Truth of the matter is that I haven't done enough drawing of any sort in the past... oh too long to remember... to be any good anymore. Ya know what? It sucks, but I still get some odd sort of "I did that!" feeling when I draw, so I'm gonna share my works of disaster. I do not currently have access to a scanner so the only things I have to share are those that I have done on the computer, primarily with a mouse. I aquired a tablet recently but haven't had Chronos and Muse together at the same time.
And I -am- going to be kind (for now at least) and not post the myriad of crappy logo things I worked up for the DDK when I was working on the ever-so-popular DDK Y!Messenger Skin. Really, be thankful.
I'll start with something fairly tame. I had this mondo groovy cool idea for a Rhenfeld website about his inn, Jugs. (Don't know Rhen? Check the RPG section...) Whatever it was, and I don't recall now, I wasn't able to figure out how to do it and finally got bored with the idea. HOWEVER! LOL I did make a stunning rendition of the exterior of Jugs to serve as the 'cover page'... And here I present it in three parts. First, the modest exterior of Jugs. Then the warm and comforting glow of fireplaces and lanterns... And finally, the composisited (is that a word?) image of Jugs radiating the warmth any good inn should.
I was playing with Paint Shop Pro's textured airbrush effect (paintbrush?) for the exterior of Jugs. I was also trying to figure out how to use (effectively) the masks, which I actually screwed up. If you notice in the first image the 'chalk' marks around the door and windows? Those weren't actually supposed to be there. They were supposed to be outlines that I could paint around and finish in later. OOPS.
I don't actually recall how I did the fire effect. I remember it was fun, cuz I was basically waving the mouse around, changing colors, waving the mouse around, changing colors... you get the picture. Stupid, probably, but I actually like how that came out quite a bit.
If you are really into image formats you may have noticed that I have a thing for JPGs? I'd give that a sorta. I much prefer them in comparison to GIFs for yer general everyday usage. (I recognize both have their specialized places, but on the average day of fucking around, I will have used the JPG format more often and to greater success.) On the other hand, I just noticed that both IE and NN are recognizing and displaying PNGs. And I like those even better than JPGs. Hooray!
Next up are two rather old (for me) computer based drawings that I did with a mouse approximately 3 or 4 years ago. As they are nude torso's (and groin area), male and female, you may wish to cover your eyes and hit the back button (or Backspace on Windows computers.) They are not 'sexual' but they are blunt.
Here's the more recent stuff. This all from 2001 (or later?) after I aquired the Pablo Internet Edition Drawing Tablet. Big name, kinda sucky tablet, way groovy compared to mousing. Hell, what did I expect when it only cost $100 new, and the included software (according to reviews I've read) is/was worth around $90... Anyhow, onto the piccies.
First off we have... well... It looks like a scribble and a bad face. It was -supposed- to be a sort of frame, into which I then drew... well, the bad face. I was originally going to make the frame all fancy like a carved wooden one (the king that gets gilted.) I got bored and wanted to try something that I truely suck at, namely, coloring drawings. I think that's called Shading? Maybe. Beyond being horribly deformed, the ahhhh... the idea behind doing the nose as pure shading rather than as line is something that I have difficulty with. This sucks, and yet I'm kinda happy with it. The nose, that is. The lines (lay?) of the hair is up to my personal standards... but once apon a time I used to be able to draw eyes... and those are NOT what I would consider an example of good eyes.
Ummm... I was goofing around with colored paints brushes and the airbrush tool. This image is in the GIF format and uses a white transparent background. I guess the coolest thing about it, beyond it's sheer tripiness is that I have manually inserted a white background behind the GIF using a style setting within the HTML. WooHOO More geek points for me!
Oh, wait, I remember better now. Yeah, I was using the -smudge- tool! I like how the nose and eyebrows came out. The mouth area, I think I was using too large of a diameter on the smudge and it just sorta twisted itself inside out. It was actually okay before I dicked with it. LOL The eyes are cool -only- because of the wacked out colors I used.
No, I don't know why I put a star on her forehead. [shrugs] It sorta works though...
Now this is my very first attempt at a fan art picture using the computer. If it isn't blatantly obvious, I failed miserably. Can -you- recognize the character I drew? Even if you were familiar with her, I doubt you could. I can, sorta, and only becuase of two distinguishing features. One of those features is particular to the character, the other is my attempt to use the same affectation that the artist uses.
Did you guess? Give up? She is (supposed to be) Raven from Faith Hick's
Demonology 101 online manga/comic. If you have never heard of her, you are missing out. Raven, the main character, is a teenage demon-child (literally) living with her adoptive human father (who was supposed to be the human 'liason' to the demons but... that would be telling Faith and Raven's story.) The distinguishing feature of hers is (are?) the bluntly pointed ears. BTW, the original Raven is cute. LOL And the scratch marks under her eyes are my attempt to copy Faith's style. I believe they represent cheek structure. Not sure, but I do think that they look cool when she does them.
On the left hand side we have the naked male torso, and on the left, a female torso. Considering that these were draw without aid of models, that they were done with a mouse... I feel fairly ... No, make that quite happy with how they turned out. While they are horribly deformed (the female moreso, unfort.) they are pretty realistic also. I think I especially like the 'shading' on the male ribs and female breasts.
And that's all folks. I hope you were more amused than horrified by my lack of skill! LOL