The Galactic Federation is not here to exploit Earth humans. Rather it is here to promote them into higher consciousness and to save a beleaguered planet. We are here to help birth a new human spirit advance the entire human race into their intended true role as a guardian species once again. In this increased consciousness, Earth humans will then reclaim their relationship with other humans spread all across the galaxy. After your many difficulties, you deserve to experience the glory of life and of love, not our daily lives, but also by extending that positive energy to and sentient beings throughout the galaxy and throughout the creation.

Let us now look at this entire process of establishing a first contact by using Earth as an example. The concept of altering the Federation's role in your solar system began in the 1950s formation of a special liaison and cultural group assigned to the subterranean human civilizations, organized under the auspices of what you call either Agartha or Shamballa. This is a large, on that exists beneath the surface of your planet. This particular liaison cultural group was later given the task of implementing large-scale contact by the Galactic Federation to awaken its Earth human contactees. These contactees were initially picked because of their background in science and also because there was hope at they would act as communication nodes for possible media contact-a way to spread the Galactic Federation's message.

The Galactic Federation also began developing additional liaison teams to attempt to overcome the difficulties of contating the surface governments of your planet and also the main organization of your nations-the United Nations. This activity was expanded in the late1960s to prepare for the fact that the surface civilization was environmentally destroying your planet, and to for a possible small-scale evacuation which included a plan reseeding of human beings on planet Earth. At that time, a First Contact Team was established-a team with a very limited supervisory role.

By the 1980s, the Galactic Federation began to see that it was essential to view what was happening on Earth, not as a process of doom, but as a process of transformation and increasing enlightenment. These developments consequently created the need for a new type of organization. This new organization was also called Contact Team and it was initially formed in the early part of the1980s. Its mission has been vastly expanded from the concepts that created the First Contact Team in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. This current First Contact Team now had a new vitality based on that a massive first contact was really possible. This hope was generated by the possible benefits of the upcoming photon belt and the evolving agreement in the Sirian Regional Council, feasibility of using the new rising consciousness to prevent; a disaster scenario from occurring.

At this same time, the Sirians also learned of a new development. They were notified by the cetaceans and by Lady Spiritual Hierarchy to change the contact scenario to one a massascension process. This new reality caused the Sirians to lobby the Sirian Regional Council for a change in policy in regards to amass landing. This policy change began to take effect in the late 1980s. It has allowed the Sirians to alter the Sun's and to research the methods for the first emergence of the ascension process. This research led them to bring many scientific your solar system to evaluate the biosphere in a new way-away that would allow your solar system to be altered back to what it was at the time of Lemuria. This concept of restoration then be primary guiding principle for all science and space mission planet.

As a result of this alteration, a First Contact Team powers to act as the "welcoming Earth home mission" -was formally established in the late 1980s. A new leader was appoint name must not be revealed until just before contact, and purposeful progress in the past two years that has led us blanding process that we are now preparing to accomplish.

Earth was evaluated in the early l990s to preps welcoming home mission of the Galactic Federation's First Team. This procedure was done for two purposes: first, was essential for the Galactic Federation to know who and what you are; and second, to aid the First Contact Team in its mission to restore Earth to the conditions wanted by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Therefore, these exhaustive studies included scientific teams that could properly assess what improvements and alterations should be done to restore Earth to it's original pristine condition.

The First Contact Team has had to create a Board of Command of fifty beings whose job is to oversee these many tasks. The Board of Command has been organized into appropriate committees who have been assigned various aspects of science, technology, ect., as required by the appropriate Galactic Federation Regional Council. The Sirian Regional Council has given the contact team full authority over all space in your solar system which includes planet Earth, as well as assisting your solar system by providing for it's defense. Here is an explanatory diagram describing the various components of the Sirian mission. (see figure 30: Chart of First Contact team.

Part One: Laison with Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy.

The first part of this mission is simply overseeing the changes in Lady Gaia. Lady Gaia has been altered from a largely 3rd-dimentional Spiritual Hierarchy with adjunct powers in the higher dimensions to a 5th-dimensional Spiritual Hierarchy with the same powers. This change has caused the First Contact Team to appoint a committee that now monitors this change in planetary spirituality.

Part Two: Planetary Enviormental Recovery.

The second part of the mission is the surveying of the planet's surface and it's interior as well. This ongoing science mission has helped to establish the scientific procedures needed to return your planet to the pristine state requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
The Galactic Federation now believes it is essential to alter the present make-up of governance on Earth to a nonhierarchy structure, since fully conscious humans are cooperative and will want to govern themselves in a democratic way.

Part Three: Cultural Assistance and the Landings.

The third aspect of this mission is cultural and involves the actual contact process. The cultural mission was established for two purposes.

First, Earth civilization is about to evolve into a civilization consisting of fully conscious human beings who are a gaurdian species. they must be aided and supported during their transition into civilization that has both the technology and the culture that mirrors this prime function.

Second, this purpose cans for the implementation of a galactic n culture on Earth, but with some modifications from the earlier culture brought to your planet during the time of Lemuria. This culture is called a Lyran/Sirian civilization. This line of development is a far cry from that which is presently established on Earth. Therefore, it was decided that special cultural committees liaison teams from Sirius would function in this role.

Part Four: Ecological Perimeters of Earth's Biosphere.
The fourth part of this mission given the First Contact Team is to establish the necessary ecological perimeters of your planet. To do so, it is necessary to go back in time and compare the past with the present. As a result, incredibly sound programs for altering the present surface of your planet have been established. Programs are underway that win successfully transform Earth back to its original state. This intent is one to which both the cetacean guardian species and Lady Gala are now committed, and their will will be done.

Fart Five: Lialson for Galactic Federation and Earth
The fifth and final aspect of the First Contact Team's mission is to provide liaison groups between the Galactic Federation Councils our soon-to-be emerging new galactic civilization. This mission is sentry in the process of being established. It is the hope of the Contact Team that when the mass landings occur, those who are part of the special teams win be able to provide the necessary liaison and assistance needed to aid the humans currently residing on your planet.

The overall mission of the First Contact Team, then, is to assist rival of fun consciousness for an humans on planet Earth. It also to allow those who are in fun consciousness to establish appropriate governing structures. This particular government will be of light and growth and not of hierarchical and authoritarian purposes.

When the mass landings occur, a temporary governing council will be created consisting of four groups. These groups are as follows: 1. selected members from Lord Metatron's Central Sun Council; 2. Numerous members from the Ruling Council of Agartha (Shamballa); 3. Selected cultural transference and liaison counselors from Sirius as representatives of the Galactic Federation; and 4. planetary advocate groups. These various elements will act as a temporary governing council whose sole purpose is to prepare Earth's human its newform of' governance. The Central Sun Council of win have the final say as to when this council is to be permanent council through the timings established by divine plan and divine right order.

At the present time, the Galactic Federation is in detailing the final plan-the where's and the when's of the First Contact Mission and its development after contact. The Galactic Federation's mission is based upon peace and upon love. Therefore, all who are coming to you as a part of the Galactic Federation will be on Earth as your elder galactic brothers and sisters who intend to perform this rescue mission with love, concern, and caring.

All that the Galactic Federation's First Contact you, dear reader, is to accept the fact that a great change consciousness is about to occur. You Earth human embark on the amazing destiny that was forecast for you in prophecies of your great religious works. As a fully conscious being, you will become a part of the great trinity of guardian earlier in this book. Please become aware of this responsibility and begin now to practice its tenets.

We ask finally that you begin to form the plant groups so essential for the success of our programs to both your planet's and your own transformation/ascension process. It is a great and exciting time of change for your planet and all living things upon it. It is one that will shortly be filled with joy fulfillment! We of the Galactic Federation are happy your planet and your fellow members of the solar system are on the verge of a most wondrous destiny!

The first charkra is called the root center. It is the foundation or prime electrical ground for the body. It connects the body's electromagnetic grid to Earth much as a ground does in a typical RF or radio electrical circuit. The center is located as the sexual emotional center (higher forms of pleasure and ecstasy) for the body and is located at the base of the torso or the spine.

The second chakra is the sex or sexual center. This center acts as the emotional center (higher forms of pleasure and ecstasy) for the body and is located in the same region of the body that contains the genitals.

The third chakra is at the solar plexus. It acts as the body's base emotional (hate, anger, toy, laughter) center and is located in the region of the body that contains the bellybutton, the spleen, and the liver.

The fourth chakra is the heart center. This chakra is the intuitive or love center (higher emotions) and is centered around the region of the heart and the lungs.

The fifth chakra is the throat center. It is the communication center and is located in the region of the larynx in the throat.

The sixth chakra is the so-called "third eye" or Ajna center. This center is located above the nose in the center of the brow and is the center for receiving and utilizing various visionary and related psychical abilities.

The seventh chakra is the crown center located at the back part of the top of the head. It is the center for the connection to the higher self.

The aura, or the body's energy field, surrounds these seven centers and acts as an indicator of how efficiently these centers are performing. Traditionally, the set of chakras has had the seven prismatic colors assigned to it, one color for each chakra. In effect, the aura and its colors reflect the health of the chakra and at the e time indicate how efficiently any selected part of the body is forming.


To better understand this new chakra system, we will first explain how the various chakras interact with one another in your new semi-etheric body. Then, we will give a complete overview of the new 13-chakra system. In this way, you win be able to fully comprehend this presently evolving system of body energy centers (chakras).

In your new semi-etheric body, a great deal of variation will occur in how these energy centers operate and how they will interact with one another. Therefore, let's examine what these changes are and see how they will affect your new semi-etheric body. To understand how the new chakra system actually operates and Invigorates the body, it is necessary to observe how the interplay between the chakras actually functions.

Because the eighth chakra and the six chakra system are both light sensitive (the basic of life is light), the frequencies of light in these centers will resonate together and produce love energies. This effect causes the six chakras to resonate the fifth or heart chakra.
Interaction of Life Energies in the New Chakra




Following hard on the heels of asteroid 1966 JAI came Toutatis, a dumbbell-shaped asteroid measuring almost three miles across.

Asteroid 19966 Jai narrowly missed the Earth on 19 May ’96 by a mere 280.000 miles. It was discovered on 14 May by tow amateur astronomers in Tucson, Texas, When only days later, the asteroid, weighing some 150 million tons and traveling at 45,000mph whizzed by.

One can imagine the hastily convened meetings that took place immediately it was learned something huge and vast was heading our way, followed by relief when the slide rulers were put away, safe in the knowledge that Earth would remain intact. But how long before those same slide rulers would emerge?

Groups of scientists have been holding regular meetings with their counterparts throughout the world to discuss cosmic threats and how best to deal with them. Senior figures from the Pentagon and former Soviet Union first met in a remote Sicilian town several years ago. They re-emerged in northern Italy in early 1996. Met again in France during the summer before convening in London on 12 November.

The London gathering attracted a fair degree of media exposure and little-know scientists under the appropriately named ‘Project Spaceguard’ spoke publicly for the first time. Dr Duncan Steel said: "A half-mile asteroid hitting the Earth releases energy equivalent to about 100,000 megatons of TNT. That’s about two thousand times the energy of the largest hydrogen bomb ever tested by humankind.

"In fact such an object, such an energy release, insufficient to cause what we call a global catastrophe."

Dr. Steel was among dozens of scientists calling on the government to release funds to construct an early detection systems for asteroids. Were one on a collision course with Earth to be discovered in time, some argue it might be possible to destroy or deflect it through use of nuclear warheads.

Some astronomers are not convinced there is a threat to justify such expenditure. Dr David Hughes of Sheffield University, who once went head-to-head with Stanton T. Friedman in a live televison debate on UFOs said:

"These asteroids have been hitting Earth throughout the lifetime of our planet. In fact as Earth ages the number of asteroids hitting is slowly going down as they are getting used up. The important thing is that a dangerous asteroid will only hit Earth round about every two million years."

Compare that reassuring statement with the one made by former Astronomer Royal Professor Sir Arnold Wolfendale Frs on 18 March ’96 when he said the chances a collision with a comet were approximately 10,000 to 1.

You don’t have to be a genius to appreciate there are more asteroids than comets. By the same token, if Dr. Hughes is right, what are we to make of those scientists who proclaim the exact opposite?

Many of the scientists and amateur astronomers meeting in London insist that thousands of large objects pass near the Earth every decade, and practically nothing is being done to track them.

"People like to imagine that there are battalions of astronomers scouring the skies. There aren’t," said Australian astronomer Duncan Steel.

"We really need to get a better idea of what we are doing , what we can do,"said Richard Tremaine Smith of the British National Space Center.

The asteroid Toutatis missed the Earth on 29 November ‘96 by some 3.3 million miles, a ‘near miss’ in astronomical terms. That’s about 14 miles the distance form the Earth the Moon.

According to Dr. Roderick Willstrop of Cambridge University, had it hit the Earth " would have the force of exploding the entire world’s nuclear arsenal."

Discovered in 1989 and named after a Celtic god, Toutatis has dimensions of 2.9 by 1.5 by 1.2 miles (4.6 by 2.4 by 1.9 Kilometers). Because of its peculiar rotation and odd dumb-bell shape, it is one of the strange bodies to be found in our Solar System.

Leading scientist are now warning world governments that cosmic impact present on of the major dangers to life. Some have claimed the chances of dying from such a collision is grater that being killed in an air crash.

Military experts too are sounding off warning shots, suggestion that governments should act now to bring about a defense mechanism, before it’s too late.

Asteroids, small bodies of rock and metals, are sometimes described as minor planets. Scientists estimate there are more than 100,000 near-Earth asteroids larger than a football stadium - each one capable of causing massive devastation were it to impact the planet.

Scientific interest in asteroids is not simply confined to evaluating potential threats some may pose:



In his preface to his son Caesar, the prophet gives us a blow by blow account of what thek astronomers of today believe will happen to the Earht billions of years form now, when the sun exhausts its nuclear fuel and begins to swell into a red giant, eventually devouring the planet Earth. Nostradamus believed that this would occur in eighteen hundred years from now.

"....before the universal conflagration the world will be deluged by many floods of such height that there will remains scarcely any land not covered by water. And it shall last son long that everything will perish exect the dry earth itself and the human race.

Before and after these floods many nations shall see no rais and there will fall from the sky auch a great amount of fire and meteors that nothing will remain unconsumed. All this will happen a short time before the final conflagragtion."Prefact to Caesar.


On May 5,2000, the new moon will align with Earth, the sun, Jupiter and Saturn. Five planets are pulling away form us on the opposite side of the opposite side of the sun. What effect this gravitational tug-of-war will have on the increased rotationary wobble predicted for the Earth at that time is as yet unknown. Solar activity is expected to increase twenty per cent form the near exact alignment of the other large planets. Jupiter and Saturn with the Earth and sun. The interrelation between sunspots and drought could further aggravate the next great drought forecast for the 1990s. The planet Uranus alighs with the sun on a near right-angle to the alignment of Saturn, Jupiter, the sun and the moon, all pulling away from the Earth.

Dr. R. Tomaschek of Munich states in the geophysics section of Nature (1959), that, "...a remarkable correlation between the position of Uranus and the moment of great earthquakes has been established..." In his study one hundred and thirty-four earthquakes with a magnitude of seven and three-quarters or grater were examined during a period of forty-three years. A signigicant number of earthquakes took place when Uranus was within fifteen degrees of its upper or lower transit of meridain of the epicenter during the time of the earthquake. Tomaschek claims Uranus is responsible for influenceing three of this century's most destructive quakes: the 1923 Tokyo, the 1933 Honshu, and the 1950 Assam (India) earthquakes. We may see the friction of Uranus give enought energy to eht invisible gravity line of Saturn, Jupiter, the sun and the moon to topple the Earth off its polar axis.

Depending on the degree and suddenness of the shift, scientist tell us to expect thousand foot waves taveling at one thousand miles perhour, or throusand mile-an-hour winds atomizing cities. All this would be set to the rhythm of earthquakes off the Richter scale.

Raising this scenarion of disaster to the laevels of what may seem like science fiction we may see any or all of the following phenomenon:

a) The sun or moon appearing motionless in the sky and turning blood red in color.

b) The stars swinging out of place and the sky turning "as dark as sackcloth,"caused by dust and water condensation from atmospheric shockwaves.

c) Arctic, teimperate and tropical climate zones wandering literaly across the planet.

Nostradamus has at least five quatrains referring to sudden and violent natural phenomenon taking place in sping - particularly in the month of May. The year in the future is not directly mentioned except for one prediction alluding to a super-hailstorm in the year 3755 A.D. The other four might be descriptions of the cataclysm on May 5th, 2000.


Nostradamus gives us two future scenarios which cannot co-exist. The first is total nuclear war by 1999 and the second is a golden age of enlightened peace by the end of this millennium..

The first picture is so devastating that any kind of like on Earth seems impossible thereafter let alone a golden age. In this brief chapter therefore we will examine the prophet's predictions for the time after our lives, the time in which our young may or may not survive. These are Nostradamus' last predictions, entering as they do into a science fiction world of tomorrow:

As we have seen in the last chapter, many of the world's great seers such as Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tzu Chuang Tzu, Socrates, Heraclitus and Pythagoras viewed this age as a crossroad - a crossroad at which ore need to take a jumpaway from our all too predictable habits. These same prophets have given us little in the Ray of solid material for the nest Millennium, and we may either regard this as a sad warning that there well be no nest millennium or in a more positive light, accept that man is an unpredictable creature and lives his life spontaneously in the future.

George Gurdlieff, one of this centuq's greatest mystics, once said that true spiritual growth cannot begin unless each individual becomes aware that each moment could be his last. Nostradamus understood this will, warning that we face the likelyhood of apocalypse. But, intertwined within this doom-filled concept is another which perhaps we are beginning to comprehend: that Acing disaster is one of the best ways of learning to live moment by moment and that somehow man may have presented himself with such a terrifying expectation in order to give himself a push that will take him through to a better existence.

Nostradamus suites clearly that if we survive our next generation we may look forward to thousand of years of Earth-related history.

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