The Characters, Page 1
The Cast of Characters,
Page 1

This is a list of the characters present in Tamora Pierce's books. So far, I have not been able to start on the Summersea characters, but most of the Song/Immortals/Protector characters are here. This is a work in progress, so please be patient!

Most of the character descriptions are given as if the year is 453 H.E., the date given at the beginning of First Test.

There are so many characters in Pierce's books that I've had to use two pages to list them all. Click here to go to the second page.



Adalia of Mindelan
Kel's older sister; sometimes called Adie

Adigun jin Wilima
Thayet's father, the warlord ruler of Sarain; is listed in the Book of Glass

Ain of Tusaine
King of Tusaine

Akhnan Ibn Nazzir
shaman of the Bazhir tribe Bloody Hawk; Alanna's enemy; deceased

Alamid Mokhlos
Tristan Staghorn's assistant at Dunlath; partnered with Gissa

Alan, Lord of Trebond
Alanna's father; a reclusive scholar; deceased

Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau
the King's Champion, also called the Lioness, born Alanna of Trebond; later became Lady Alanna of Pirate's Swoop; the only female knight in Tortall as of 453 H.E.; her birth father is Lord Alan of Trebond; after his death, she was adopted by Sir Myles of Olau; has a strong violet-coloured Gift

Aled the Armorer
member of the Rogue under George; helped Claw, then betrayed him to George

Alex of Tirragen
three years older than Alanna; was a friend of hers in their early days at the palace; became Duke Roger's squire, and tried to kill Alanna several times, presumably under Roger's instruction; Alanna killed him in self defence on the day of the coronation.

Ali Mukhtab
the Voice of the Tribes and the governor of Persopolis; Jonathan's predecessor; created the first written history of the Bazhir

Amman Kemail
one of the Bazhir

Alianne of Pirate's Swoop
one of Alanna's daughters; is a twin

Anders of Mindelan
Kel's oldest brother, a knight

Aram Sklaw
Alanna's swordfighting master

Arram Draper
See Numair Salmalin


Baird of Queenscove, Duke
chief of Tortall's healers, Neal's father

Balcus Starsworn
springtime god

Baldwin of Disart
senior page/squire

Barzha Razorwing
a queen of a Stormwing flock; was imprisoned by Ozorne for inclusion in his private menagerie; her mate is called Hebakh

George's chesnut mare, trained for battle

Belden of Dunlath
husband of Yolane; once involved in a failed treason plot

Big Thor
soldier at Fort Drell that became Alanna's friend; Jem Tanner attacked him and left him for dead; he died after warning Alanna

Black God
the "taker" of lives, and the brother of the Great Mother Goddess

a living archaeopteryx (dinosaur bird) skeleton

Buriram Tourakom
known as Buri; a K'mir; Thayet's personal guard; Commander of the Queen's Riders


Chisakami, Princess
daughter of the Yamani emperor, formerly betrothed to Prince Roald, deceased

"Old Chitral"; an elemental who manifests himself at Chitral Pass; guardian of the Dominion Jewel

Alanna's pony that she brought with her to Corus

See Ralon of Malven

Cleon of Kennan
senior page/squire

Daine's faithful grey mare.

Conal of Mindelan
Kel's third-oldest brother, a knight

Coram Smythesson
Alanna's manservant during her time at the palace, and for a long time thereafter; raised her and her brother, Thom, at Trebond; also ran the fief in their absence; a former soldier, and later served as a Palace guard; married Rispah

Cythera of Elden
a beautiful lady of the court


Dain of Melor
dishonorable knight of Tusaine; fenced with and was defeated by "squire Alan"

Veralidaine Sarrasri; born in Snowsdale, Galla, to Sarra Beneksri and the hunting god Weiryn; the name 'Sarrasri' means 'Sarra's daughter'; family was killed by raiders when she was twelve; took a job with Onua; became "The Wildmage"

Dalil al Marganit
one of Myles' spies who investigated Claw

Archpriestess of the Moon of Truth temple in Corus

Prince Jonathan's black stallion, bought from George

Delia of Eldorne
a beautiful lady of the court instrumental in Duke Roger's resurrection

Demon Grey
a large wolf created by Duke Roger to kill Alanna

Dermid of Josu's Dirk

Douglass of Veldine
a page at the same time as Alanna; Raoul's squire; later knight-guardian of Maura of Dunlath


Eda Bell
the Wildcat of the Shang Order of Fighters; Liam's teacher in Shang; delivers his last letter to Alanna after his death

Eleni Cooper
George's mother; a healer who seems to have taken a liking to Sir Myles...

Emry of Haryse
Neal's maternal grandfather; a famed general

faithful member of the Rogue under George

Esmond of Nicoline
page, starts the same year as Kel


Alanna's violet-eyed black cat; was given to her by the Great Mother Goddess in the middle of a forest; is able to make his purrs understood by anyone he chooses, mainly Alanna; is eventually killed by Princess Josiane, after which a new constellation appears in the sky - at the foot of the one called the Goddess - called the Cat; he is seen in the Court of the Gods in the Divine Realms

Faleron of King's Reach
senior page/squire, Merric's cousin

First Daughter jian Cadao
a Daughter of the Mother of the Waters in Sarain; Thayet's paternal cousin; first daughter of the wealthy convent in Rachia

Kitten's mother; died defending the troops at Pirate's Swoop; gave Kitten's guardianship to Daine

captain, second in command of the King's Own

Francis of Nond
was a squire when Alanna was a page; died of the Sweating Sickness


Bazhir with the Bloody Hawk Tribe; revealed to the Bazhir she was the girl in the legend, The Burning-Brightly One

Gareth of Naxen, Duke (the Elder)
called "the Elder"; the king's counsellor, training master in Alanna's time; the King's Champion to Jonathan's father, Roald

Gareth of Naxen, Duke (the Younger)
known as Gary; "Alan's" sponsor when "Alan" first came to Court; was told that Alanna was a girl when she took the Ordeal; becomes the Prime Minister of Tortall

Garvey of Runnerspring
senior page/squire, Joren's crony

Geoffrey of Meron
a page at the same time as Alanna, Alanna won her first freestyle fencing bout against Geoffrey; his father is Lord Martin of Meron

George Cooper
George Cooper, formerly King of the Thieves, Master of the Court of the Rogue, now Baron George Cooper of Pirate's Swoop; was the first person to whom Alanna confided her secret; used to live in Corus's lower city, but when Jonathan was crowned King, he was cleared of his crimes and granted the title of Baron; married Alanna, who first met him when he was seventeen years old

Gissa of Rachne
Tristan Staghorn's assistant at Dunlath; partnered with Alamid; lost her hand in an accident with bloodrain

Gower Isran
gloomy servant in the pages' wing, Lalasa's uncle

Great Mother Goddess
also called simply "The Goddess"; Alanna's immortal benefactress; chose Alanna for a special mission and kept a close eye on the girl

Green Lady
see Sarra Beneksri


explained what had happened after Thayet disappeared when Alanna and the others were at the convent in Rachia

Hakuin Seastone
the Horse of the Shang order of fighters

Halef Seif
Chief of the Bloody Hawk Tribe; sent Alanna to the Roof of the World

Hakim Fahrar
fought with Alanna when she first came to the Bloody Hawk Tribe; took the history of the Bazhir to Jonathan

Harailt of Aili
Dean of the Royal University of Tortall; a powerful mage

A stormwing; Barzha Razorwing's mate

Hilam of Tusaine, Duke
commander who taunted Alanna when she was captured during the War fought by the River Drell

Hugo Longleigh
senior palace servant


ogre, resident of Fief Dunlath

Iden of Vikison Lake
junior page, Owen's cousin

Ilane of Mindelan, Baroness
Kel's mother, wife of Piers

Imrah of Legann
Prince Roald's knight-master

Inness of Mindelan
Kel's second-oldest brother, a knight

One of Alanna's apprentices in the Bloody Hawk Tribe; died trying to control the crystal sword

Mithran priest, teaches mathematics


Jasson of Conté
youngest prince; his namesake was "the Old King", Jonathan's deceased grandfather

Jemis of Tusaine
brother to Ain and Hilam of Tusaine; spy who posed as Jem Tanner; murdered Big Thor

Jokhun Foulreek
a Stormwing king; killed by Ozorne

Jonathan of Conté
King Jonathan III of Tortall, married to Thayet jian Wilima; Alanna's best friend during her first years at Court, and her first lover; discovered Alanna's secret when they destroyed the Ysandir; made Alanna his squire, and later his Champion; received the Dominion Jewel from her; became the Voice of the Tribes to the desert peoples of the Bazhir

Joren of Stone Mountain
handsome senior page/squire

Josiane of the Copper Isles, Princess
woman that Jonathan's mother wanted him to marry; killed Si-cham and Faithful


Kaddar Iliniat
emperor of Carthak; formerly "His Royal Highness Kaddar, Prince of Siraj, Duke of Yamut, Count of Amar, First Lord of the Imperium, Heir Apparent to His Most Serene Majesty, Emperor Ozorne of Carthak"

Kalasin of Conté
oldest princess; second child of King Jonathan and Queen Thayet

one of Alanna's apprentices in the Bloody Hawk Tribe; good with weather magic

one of the soldiers who was captured at Fort Drell

Keladry of Mindelan
known as Kel, ten-year-old daughter of Piers and Ilane of Mindelan, first female page candidate; born in Mindelan, spent a lot of time in the Yamani Islands with her family; her brothers are called Conal, Anders and Inness; and her sisters are called Oraine and Adalia

Kieran of La Minch
betrothed of Uline of Hannalof

Skysong's nickname; a dragon, the only of her kind in the Mortal Realms; her mother was called Flamewing;is looked after by Daine, and her scales are blue with gold streaks.

one of Alanna's apprentices

Kuri Tailor
one of Eleni Cooper's friends; also a healer


Lalasa Isran
Kel's maid, Gower's niece

Liam Ironarm
the Shang Dragon, joined Alanna in Sarain; student of the Shang Wildcat; feared the Gift and all magic; died protecting Jonathan on the Coronation Day

Liam of Conté
younger prince

Lianne of Conté
youngest princess

Lianne of Naxen
Queen of Tortall, wife of King Roald, Jon's mother, and Duke Gareth of Naxen's sister; was struck by the Sweating Sickness when it first came to Corus, it weakened her so much that she died soon after

'Fingers for short; a thief in the Court of the Rogue, once ruled over by George Cooper

Alanna's enchanted sword; discovered in the ruins of the Barony Olau

Lindhall Reed
mage, biology teacher; Numair's old teaching master at the University in Carthak


Marek Swiftknife
loyal member of the Rogue under George; revealed Claw's plans; Anci, his wife, gave them over to Claw

Mari Fahrar
the best weaver in the Bloody Hawk Tribe; taught Alanna how to earn respect from the Bazhir ladies

Martin of Meron
Geoffrey's father; overlord of Fief Meron, or the Great Southern Desert; the Bazhir living there are not at all loyal to the King or their governor, Lord Martin.

Trebond's healing woman; agreed to let Alanna and Thom trade places; taught them how to use the Gift

Maura of Dunlath
half-sister to Yolane; friends with the Stormwing Lord Rikash Moonsword; runs Fief Dunlath after Yolane is imprisoned for treason; heiress of Dunlath, ward of Douglas of Veldine

Merric of Hollyrose
page, began the same year as Kel; Faleron's cousin

a Fort Drell soldier who was kidnapped

a Doi fortune-teller who told Alanna that she had to proceed into the Chitral Pass if she wanted the Dominion Jewel

Alanna's first proper horse; has a gold coat and a white mane and tail; Alanna bought the horse from George

Myles of Olau, Baron
Alanna's adoptive father, teacher, head of royal intelligence service (spies)


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