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To All Universal Zulu Nation Members
All Over the World
and All Over the Universe






P.O. BOX 510

BRONX N.Y. 10475

For now on there will be NO CASH transaction at the Universal Zulu Nation Office New York City. Every transaction will have to be made out in a money order or certified check to:

Universal Zulu Nation

P.O. Box 510

Bronx,NY 10475 USA

No one in authority has the right to recieve cash for any transaction in application or merchandise, unless merchandise is sold at Universal Zulu Nation unification rallys. Beware who ask you for cash or claim they have the authority to take cash from you, the Universal Zulu Nation is not responsible if someone tricks you in giving up cash.

Do not give application dues to no Chapter Leaders all application throughout the whole Planet so called earth must be sent to:


Universal Zulu Nation

PO Box 510

Bronx, NY 10475 USA




Peace and Respect

Your Brother in Music and Faith

Afrika Bambaataa

(Supreme Council Member)

Founder of the Universal Zulu Nation

To whom ever take cash from people looking to join Zulu Nation or buy merchandise from Zulu, if you are caught you will be fully punished by the Laws of the United States as well as the Laws of the Universal Zulu Nation.

Zulu Nation Chapter
Sponsoring Holiday Food Drive

Advance Staff Writer

The Staten Island Chapter of the Zulu Nation is sponsoring a three-day food drive to provide food for the needy during the Thanksgiving holiday.

From Monday throughWednesday the group is asking the community to donate food to the orgaization for distribution to Project Hospitality, First Central Baptist Church and Stapleton A.M.E. Church, all located in Stapleton.

This is the organization's first food drive, according to Chapter Leader Viper Vasquez. She said the drive is a way of making the community aware that the group wants to reach out to make a difference.

"We wanted to do something for the community, so we talked with the Rev. Terry Troia from Project Hospitality and Rev. (Calvin) Rice, pastorof First Central Baptist Church, and we decided to do a food drive," she said.

Miss Vasquez is asking the public and high school students to contribute to the food drive.

"Kids need something positive to do to stay out of trouble and the kids with Zulu (nation) are good kids and they are doing positive things," she said.

Founded by Afrika Bambaataa in 1973, the Zulu Nation focused on helping young people living on the streets of NewYork City. The organization uses music, particularly hip hop, to spread messages of freedom,peace, justice, hope and opportunity to all.

James Collins, who oversees the Island chapter, said the chapter was started with the help of his late cousin Charles Nelson, who died in March. Nelson was better-known as Mercury, one time singer with the popular rhythm and blues group Force MD's, as well as a musician, producer and community activist. Collins said the group's work carries on where Mercury left off.

"We wanted to build the chapter up the way he (Mercury) would have wanted, "he said.

Miss Vasquez said 46 students from a variety of high schools are currently participating in the program, including Port Richmond, Curtis, McKee, Concord and Susan Wagner. Students from the special South Richmond High School at theMission of the immaculate, Virgin, Mount Loretto, and the St. George School are also participating.

For information on how todonate food, call 876-9788.

The Nigger Syndrome
by C. Kenya Montgomery

There was an uproar from the Black community when Cincinnati Reds Baseball owner Marge Scott called two of her players her "million dollar niggers. The response from the Black community was the same when Orange County Councilman Joseph Kover called Comptroller H. Carl "a nigger from harlem" during a meeting when McCall was in attendance. Keith Dambrot, basketball coach at Central Michigan University, was recently fired for telling his players: " I wish we had more niggers on the team."

Schott, Kover and Dambrot, all white, claimed they did not intend any offense when they used the term nigger. But offense or not, the term nigger is so derogatory and offensive to Blacks in particular that even the absence of the intent cannot justify or excuse it's usage. Blacks were right in demanding an apology from all three and that they be removed from their position.

A question we need to ask ourselves, however, is why are whites in professional and pubic positions in this day and time becoming so quick to call a Black person a nigger in pubic? Why are the whites so "comfortable" with using the term nigger in the precence of Blacks? Is it our outrageous and excessive use of the term that is causing some whites to think that it can be them as well? Are we niggers" And if not, why do we constantly refer to ourselves and other Blacks as such?

The average Black person knows that the term nigger was created by racist whites who enslaved Blacks. And that it was a term that was used to describe Black people as being dumb and inferior, whites used the term nigger as part of their psychological process of stripping enslaved Blacks of all knowledge of their culture, language religion, country and self. Yet manyof us who know this are still guilty of using this pejorative term. Why?!! Some of us do so out of ignorance because we were never taught by our parents the true meaning of this term and grew up in an environment where use of the term nigger was tolerated and in many cases encouraged. In fact, many Black children grow up being called nigger by their own parents and relatives. So they grow up believing that it is alright to call and be called a nigger by another Black person.

Oppression dehumanizes-and Blacks are an oppressed people. People who are oppressed and held in low esteem often internalize their own oppression and resort to doing things that reflect and perpetuate their own degradation and de humanization. Calling ourselves niggers is just one glaring example of how oppression has caused us to degrade and dehumanize ourselves. It is probably one of the most apparent and pervasive signs of slavery's affect upon upon us.

Our foolish use of the term nigger is compounded by our ridiculous defense of it. Some of us are foolish enough to actually try to justify using this term, claiming that we do not use it offensively toward each other. This may be true. But it does not take the sting out of the term nigger nor does it justify our using it as loosely as we do.We cannot give the term nigger a near meaning because to racist whites it will always have one meaning only, and that is it's original racist meaning. The point I am making here is that no matter what the term nigger may mean to us when we use it, we will be mocked and looked upon as tools by those outside of our race for calling ourselves niggers.

There is nothing "slick" or "hip" about calling ourselves niggers. It only shows our ignorance and stupidity because are are the only people stupid enough to take a racial epithet and hurl it at ourselves. Do we ever hear whites calling themselves honkies? No! Nor do we ever hear Italians calling themselves "wops" or Puerto Ricans calling themselves "spicks" or Jews calling themselves "hymies". So why must we disgrace ourselves by calling each other nigger? It makes no sense at all. We use this term so much that we are conscious of it's full meaning and impact or even care. If we want to send a real message to whites that using the term nigger is wrong, then we should stop using it ourselves.

We need to teach our children to despise the term nigger and not use it outside of general context. We also need to stop using this term in our chlidren's presence and admonish them when we hear them using it in ours. Our enslaved ancestors despised the term nigger and taught their children to despise it as well. Our ancestors would turn over in their graves if they knew how many of us have been duped into calling ourselves niggers.

The bottom line is that we are NOT niggers. Some of us have just been brainwashed into believing they are. We are strong and intelligent people who come from a proud heritage. Rulers of great cilvilizations. A land of Kings and Queens. But we will never be respected as a people until we cease calling ourselves niggers and portraying other negative images ourselves. This insane practice of calling ourselves niggers has to end and end now!

So the next time you call yourself a nigger think real hard about it. Think about how you are degrading yourself. Think about how you are dehumanizing yourself. And most of all think about the present and future generation of our youth who because of your foolish perpetuation of this term will continue to be lost in the nigger syndrome.


"Milk causes all sorts of health problems - from diarrhoea and asthma to
arthritis and anemia. Most milk by-products like cream, cheese, or yogurt,
are just as harmful."

Dr William A Ellis
The truth about

Dr William A. Ellis is one of the most outspoken critics of the traditional view of milk. A retired osteopathic physician and surgeon in Texas, he is the past president of the American Academy of Applied Osteopathy. He says there is overwhelming evidence that milk and milk products are contributing factors in allergies, arthritis, chronic fatigue, eonshpation, muscle cramps, obesity, and heart problems. He argues that there are two main reasons for heart problems not related to cholesterol. One of them is an enzyme in cow's milk called xanthine oxidase (XO), which causes problems by attacking the heart's arteries. This problem seems to lie exclusively with homogenized milk - When unhomogenised milk is consumed, the body excretes the XO. The other main reason why milk causes heart problems is that milk drinking leads to over-weight problems and obesity, because it is very high in calories and makes people more prone to heart attacks than the people of normal weight.

Milk products are often as damaging. For example, them are two proteins in cheese - tyranune and
phenylethylamine - which have been shown to cause migraine headaches. Other problems such as
chronic fatigue and muscle cramps may relate to poor absorption. Dr Ellis has performed over
25,003 blood tests which show that adults who use milk products do not absorb nutrients as well as adults who don't. This is for two reasons. Firstly, milk has a great ability to neutralize hydrochloric acid (HCL), which forces the stomach two work harder to produce enough HCL to digest your food. Eventually, HCL-produeing glands in your swomach break down, and you don't absorb the nutrients in your food.

Secondly, mills and cheese tend to generate excessive mucus in the sinus and lungs, which causes respiratory ailments. Extramucus is also formed in the intestines and hardens creating a coating on the inner lining that is relatively impermeable to nutrients, which means poor absorption, which in turn leads tochronic fatigue. It also causes constipation, since your food sticks to the mucus in your intestines. Allergy to milk is quite common too, particularly among children. Some of the allergic symptoms that infants develop include asthma, nasal congestion, skin rash and various chest infections, plus other, less noticed symptoms, such as irritability and fatigue.

Milk cause allergies because it over stimulates the cells in the lower two thirds of the stomach - the ones that produce hydrochloricacid. So, when milk products are constantly used, they weaken and eventually destroy these cells, and the child ends up with a hydrochloric deficiency. As a result, the proteins don't digest properly and so they enter the bloodstream and because they are not fully digested, irritate tissues and provoke hives, skin rashes and other allergic reactions in adults as well as infants. Also a person is more likely to be allergic to other allergens because few adults can metabolize the principle protein in cow's milk- casein - properly. Eventually, the liver
has to remove all the partially digested cow protein which in turn places a heavy burden on the
entire excretory system, especially the liver.

By contrast the primary protein in human milk is actoalbumin, which is easy for babies to digest and utilize with no unnecessary strain on their organs. The situation is similar with calcium. The calcium in cow's milk does not metabolize properly whereas the calcium in mother's milk does. Low levels of calcium correspond with irrability and headaches as well as muscle spasms and cramps, since calsium is necessary for the muscles to relax. From taking many thousands of blood tests there is a clear indication that people who drink 3 or 4 glasses of milk a day invariably have the lowest levels of calcium. To get enough calcium simply eat plenty of green vegetables and some tahini!

Quintessential Remedies

Is Distilled Water Healthy?
by Suzanne M. Skinner, Ph.D.

Dear Dr. Skinner:

Our church group has been having beated argurments over what type of water is safe to drink. I have been drinking distilled water for over two years, and I am now getting scared I may be doing myself great harm. Some say distilled water is the only health water. Others say distilled water is not only devoid of the minerals our bodies need, but that it leaches out the minerals that are already in our body. Who is right? What shall I do?

You are correct. Distilled water is the purest we can drink as it contains only hydrogen and oxygen. Of course, we must include fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices everyday, as they are loaded with organic mineral elements the only kind our body can use.

"Natural water" contains inorganic inactive minerals that are incompatible with our body and cause great harm over time. Natural water is lifeless, gross and incompatible with our cells, and does not contain enzymes ( the essence of life).

A lifetime accumulation of inorganic calcium (found in natural water) clogs our veins and arteries, which can result in coronary thrombosis, arterial occlusion (obstruction of the blood vessels), aterosclerosis. Many times this results in a fatal heart attack.

Natural water comes from springs, wells, lakes, rivers and faucets. Its inorganic mineral elements have been collected by contact with rocks, earth and soil.

This unhealthy water goes from the esophagus to the stomach, to the small intestine, and then is either transported to the liver for distribution into the system, or if unable to disintegrated (because of inorganic minerals), is passed into the colon. (Liquids pass through blood vessels in the small intestine's walls). Whatever is in colloidal form (a stateof very fine suspended particles), goes along with the liquid into the liver. Now the liver begins to clog with minute inorganic minerals such as calcium (limestone) and magnesium

Our bodies are composed of the same minerals, but they are in an organic form, not an inorgamc form. The minerals that our bodies need for replenishment, regeneration and survival, must come to us through raw vegetables and fruit, fresh juices, nuts and seeds. We can only use, assimilate, digest and absorb minerals in their organic form. With fresh, raw vegetables and fruit juices, the
plant's roots go deep into the soil and pick up the inorganic minerals and change them to usable organic minerals for us.

With natural water, however, our cells are called upon to reject the debris cells from it's inherent inorganic minerals. The kidneys and orher secreting organs attempt to throw off all this accumulated
debris, however, a large part stays in our bodies, contributing to rigidity, ossification, so-called "old age" stiffness and early death.

Distilled water leaches out the unusable inorganic limestone, rock residue, etc. It acts like a magnet, to pick up discarded cells, rejected minerals and debris. With the help of the blood and lymph system this waste is then carried to the kidneys for elimination from our body. The only water the blood and Iymph can actually use is pure distilled water, or fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

There is a belief that distilled water leaches out minerals from the body. This is not true. It only collects and removes inorganic minerals that have already been refused and rejected by the cells.

More than twenty years ago, Norman Walker, D.Sc., suggested an experiment everyone can do at home. Before you start, do a urine inspection to see how clear it is. Then use only distilled water for three weeks (make sure you cook with distilled water also). At the end of this time period, you will be astonished with the amount of sediment and debris found in your urine.*

Filtering tap water is useless-- it only removes what is floating or mixed with the water-the smaller matter remains in solution. And of course, I need not mention the abundance of poisonous, cancer-causing material added to the water to"protect" us from harmful bacteria and germs. Pesticides and metals in the water compound the problem.

I will now not drink from a $5,000 water system I had installed years ago, before I knew better.

Spring water looks clear and transparent, however, it is loaded with sold inorganic minerals- not to mention parasitic. Bottled mountain spring water is loaded with chemicals to make it taste good and look clear. Bottled drinking. water is water from a tap sold to unknowing, unsuspecting people.

* Note:

No liquid or water can "leach" organic minerals out, once they have become intergrated in the body; only inorganic minerals rejected by the cells and tissues, which if not evacuated, can cause arterial obstructions and more serius damage over long periods of time, will be removed. these inorganic minerals must be removed, and distilled waterwill do the job for you.

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