Here there be linkage!

The Turd Twister
«««The Turd Twister is a complete kit for shaping your turd into amazing designs, and it comes with a hilarious instruction manual. It's the Ultimate Gift for the person who has everything, including a "twisted" sense of humor!

SitePoint: Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PGP & MySQL
«««This book covers everything from installing PHP & MySQL under Windows or Linux, through to building a live Web-based content management system.

Ruby's Will
«««One of my online buddies, Ruby, let's it all hang out here. She has some better than average poems and other...well, stuff. Sorta like my BrainWymrs.

Gyphon Guild
«««This seems to be a gathering place for fans of Gryphons, aka Griffons. I'm here specifically for an RPG that Hart invited me to. It is called Guardians... Look for it!

Disturbed shooters weren't true goths
«««Don't let the title fool ya. This is good. Remember Columbine? The 'Trenchcoat Mafia' and how they were 'Goth'? This is the -best- refutation of that premise I have seen.

Subconscious of Our Times
«««An interview with author John Shirley. Who, I might add, I've never heard of. This is here becuase, from what little I can make out from behind this hazy headache, it seems like Shirley holds a rather similiar conception of how the universe works.

Bloody hell if I know what I am going to put over here...?