This is where I keep my favorite stories that I have up on the web. Most of my stories are crossovers; I can't seem to keep my self in one world. But a few are solely based on only one or two worlds.
All of these are my own storylines, but the characters are often borrowed from other people. Occasionally I will rewrite an already existing story to suit my needs, but I mean no harm to the creator of the original nor do I intend to make any money off these stories.
You have probably noticed the blue on black. I find it easier to read these colors, I hope you will find it so also
Theatre Terms
This is a list of theatre terms that may come up in some of my stories. Eventually this may become a glossery of sorts for all the technical terms in my stories.
Journal Entries
These are all originally journal entries for English classes; funny how you can use those for character development. Most of them are set as short conversations between two or three people. A few I have specific people in mind others are just my way of voicing my thoughts on the topic at hand.
A Short Journal Entry from English
I have a lot of these; this one pertains to Star Trek, one of my all time favorite shows.
Another Journal Entry
Again something I wrote in English. Funny how much time you get to spend writing stuff you shouldn't in English classes.
Women's Right to Vote
Another journal entry. This one is titled after the peice I was commenting on, I think the Author's name is in here too so you can look it up.
This was originally written for a high school English class, but again it?s fiction. Or is it?
A story about how I got my name, well part of it.
Short Stories
These are my short stories. I guess that means they are less than 20 pages on the computer and not journal entry. Some of them started out as part of a larger story, but this was all that was ever written and after later evaluation it turned out to be pretty good so I left it.
A Phantom Dream
A story I developed from a dream I had over several nights. Finally up. Not one of my better works but one that is finished.
Little Shop
This story came out of a dream I had while I was working on the props crew for a High School play. It's not very long, because I got board with it and forgot where it was supposed to go, but when I found it recently I realized it made a pretty good short story as it was.
A lot of this is funny things I found on the web a long time ago, or people sent to me from lists. If I remember where it came from I'll leave credit. If you know where some came from please e-mail me the source so I can properly cite it.
A Series of Jokes Based on Star Trek
I got these from my Dad, they are not mine and I'm not sure where they came from originally. Mostly "lightbulb" and "road crossing chicken jokes".
Star Trek Top 5
This came off the top five list. And after having seen the movies Trekies and Galaxy Quest it's even funnier.
Star Trek Tourism Slogans
Any one else sensing a trend here? Yes I'm a serious Trekie, and have been all my life. I don't know where this one came from, probably my Dad again.
A Camping Trip
Again something my Dad sent me on day. Just goes to show sometimes we can't see what's right in front of our noses.
The Devil's Dictonary
This one I got in a humor and satier class in High School. Watch out it's not exactly PC.
A List of My Favorite Quotes
Most of these are from Susan Kay's Phantom but not all of them. Scroll to the bottom for ones that are not.
All of my long works are in a constant state of revision so if you don't remember reading part I've probably reread some of it and decided to throw it out or change it.
Eventually I hope to have some of my own original fan-fiction up here as well as possibaly character bios for some of my more prominate characters and places.
I have been working on this story for some time now. It's changed a lot over the past several years and it's still not finished, but I hope it will be someday. It doesn't even have a title at this point.
Dear Sarah
I don't know where else to put this one so it's going here too. It has the potential to become a longer story, but at the moment I've lost interest in it. Mostly because it turned into a sitck figure commic strip.
E-mail me at sacreenoir@yahoo.com>
Please come back and visit me soon.