These are some of my favorite places to visit on the web. Most of them are just for fun I don't often use the Internet for research. As you can probably tell I collect links like some people collect stamps.

Phantom of the Opera

One of my more favorite subjects. All right so I'm obsessed, but then so are a lot of people

Progeny and Phantasy

These are exerpts from two books you can order off this page. I haven't had the funds to order them yet, but what's here is very good.

The Angel of Music

This site has some really neat graphics at the begining. And some good ones inside too.

Phantom of the Opera Nexus

Currently down, but an excelent resorce for all things Phantom

Black Velvet and Other Stories

A great sorce for Fan Fiction; not just Phantom baised either. I wish I could write that well.

The Phantom of the Opera

Stories, reveiws and information

Fiction Online

A great resource if all you want to do is read stories online

The Phantom of the Opera

Another site by that name. Similar setup, but very different stories

Phantom zine

Good place to find interviews

The Phantom of the Opera Internet Mailing List

One of the more popular Phantom Mailing lists

Virtual Phantom

An online Phantom of the Opera role playing game. I'm in there somewhere

Lady Ghost's Art

There is some really nice Phantom based art here.

Lord of the Rings

I've been into this since I was a little kid. My Dad used to read them to us while we were camping.

The Lord of the Rings

The offical movie web site. This one has some really cool pics and interviews.

The Hobbit Site

This one has a fun logic puzzle board game. Right now I'm stuck on level 13.


If you don't know what that means don't worry, I'm not exactly sure either. I just know that the site is about all the languages of Middle Earth.

The Lord of the Rings

Not exatly in English, but they have some very nice pics.


Buffy/Star Trek: the Next Generation Crossover

A strange idea, but it might work.

Vampire History

Exactly what it says. A lot of text concerning different vampires in history

Mystery Slayer Theater 3000

If you've ever seen Mystery Science Theater 3000, that's basicly what this is. Only this site intentionally writes bad Fic to insult. At least no one gets thier feelings hurt that way

Buffy: Cross and Stake


Angel's Soul

Both of these pages are done by the same person and they have some of the best info on the series I have been able to find. Not to mention it's easy to understand and you don't spend hours looking for it.

Lucard's Home Page

A. Lucard. Spell it backwards and you'll figure it out. A very bizzare series, but good for a luagh


Another Favorite Topic. Some of these aren't technicly anime, they're games

Anime Web Turnpike

A lot like the Phantom Nexus

Note on Sailor Moon Manga

English translations for the Sailor Moon Manga. Great for checking the translations Tokyo Pop does.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

This is probably one of the best sites out there if you just want to know about the TV series

Sailor Moon Expanded Fan Fiction Universe and Fan Art

The title pretty much says it all. It's mostly fan-fic with new characters

Sailor Moon Manga Hideaway

Lots of Info about the schouts and some good pics

Sailor Moon Now and Forever

Info, pics and summaries

You Know You Watch Too Much Sailor Moon When . . .

Again the title says it all. Though this site hasn't been up dated in a while it's still funny

Crystal Tokyo

The index page doesn't look like much but there's lots of info about the schouts here


These are sites I don't know where else to put at the moment. This scetion may change as my interests do


Looking for cool pics or stories? Try here

Dragon Mount Pictures

Just what it sounds like, a movie studio of sorts. You can view thier movies here

Dark Unicorn

I don't remember why, but my best friend found this picture and showed it to me. I liked it so much I thought I'd share it with you

Harry Potter

By now most people know who Harry Potter is. If you don't, go here and check him out

Queen's Own

Official web site for my favorite author.

Wyvern's Library

Another Elfwood site

Baby Name Inventer

Yes I know what it says. Acutally this is a very useful tool for writing if yo need a name and don't already own a baby name book like I do. This particular page is for Gender Nuteral names

Tucows Themes

Free themes for your computer. Lots of fun if you don't mind spending some time searching

The Seventh Dimension Highlander Fan Fiction Archive

More fiction than most people can read in two lifetimes, but good stuff

Final Fantasy VIII Online

This place has some really good art work from the game.

"To Be"/"Not To Be" Stories

Highlander the Series

A great source for info on the series. And some really great links too.

Highlander Index of Synopses

And exclent source for transcripions of episodes after Season 4.

The Official Queen of Swords Site

Not much there, but the links are great.

Manzana Core

Home of the Queen of Swords Virtual Season Two and hopefully, three soon. Also a great place for Fan fiction.

Queen of Swords

Picure summaries of many of the episodes.

Sherlock Holmes in the 22 Century

What a Concept. Though he is missing some of his more quirkey habits. On weekdays 7:30 am Fox (11) in So Cal right now.

Senashenta's Collective 8.0 ~ Howl!

Lots of Fan-Fic, baised on several different things, books,Anime, and Movies.

Fan Fiction.Net

This is the place to go if you like fan fiction. They have everything, even some of the most obscure things.

Fiction Press.Com

Same people as FF.Net, but this stuff is original.

SH 22

Official poster for the educational side of Sherlock Holmes in the 22 Century.

Sherlock Holmes on the Web

A great resource for anyone interested in Holmes.


These are some of the sites that I am using at the moment for a project. These aren't my only sources, but the others are books.

Ancient Japan Contents

Ancient Japan Litrature

Ancient Japan

Israelites Came To Ancient Japan

The Ancient Egypt Site

The Ancient Egypt Site

Ancient Egypt -Guardian's Egypt

Ancient Egypt - The British Museum

Ancient Egyptian Culture

Friends and Family

Fortress Fantatia: The Duchy Dyuaaxchs de l'Amaranth

My best friend's site. She has so many sites I can't keep track of them all, but they are all linked to this site


One of my many brothers.

The Picture Gallery/ My favorite sites/ The Library/ My Main Page

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