
episode picture
'Remember you must die'

This episode has to be my all time favourite so far. I could watch it (and do) over and over again, every time finding something I hadn't seen before. Of course, being a relationshipper, I look out for the tiniest details in each episode, but in 'Momento Mori' there was no need to look closely. It was all there, screaming in the faces of you non-relationshippers out there. Starting with the journal entries, which you will find in a link below, and ending in the kiss in the hallway, this episode was a love story from beginning to end, and I find it difficult to believe people could see it otherwise! Anyway, I'd better continue before I go into one *g*.

I find it hard to express completely how amazing this episode was. I found a few posts on the net that expressed it better than I could, so you might like to look at these:

This expresses the notion of love and romance in the episode

A review of the whole episode

The official X-Files page review, so no mention of the hallway scene!

A run through of what happens in the whole episode

If anyone else has or knows of any other reviews for this episode, I'd love to hear from you!!

'Mulder I feel you close...'

Like every page about Momento Mori, I'm going to include Scully's journal entries...I know you've seen it all before, but they still fascinate me every time I watch the episode (which is a lot!). However, I have them separately to this page to spare all of you who have read them a million times before.

And now some pictures, just for the hell of it!! You can tell my favourite part is the hallway scene!

Scully in treatmentScully in bedMulder and a tankThe hallway scenehallway hugkiss

'The Truth will save you Scully. I think it'll save both of us.'

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