One of my first jobs at TSF was as Wee One Katrina, for the Cherubs team.
From October 1997 to April 2001 when I turned 18 and had to step down,
it was an amazing ride. I think the Wee Ones are one of the best groups
around - certainly the most fun! I saw four Ladies come and go in the
time I was there, and many many Wee Ones wander through. Many left for
other things, but the best part was when someone you hadn't seen in awhile
picked up their Wee One wings, dusted them off, and joined up again....that
was fun.
Being a Wee One sometimes got overshadowed by my other jobs - often no one
remembered that "Lady Katrina" or "Top Kat" was also one of the smallest members
of TSF. That was kind of unfortunate, because for three years my birthday
page was never a surprise ;) I miss this job, sometimes most of all.
Three incarnations of official Wee One wings that have been given out over
the years:
Dusting banners and buttons! (there
are way more than this on my hard drive :))
My Wee One dollies - I'm not sure
who made the first one, but the second is from Wee One Lady Pegasus :)
Two of my Wee One awards from
Cherubs. I don't think I have my Wee One of the Week award anymore
~*The Wee Ones Fairy Circle is for
the Wee Ones at the Site Fights*~
Wee One Katrina is a member,
and you can be one too =)
Our magical realm is here!