- somewhere between Aug and
Oct - joined TSF before there were teams. Didn't understand the concept;
left after the first couple of weeks. I'm so ashamed.
- October - rejoined
for Lady Charlotte's Knights of the Ring. Didn't make it past the top
round, but had a lot of fun. This was an awesome team :)
- February - signed up to fight
with Andromeda's All-Stars, and made it to the Warzone! What's more
touching about that fact is that DMan remembers it - and I came dead last,
partially because I was away at Girl Guide camp all week :P
- September - signed up to
fight with the Cherub Champions - an evolution of the All-Stars. Never
made it past the top round of this team either, but it never mattered :)
This also marked the creation of my first spirit page, and the arrival of
the Fairy Picnic - a page that was filled with music and yummy things for
the TSF Fairies to eat. I think they appreciated it -g-
- October - it all began with
an email to Kenny, the Cherubs leader, asking why we didn't have a webring...I
was pretty much hooked from then on. Became the first Cherub team assistant
- followed shortly by becoming one of tthe first Wee Ones!
- November 10th - Kat's Keep
wins the DFairy Award!
- November 15th - DLoudest
Cheer Award, for my Remembrance Day cheer
- November 19th - my first
of two times winning the Spirit Award!
- January 13 - I got The Golden
Suspenda Award, from DSuspendA, who loved my page. This was a really
neat honour....I miss his crazy columns. The Buddy program was invented
by Lady Angel (of the Cherubs) and I somewhere around this time.
- February 20 - Became a Button
- February or so - Lady Firefly
and Lady Enchantra become the co-leaders of the Wee One Realm, taking over
from the busy DFairy. This doesn't have anything to do with me at the
time, but it will...sometime between now and August I became both an assistant
in the WO Realm (I think I might have offered to help with a webring again
;)) and the WO Leader for the Cherubs.
- April 7 - Became DEssence
Katrina, leader for the Darksbane Dragons DEssence team. They're now
the Spirits :) I became Spirit Katrina when they changed their name,
and I'm pretty sure I was a Cherub. It's sad that I'm not really sure,
because I was a Spirit for almost two years.
- April 20 - Became DElf Ducky,
for a group that folded almost before it got started :\
- August 31 - Lady Firefly
asked me to become the Wee One Leader in the Realm. Despite my fears
of bringing everything crashing down around me, I accepted. I'm so
glad I did.
- Somewhere from August - Dec
- I passed the job of Cherubs WO Leaderr along to Wee One Ducky so that I
wouldn't be my immediate boss AND my ultimate boss, and was told that I had
to stop running most of the Cherub Fairies too. Hey - it's not MY fault
I have this need to get involved..... ;)
- You know, I'm positive that
I did things in 1999....really.
- January 15 - Picked as DRadiant
Spirit for 1999!! This was quite a thrill :)
- April 23 - Had to step down
as a Wee One due to turning 18. A sad day.
- August - Retired as team
co-leader for the Cherubs after almost four years. I knew I was going
to miss being Top Kat - what I didn't know is that they'd never let me leave!
-grins- I've helped them out at vvarious times when they needed it,
and I'd love to keep helping as long as they'll take me!
- August 31 - Stepped down
as Wee One Leader and turned the reins over to Lady SuperFairyGal, my ever-capable
assistant :) If only schoolwork didn't interfere with my fun!
- January 11 - Accepted as
Fairy Katrina for DSiteFights Theater!! Thrilled to get to join such
a close group of Fairies, and especially to get to work with Lady Jewell,
one of my favourite Ladies :) Hopefully this will mark a period of involvement
with TSF, rather than a string of quitting jobs (as they become too much
to handle) like it's been for the last little while....
- March 3 - Selected as the Theater
Fairy of the Month for May 2003!!
- March 16 - Started giving out
the Sparkling Spirit Page award to DSiteFights Theater fighters from the
Theater Fairies each week :)
- April 13-19 - I was the Featured Fairy of the Week!! DTheater swept the Featured Fairy, Fairy of the Week, and WO of the Week - that was so cool :)
- April 27 - I was the Theater's Spirit Star :) This was pretty exciting, and completely unexpected :)
- May 15 - I was picked as the Spirit Fairy of the Week, which was so special - I was nominated by Lady Jewell, a wonderful friend, and received the award from DRabbitha, another amazing friend....AND I won the same week that Sha was WO of the Week and Ami was Featured Fairy!!
- June 9 - I enter the DMan Dome for the first time ever, with my Graphics Star site!
- June 15 - Well, I came fourth in the Dome, which gives me something to strive to beat for next time! It was pretty exciting...I'm definitely making another run at it.