2. Show up on time. If you signed up for a tournament, wake up on time and the right time zone. Also be prepared for any situation which might arise. And if you have no chance of winning, play out your games, because one of your later games might affect the outcome. It's not fair to give people automatic wins when you got them all hyper about beating you. If you can't make it to a tournament or an event, tell the event coordinator and tell them why. The whole point is to let another people know your dependable.
3. Be willing to help out. This means if you can help the Knights, do so. If you're a good tournament organizer, tell us that you want to hold one and the Kanrei will help coordinate the event. If you want to write strategy articles or deck construction ideas, submit them and we would be glad to post them on the website. If you can't figure out anything to help, be willing to play skill games against newbies and unregistered people and give them some advice during the game.
4. Mercenary Program. If you are chosen to play in a tournament as a mercenary for the Draconian Knights, you are expected to try your best. Players pay a nominal fee for your services, so they should "get what they pay for". If you try your best, other players may be attracted to use the Mercenary program. Playing your best will tell the hiring player that "Hey, this guy is pretty good. Maybe I should try this program more often". If you played in a pro tournament, you'd probably try your best at it, which you should do while playing as a mercenary for the Knights. We want everyone to respect the Mercenary program, so do your personal best.
This Code of Conduct and General Guidelines were meant to keep the faction under control and alive. It wasn't meant to severely punish members who commit offenses, it was meant to keep the faction intact and let the members share their ideas. We should learn from each other and we want to look professional in the eyes of other factions and players.
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