
Here are some links to other Tamora Pierce pages as well as some graphics sites that I've find useful. Have fun!

Tamora Pierce Links
The Official Tamora Pierce Home Page
Maintained by Tamora's husband, Tim Liebe, this page gives a lot of information on the books themselves straight from the author.
Steelsings' Tamora Pierce Website
A nice page dedicated mostly to the Role Playing games that have developed around Tamora's books, but also has a lot of cool features.
The Absolutely Complete Guide to Tortall
A very nice, clean, and thorough guide to many of the names, places, and unique vocabulary used in Pierce's Tortall books.
Symphony of Fantasy
A new Pierce site with some nice graphics, mostly dedicated to a great deal of fan fiction based on the works of Tamora Pierce.
The Unofficial Page of the Official Tamora Pierce Fan Club
Just like it says, this fan club is based in AOL, and it comes complete with officers but not much else.
A small site for people who like to read or write short stories using "Piercian" settings. Also has its own chat room
The Realm of Tortall
One of the nicer and more extensive Pierce pages. Even has a "program" where you can become a knight.
The Silver Star Tavern
A work in progress. Owned by a club of Pierce fans, so far has a collection of short Piercian stories.
Mairead's Realm of Fantasy
Polls, pictures and a guild. Has a few interesting links.
The Tortallan Archives
Art, books, and short stories by fans.
The books, a character list,cover art; for fans of Alanna.
Realms of the Lioness
An interesting site with quizzes, games, and an Tortall email sign-up.
Realm of Tortall Club
An interesting site with a few odds and ends to look at.
Wild Magic
Another work in progress, coming along nicely. Has some good ideas.
Thayets Stories, Links & Book Reviews
A site with all of the above attributes. A little hard to read, but gives some good recommendations.
Lauren's Fantasy Realm
Another site with all the basics, as well as few games and a story contest.
Caldena's Tortall
This site has lots of information available, as well it's Knights and Rogues clubs.
The Endless Circle Temple
If nothing else, this site is worth visiting just for it's setup and graphics.
Tara's Tamora Pierce Page
A nice, new page with good graphics and all the requisite sections plus guides to Tortall and Emelan.
Leila's Tortall Page
A nice site, complete with library, Queen's Riders Club, Brain Teaser, Message Board, Polls, and it's own Chatroom.
The Realms of Tortall
A brand new RPG website with some nice illustrations of immortals. Under construction and Growing.

Graphics Links
The Clipart Castle
This is where I got most of my backgrounds, icons, etc. Fantastic site!
Blue Sky Heart Graphics
Jewel icons for Macs. Has a link for PC users, too.
A really fun, interesting, and ecclectic collection of graphic art for free or for sale.
Fantasy Clipart Directory
Links to several clipart pages on the web.
The Original 3D Public Archive
Web Clip Art
A very useful clipart directory.

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