Welcome to all ! The Very Latest What's new with my site? What's new with me? Online shopping A site optimized in 800x600 with Netscape 3+ or MSIE 3+ and the Denmark true type font ![]() The Very Latest ![]() ![]() ![]() 1999 Halloween - Icicle-covered bush - 1999 Christmas Back to Index ![]() What's new with my site? Lots! I finally setup a biography page with my very own background. A brand new Halloween page has links and a picture of my kids' costumes for each year they went trick or treating. My Holiday page is taking shape. Much more will be up and running by next Christmas. A page I've been meaning to setup a while ago is finally completed: Hollywood Remakes of French Movies. So many times I've told myself "I've seen that movie before, in French!" to find out that, indeed, it was the remake of a movie made in France! Some are big hits like True Lies, Jungle 2 Jungle, Three Men and a Baby, the Bird Cage, and Point of No Return which started the TV series Nikita. So here's the list of all those movies I was able to identify (there must be more) with poster and direct link to their page on the Internet Movie Database. A Jokes page is in the works but not quite ready yet. I created a font page where I uploaded several true type fonts in zip format (including the Denmark font above). You just have to click on each link, save to disk, unzip and cut and paste to your Windows/Fonts directory... My Frames site has taken a slightly new look with two cute baseball-playing lions. I'm gathering links and pictures for my France and Canada pages, and there is a long overdue, brief, updated presentation of each of the different sections of my website at my latest, plain and simple index site (no pictures, no music): Emmalioness in Geocities' Atlantis. Back to Index ![]() What's new with me? Calgary has seen the mildest winter ever. It's been above zero degrees Celsius for all but two weeks (right after New Year's). The rest of my family hasn't been that lucky as they live either in France (ravaged by terrible Boxing Day storms that killed some 80 people and destroyed half the beautiful, old trees across the country, including Paris, Versailles and Fontainebleau) or, much worse, Venezuela (were the December 16 landslide killed over 50,000 people, laying waste to whole areas - in my sister's words, mud "waves" 14 meters high and 3 kilometers across...). Despite our increasing financial challenges, we feel very lucky. Especially considering my 10-year-old daughter's best friend lost her father to cancer in September. He was only 41, less than half the age of my father when he died in 1997, three years older than my husband. Ironically, as my father was 59 when I was born, I was always so afraid to lose him, it was my worst childhood fear. A parallel I had never made before: both my children's grandmothers lost their fathers at about the same age - that of my eldest daughter and her friend. My mother-in-law was ten when her father died of cancer, and my mother was ten when her father was arrested by the Gestapo, and twelve when he died in a concentration camp gas chamber in Germany... So, yes, we feel very fortunate being here and now. I'm still trying to figure out how to supplement our income while still staying at home and continuing to homeschool. I'd like to do some part-time computer-related work from my home but I haven't found my "niche" yet... I'm not really a "people's person" - preferring by far to be behind-the-scenes; I'm definitely not a salesperson, and I have no investment whatsoever available. That eliminates most options I can think of, but my top qualities being adaptability, efficiency and fast learning, I should just need to find the right field... Suggestions would be most welcome!!! Back to Index ![]() Online shopping Here are the best sites for online shopping that I was able to find... Find the best selection of toys (and lots more) at Action America
For books, music, videos, DVD's and more the best place to go in the US is the Amazon.Com database but for those who want to shop in Canada and in Canadian dollars, the best place to go is Chapters.ca Back to Index ![]() ![]() Last update: April 2, 2000 ~ Write me at emlynn@geocities.com Send me your comments and suggestions, and please let me know if there are any dead links as I don't have the time to check them too often...! ~ Background and horizontal rulers: © Em'Lynn Music: Music Odyssey ~ All my pages are hand-coded, no HTML editors have been used. ~ This page hosted by ![]() Get your own Free Home Page ![]() ![]() You're visitor # since February 1, 1998. |