Lion Em'Lynn

welcomes you
to her

Now playing :
Bob Seger's
"Old Time Rock'n Roll"

Click here for the
French version


It used to be news, now it's "archives". Since I put it all in HTML format and don't have the heart to delete it, I'll keep it here, in case you might have missed it or in case my memory falters and I can't remember some trivial detail!

To make this page easier to view,
here is the index:

Summer 1999: Stampede, Pages, My News, TV shows
Fall 1998: TV shows and Pages
Spring and Summer 1998: Move
Early 1998: Calgary Winter Weather
Homepage Design Information
My Small Banner Collection


Summer 1999

Calgary Stampede: July 8-18, 1999
The kids all dressed up for a free pancake breakfast!
Cowboy Hat Stampede 1999 Cowboy Boots

And my last two, brand new pages:
My Lion Collection and My Lion Calendar

The following, is an update on the different areas of my site as of August 1999:

Em'Lynn's Casablanca Tribute
My Casablanca page has evolved into six updated pages, to include the setting, the movie, links, quotes, characters and pictures.
The Lion Home School
My homeschooling pages now include some pictures and two forms I designed: a monthly report card and a weekly track sheet.
Em'Lynn's Bookmarks
I completely updated my bookmarks: a single but easy to navigate page; all the links were checked in June 99 and it will be updated at least monthly.
Em'Lynn's Archives
While updating this page, I updated my Archives; they now include our move with some pictures and all my small banners.
Em'Lynn's Family Photo Album
Not yet updated, it includes some family pictures from my father's childhood in World War 1 France to 1998 Calgary.
Em'Lynn's Babylon 5 Domain & Referral
I updated all 15 Babylon 5 pages, checking all links (and a lot of good sites shut down with the final episode last winter).
Em'Lynn's Babylon 5 Landscapes and Interior Views
I added this new 11 MB address to my Babylon 5 site; it currently contains 107 video captured images viewable in several ways.
Em'Lynn's Crusade Chronicles
This tribute to the Babylon 5 spin-off series Crusade, now contains 7 pages including 10 outdoor + 10 indoor views of the Excalibur.
Em'Lynn's Crusade Episode Pictures
I added this new 11 MB address to my Crusade site to present about two dozen video captured images from each of the 13 episodes.
Em'Lynn Web Design
I updated my web design area; it now has 5 pages. I added 4 new backgrounds from Babylon 5 images, zipped fonts and a color table.
How to Build a Homepage
I thorough revamped this page, still with children in mind but most of the (updated) links are intended for grown ups.
My children's tribute to their home city now has a new look.

As much as I enjoy creating new pages, updating and checking links is really not very exciting - especially when my site keeps growing and growing... I now have 188 pages of my own spread out over 5 transparently interwoven Geocities addresses! That doesn't include my children's sites - 5 other Geocities addresses - which I haven't updated since the spring of 1998... (and next on my update list, after this page)! I really do feel kind of overwhelmed!

Of course, it's not 188 different topics as each subject can cover anywhere from 1 to 20-some pages. This number does include, however, the French side of my website which has the translation of some of my English topics (homeschooling, photo album, Calgary, building a homepage, news, archives, lions, France, Canada) but also it's very own topics, not translated into English: French poetry and my favorite singer of all times: Michel Sardou! I haven't bothered to translate my Babylon 5 and Casablanca sites because I just don't have enough information or links on those subjects in French... As for my bookmarks, I just added the French links onto the English page - it's just too big to translate and it changes too often to update in both languages!

The three sites I haven't developed yet remain:
France, Canada and Lions - with the exception of my brand new
Lion Collection and Lion Calendar mentioned above!

My biggest news is described at the end of my Homeschooling page: I sent my kids to school for May and June and now to daycamp for July and August so that I could to work as an office temp for various personnel agencies in order to somewhat improve our current financial difficulties.

Life for a family of six on a single (restaurant manager) income can only be tough. Ours is made up of a huge debt load and a willingness to put aside personal pride to drive beaten up old cars, buy mostly second-hand and never hesitate to ask about subsidies! The truth is, working exclusively for new cars, new clothes and loan payments does not appeal to me, not at the expense of the children who would have longer days than us, very little time with me and a lot less with their father; and especially not while I would have to pay some stranger to look after my youngest...

So I'm trying temp work while I can, but assignments aren't as readily available for me as they were 15 years ago when I first started out... I guess that a 7-year absence from the workforce is much less acceptable than I had anticipated... I worked 6 weeks, then nothing for 5 weeks, then a 4-week assignement which has now been extended an extra two and half months...

So I'll be working into the fall, hopefully only Monday through Thursday. I wouldn't if some idiot (near-sighted? brain-dead?) didn't try to steal both our old and ugly cars, the day before my birthday, incurring $800 damages on each one!!! We got the better one of the two fixed but the other one just wasn't worth the repair cost. So we went looking for a replacement car and bought one (smaller, but 5 years newer, at least) for $300 + $450 repairs. So $1550 later, we need to pay for it all...

But I've decided to keep on homeschooling. This will be quite interesting as Daddy will have to homeschool two days a week, on his days off, and I'll have to homeschool two or three days, on my days off, depending on what is needed, and we'll need a babysitter for the remaining two days... The kids should benefit from the shared teaching and from having their father more involved in their schoolwork.

Ideally, to avoid childcare while continuing to homeschool, I'd like to do some part-time computer-related work from my home but I haven't found my "niche" yet... Most of my skills are superficial. Fortunately, though, my top qualities are adaptability, efficiency and fast learning. I just need to find the right field. I'm not really a "people's person" - preferring by far to be behind-the-scenes rather than in the spot light, and I'm definitely not a salesperson. I have no investment whatsoever available. Basically, I can't think of many options. Suggestions would be most welcome!!!

I don't watch a lot of "commercial-infested" TV as I usually prefer to stick to movies on video! But there are always a couple of shows that I watch regularly - after videotaping them first, of course, so that I can watch them when I want and fast-forward all the commercials...! Right now, I'm enjoying, in this manner, the Babylon 5 spinoff Crusade every Saturday and a show that I used to watch when I was a kid, and that my children are now enjoying with me: "I dream of Jeannie". What I find funny is that, re-watching Major Neilson in Jeannie, I can't help but see Dallas' evil JR whereas when I used to watch Dallas (a long time ago, and only for the first few seasons), I never once thought of bland Major Neilson! I guess this shows how much a strong role can mark an actor!

Crusade I dream of Jeannie logo Jeannie cartoon dancing

Here are a few links to "I dream of Jeannie" pages:

I Dream of Jeannie
Jeannie's page
Jeannie Land

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Fall 1998

This fall, thanks to the Space Channel, I started the daily videotaping of Babylon 5, my favorite TV series, from its very first episode all the way to the end of its fifth and last season. And, every evening, the whole family is enjoying the 1991-94 series Dinosaurs which the Family Channel is airing five days a week. The Sinclair family is like the Simpson's, but a little less obnoxious!

Babylon 5
Babylon 5

Unfortunately, as I was saying before on this page, I think I overdid myself when planning my website! And making it bilingual automatically doubled the number of pages! The maintenance is what really takes time. I must now have about 120 pages in total...! So, once again, please accept my apologies if the part of my website that you really want to visit still isn't quite ready... I hope to finish my (Lion pages real soon but probably won't get a chance to really get into France and Canada until after Christmas. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to send me any relevant links on those topics: I would welcome the help gladly as I don't get to surf nearly as much as I would like to...! And if you could report any dead links, I would appreciate that greatly too!
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Spring and Summer 1998

Since April 15th, I haven't had a minute to myself - that means no Internet time except for a quick daily email check!

First, it was packing - until our June 2nd moving date. Then it was renovations (remodeling the basement and installing parquet flooring in the dining and living rooms). Then we went through our annual 10-day Stampede madness (we go out everyday for free breakfasts and entertainment throughout the city!). Then it was time to unpack, sort and organize everything (and, boy, do we have a lot of stuff!). Finally, I had to set up for our new year of homeschooling. All of this while fighting an on and off flu virus and controlling four over-excited kids!!!

So, what a Spring and Summer 1998 we just went through! But it was all well worth our efforts: from a small 3-bedroom 2-storey house with an unfinished basement, we went to a 5-bedroom bungalow with a fully developed basement...

House in summer
Our house in summer
House in fall
Our house in the fall

Upstairs is a large L-shaped living room/dining room with a raised red brick fireplace; a good size eat-in kitchen; the master bedroom with its full ensuite, the bedrooms of the two youngest and the main bathroom.

Living Room
Our upstairs fireplace
Living Room
Our living room
Living Room
Our kitchen
Our kitchen table

Downstairs is the bedrooms of the two oldest, a third bathroom, an under-the-stairs Barbie playroom, a cozy family/TV room with a grey brick fireplace, a "real" schoolroom (with 4 individual student desks, a teacher's desk, a blackboard and two computers) and, finally, a huge open play area - and the laundry/storage room.

Our schoolroom
Barbie playroom
The Barbie playroom

It's so nice to have space with just about everything unpacked, including those things that had remained in boxes for years (for lack of space and/or fear of kids!!!) such as:

My Lion Collection
My Lion Collection
(most of my smaller lions)
My Grandmother's 
Doll House
My Grandmother's
Doll House

The kids love having their own bedrooms and a "real" schoolroom. There's less mess, less arguing and more privacy! Of course, the increase in mortgage payments is proportionate to the increase in comfort!!!
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Early 1998

Here, in Calgary, the year 1998 started with a cold spell (-35 Celsius from January 1st to the 20th) but the warm Chinook wind soon worked it's magic and brought the temperatures above zero again - until our surprise giant snowfall in mid-March! We had two feet of snow in less than 24 hours (what a mess to shovel up!) but it melted away in just a few days! It was beautiful, so white under a blue cloudless sky - just really messy!

I really hate cold weather and I must admit this was a lucky year: except for the one cold spell and the one snow fall, we had an exceptionally warm and pleasant winter - especially after the last two dreadful winters we had (freezing cold, lots of snow, slippery ice and no "melt-down" for almost six months straight...)

Spring and Summer were very hot with some very heavy rains (mostly at night) but mostly lots and lots of sunshine. July and August were extremely hot (above 30 degrees C average) with too few clouds. There were lots of agressive bugs this year - mosquitoes from May to July and wasps in August and September. Luckily, we had to settle into our new house and spent more time indoors than out!
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Homepage Design Information

In the Spring of 1998, just before getting ready to move, I created my own Web Design page including my very own lines, buttons, bullets and backgrounds. Please feel free to use any of them, just please copy them onto your own site and include a link to my page. I don't have any sophisticated graphics software but just experimented with Paint Shop Pro and Alchemy Mindwork's GIF Construction Set...

Long before that, I uploaded two pages for testing text colour on various backgrounds. The first one, " colors" (plural) has one line of text written once in each of the 216 colours available; the second one, "color" (singular) has 30 lines of text written in the same colour to test photo-backgrounds (where different areas of the picture are different colours).

Feel free to copy the html code for these pages and use them to test out your own backgrounds. All you need to do is change the background image on both and the font colour you select on the second one (in two places but on the same line)... And if you just want to look at samples of all 256 colours, visit this useful page which helped me design my "colors" test page: J.Gilson's 256 Colour Table.

For those who haven't created a homepage yet, it's not so hard! I made a reference page for my children (but just as useful for grown-ups) with the best links to learn HTML, find graphics, music and everything else required to build a homepage. Check it out!
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My Small Banner Collection

Feel free to copy the one(s) you want,
to include a link to my pages!


My first home in
Geocities' Area 51:
SciFi and Fantasy
Home 1
My second home in
Geocities' Heartland:
Family, Pets, Home
Home 2
My third home in
Geocities' Paris:
France and Tourism
Home 3
What's New
on my website
and in my life?
What's New?
My Guestbook
open for viewing
and for signing
Why? and How?
Pros and Cons
Babylon 5
Domain and
Babylon 5
Casablanca - the
classic movie with
Bogart and Bergman
and Paris -
where my heart is
and the Rockies -
where my life is
The Lion
King of the
Animal Kingdom
Family Album
four generations
of souvenirs
Photo Album
my whole
everything I save
from older pages
And one extra banner
for good luck!
The Lion and the Rose

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That's it for now - come back and visit!

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Last update: February 12, 2000
Write me at
Send me your comments and suggestions,
and please let me know if there are any dead links
as I don't have the time to check them too often...!
Background: © Em'Lynn
Horizontal rulers: © Pegasus
Music: Music Odyssey
All my pages are hand-coded, no HTML editors have been used.
This page hosted by GeoCities
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Archives B5 Babylon 5 B5 Crusade B5 Crusade Pix B5 Landscapes Bookmarks
Calgary Canada Casablanca Cassandria Clairette Coriandre
Em'Lynn France Fredric French Version Halloween Holidays
Home1 Home2 Home3 Home4 HomeSchooling HomePage How-to
Laughs Lion Calendar Lion Collection Lions Movies Photo Album
Poésie Remakes Sardou Site News Web Design Xmas



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