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Quotes? We got 'em! Interesting character analysis from the actors themselves? We got 'em! Frohike? We got him! Langly? We've got him, too! Byers? Yup, I've got him! I mean, WE'VE got him. Really. That's what I meant to say. Oh never mind. Just click on one of the following transcribed articles for a look at the actors behind the Lone Gunmen.

Added June 7th:
Bruce Harwood in Boston - Saturday May 2, 1998
Bruce Harwood Interview - by Miwa A. Hirai
AOL Chicago Expo Transcript with Dean Haglund and Tom Braidwood

Previously Archived:
"Talking With The Lone Gunmen" - People, February 16, 1998
"Three's Company" - Cinescape's "X-Files Yearbook", December 1997
"Xposed!" - TV Week, November 15, 1997
"The Lone Gunmen" - The Hollywood Reporter, November 7-9, 1997
"Byers' Market" - Dreamwatch, October 1997
"Comic Conspirator - An Interview With Dean Haglund" - Vancouver Sun, May 27 1997
"An Interview With Bruce Harwood" - Las Vegas Convention, July 15, 1995

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