The Arilou Skiff is a small ship with a small crew, but it goes really fast and has an inertialess drive and can teleport. This ship is a ship of manueverability. The nice ability to teleport when about to be killed frustrates your enemy very very much. Its weapon is an auto-homing laser, it has really short range but fires rapidly, and can inflict moderate damage each attack. Its energy recharge is quick, allowing for a fast attack cycle. All in all, Arilou ships are for the agile and mobility players.
Flying the Arilou: The Arilou is very easy to fly. Just point and engage. You stop automatically whenever you let go of the key. Turning is a cinch, it turns so fast that you have to be careful not to overshoot your direction. Instant acceleration takes time to get adept at, but it can surprise the enemy when you are just standing there one second, the next you're at the other side of the screen! Attacking is somewhat harder. The Arilou has to come through enemy defenses and find the ship's blind side to unleash its laser energy on. But usually the enemy is not dumb and they will notice when you are parading towards them. So even if you have the speed advantage, which you usually do, it takes time to come in to the blind side, and they will notice and bear their weapons on you. To get past this predicament, start weaving, zig-zagging, and see if you can outturn them and fire, and finally teleport away to recharge. But you have to watch out for the safety of your hideously small crew. One shot can destroy/devastate your crew. That must be why you are endowed with speed and teleportation. Use it well.
Ships that happen to die against the Ariloulaleelay:
Mycon. VUX. Melnorme. Umgah. X-Chagger.
Ships that kill Arilou really really fast:
Chmmr. Kohr-Ah. Colony Ship. Lk. Doog.
Chenjesu Broodhome
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The Chenjesu Broodhome is a large, plodding vessel of immense power. Fast-firing crystal shards that fragment upon command cause huge damage to enemy ships. Energy sucking DOGIs give your opponent more targets and frustration, while aiding you all at the same time. Relatively large crew allows for repeated bullying, which you will take due to the excrutiatingly slow speed of this vessel. Quick energy recharge enables you to press your attack frequently, and keep the enemy reeling. Broodhomes are for the power player who does not need speed to win.
Flying the Chenjesu: You must plan in advance where you wish to go. Chenjesu sacrifice speed for power, and it is a rather large sacrifice. Chenjesu acceleration just plainly sucks; it is even worse than the Earthling's. Turn is not as bad, but it is far from good. All things considered, you have to plan way ahead, and turn and thrust. But then you must take in your enemy's position, and institute more course corrections. Always think about your course, planet collisions wreak extreme havoc on your vessel. Stay at long range from the opponent, and release crystal shards towards your enemy's projected position some seconds ahead in time - you're far away, and those projectiles will take a while! Try and launch a DOGI at the start of battle if defense is not a primary concern, it'll distract your enemy long enough for you to get into firing position. Then WHAMO! Oh, and when you miss the direct hit, let go of the fire key and the shard will fragment into eight smaller pieces that do a little damage apiece. Periodically float DOGIs, if only to frustrate your enemy; unless you need the energy for something else, like firing shards in people's faces if they overtake you and appear right next to you. :)
Ships that happen to die against the Chenjesu:
Arilou. Utwig. Umgah.
Ships that kill Chenjesu really really fast:
Nothing really can kill Chenjesu that efficiently.