What!! You're leaving already?! Oh well, you may as well go to these funky places if you have to leave, cos every single one of 'em is shipper friendly. And, after all, isn't that what's important here?
Agent Berry's 'Shipper Page - An X-File's romantics page with good Momento Mori and Redux II pages
Office - Ever wondered what it was
like to work in a basement? Pick up your assignment here
& Verbal's Shipper Heaven - Everything
you could ask for in a shippy page!
DanaFox's 'Shipper Page - Fantastic UST stills from the show that I use on my page are found here
Danafoxlove's Homepage - Another new page that is just starting up
of a Subtle Romance - If you've always wanted to kiss Mulder, then
go here.....What are you waiting for?!
Dynamic Duo - A great page with its own web ring, allowing access to more 'shipper pages!
E's X-File Page - I can't believe I haven't added this before! It's a fantastic site with loads of amazing collages
X-Cellent X-Files Page - Scully: Boy, is Flossie's
webpage ever cool! Mulder: I am in awe of her brilliance!
Gertie's Shipper page - Cool page with a seperate fanfic section including choice reads
Gossamer archive - If you've never read fanfic, here's a good place to start
Haven for the FBI's most unwanted! - A fab page with a lot of Mulder and Scully collages that I suggest you check out!
hcolleen's Picture's - Some great shippy pictures as well as links to various clubs on the net
Kipler's Romance Guide - Everyone should have read this guide to every shippy moment in every episode!
Laura's Hardcore Shipper Page - If this sounds like you then go here...now!
LOMIG - Fancy the idea of Mulder in glasses? Then this is for you!
M & S Soundtrack project - Love to Music!
Mulder in Glasses - A great page to satisfy the need to see Mulder's specs!
"Mulder loves Scully and Scully loves Mulder" - Well, what more can I say?!
need not apply - So stay on your side of the fence! ;-)
Paula Graves MFEO page - A place to go if you believe M & S are Made For Each Other
Paula Graves Fanfic - I recommend 12 Rites and 12 Degrees. My favourite (and first!) fanfic reads!
PWNUSTIEEXF - Sounds strange? I suggest you check it out!
Rachel's X-Files Art Gallery - If you like manipulated collages, you'll find a load by different artists here
Romantic's Fanfic Archive - A collection of all Mulder and Scully romance fanfics on the web
Scully'sFan.Com - A well-organised page with good reviews and pictures
Haven - Home of many YKYAXPW..... and a petition to convinvce CC
to see it our way ;-)
Shippers Welcome Home - A cool page with loads of frequently updated pages
Relationshipper Page - Good UST stills from select shippy moments
in the series
Temple of Modell - If you loved 'Pusher' then you'll love this place!
The Shipper Site of Worship - To all of you who asked where I got the PMP kiss from....it's here!
The X-Phile Site - This has great graphics, reviews and surveys and, of course, a shipper section
Treehouse Multimedia Archive - A really good and complex page. I suggest you see the BBC X-Files promo!
X-Files Institution for Relationshippers - If you're feeling withdrawl symptons, go here to recuperate
X-Files Relationshippers Gallery - A great place to find a whole load of 'shippy pictures
X-Philes Finis Romantics Society - A place to go if you want the M/S relationship at the show's end
Romantic Association (XPRA) - Their motto is: 'Trust no one. Except
your partner'
X-Rae's Vision - Fantastic site with not only the usual episode guides and pictures, but Pusher fanfic and a message board!
Aliens Ate My Corn Nuts - This page is jam packed with stuff, including its own X-Files tag line!
A to Z of the X-Files- A fantastic and complex page that alphabetizes the entire show!
Complete X-Files Sound Archive - A brilliant page packed full of sound files from all characters
Dana Scully: Woman and Role Model - For all you Scullyists out there, try this
Detail-Obsessed Fan - If you like nit-picking, you'll love it here!
Official X-Files Page - It ain't shippy, but its still got everything about the X-Files that you want to know
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to David Duchovny - Go see and become a member
The Consortium - Fancy somewhere dark and smoky...then you should try a pub, otherwise, go here!
Treehouse Multimedia Archive - See this page before Fox shuts it down...and make sure you sign the petition so it stays!
X-Files Log In - THE most comprehensive X-Files page EVER!! A must see.
X Marks The Spot - This is by me (Madeleine) and it was my first ever attempt at a page. It has good info.
X-Ville Art Gallery - If you like manipulated collages, you'll find a load by different artists here
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