Bored? Sitting at work trying to look busy when your boss walks past your cubicle? Stuck at home watching reruns of "Bewitched" and trying to figure out which actor played Darren in which season? Try one of these "Gunmen Activities."
So. . . You think you know a lot about Byers? Let's just see about that! This trivia games was orginally designed for the Bruce Harwood Virtual Birthday Bash but I thought I'd torture you and leave it on the site. Requires a javascript enabled browser.
Just like the tv game show - Pair up the tiles to reveal several hidden Gunmen pictures! Requires a javascript enabled browser.
Test your overall Lone Gunmen knowledge against The Brunette. But be warned! She's the Idiot Savant Of All Gunmen Trivia! Oh. And she gets a little irritated if you miss a Byers question. Does NOT require a javascript browser but does require a thick skin.
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