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  This section is a listing of all the monsters in the Realms, including their level and where they can be found. Currently, the list includes only those monsters up to around L18, with a few higher; as I get more, I will add them here. Due to the sheer number of monsters in the game, I've had to divide the list into two parts: A-M (listed below) and Monsters N-Z. The named monsters are listed here.

  Some monsters are listed multiple times; this is because the same monster appears at different levels in different locations. Monsters of the same type but different names (jackals, e.g.) are listed under the main header (jackal, guard; jackal, mangy, etc.) for organizational purposes.

  Thanks to Meno for providing the majority of the information for this section.

Name Level Location
Ape 25 THF AC
Ape, big 26 THF AC
Ape, fierce 27 THF AC/IF
Ape, guard 31 THF IF
Ape, mean 27 THF AC/IF
Ape warden 27 THF AC
Archdruid 14 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Archdruid 20 Mar West
Archhealer 14 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Archhealer 20 Mar West
Archpriest 14 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Archpriest 20 Mar West
Archsorcerer 14 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Archsorcerer 20 Mar West
Archwizard 14 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Archwizard 20 Mar West
Archer 16 Maranda
Assassin 18 Maranda West
Assassin 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51 Aphelion
Assassin boss 9 Gob Cave 4N
Assassin boss 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51 Aphelion
Assassin leader 8 Gob Cave 4N
Assassin leader 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 Aphelion
Assassin leader 60 ??
Assassin lord 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 Aphelion
Baby bird, giant 2 Breedery, L -1
Barbarian 16 Maranda
Bat, giant 1 Breedery
Beetle, giant 3 Breedery, L -1
Blue, elite 24 OMR
Blue guard 26 OMR
Blue guard 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 IUN
Blue skeleton 22 OMR
Boar, guard 7 Gob cave 1, 4, Gob tunnel
Boar, wild 5 Gob cave 1, 4, Gob tunnel
Bobcat 3 Breedery, L -2
Bridge guard 42 PRG
Cleric guard 7 Castle of Lord of Krell
Copperhead 2 Breedery, L -2
Crazed rabbit 0 Crazed Rabbit Pound
Dark chief 33 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark chief 37 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark guard 36 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark leader 32 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark orc 31 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark orc, fierce 35 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark orc, mean 33 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark wolf 31 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark wolf, fierce 35 Dark Orc Caverns
Dark wolf, mean 33 Dark Orc Caverns
Death captain 78 Valadia
Death leader 77 Valadia
Death knight 76 Valadia
Death merc 76 Valadia
Dhaza knight 78 Dhaza
Dhaza monk 78 Dhaza
Dhaza warrior 78 Dhaza
Druid 8 Castle of Lord of Krell
Druid 18 Mar west
Druid 37, 39, 41 PRG
Druid 58, 60 Jal Pal
Druid acolyte 7 Castle of Lord of Krell
Elder (all) 9 Castle of Lord of Krell
Elite captain 91 Undead Caverns
Elite champion 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite chief 31 THF IF
Elite druid 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite guard 14 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite guard 89 Undead Caverns
Elite healer 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite knight 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite knight 56 Jal EK
Elite leader 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite merc 54 Jal EK
Elite mercenary 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite monk 11 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite monk 50 Jal EF
Elite officer 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite priest 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite ranger 11 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite sergeant 30 THF IF
Elite sorcerer 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite warrior 11 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite warrior 52 Jal EW
Elite witch 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Elite wizard 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Fierce chief 22 THF
Fierce chief 37 Dark Orc Caverns
Fierce guard 21 THF
Fierce leader 36 Dark Orc Caverns
Fierce officer 22 THF
Fierce sergeant 21 THF
Fundamentalist 42 Jal FE
Fun chief 44 Jal FE
Fun guard 43 Jal FE
Fun leader 43 Jal FE
Ghoul 36 GOM
Ghoul, evil 40 GOM 3
Ghoul, foul 38 GOM 2
Ghoul, mound 61 The Mound
Ghoul prince 46 GOM 3
Ghoul queen 46 GOM 3
Gila monster 3 Breedery, L -2
Goblin 5 Gob cave 1,4, Gob tunnel
Goblin assassin 7 Gob Cave 4N
Goblin, elite 9 Gob cave 1, Gob tunnel
Goblin, fierce 7 Gob cave 1, Gob tunnel
Goblin guard 5 Goblin lord's lair
Goblin healer 11 Goblin lord's lair
Goblin lord 13 Goblin lord's lair
Goblin witch 11 Goblin lord's lair
Green, elite 17 Graveyard of Krell Heroes, THF 1, Old Minton Ruins
Green guard 19 Old Minton Ruins
Green hero 15 Graveyard of Krell Heroes
Green knight 13 Graveyard of Krell Heroes
Green skeleton 10 Graveyard of Krell Heroes
Green warrior 11 Graveyard of Krell Heroes
Groundhog, giant 4 Breedery, L -2
Guard 7 Castle of Lord of Krell
Guard 18 Mar west
Guard 18 Orc Fortress
Guard 20, 21Mar east
Guard 22, 23 Mar west
Guard 26 Persepolis
Guard 38, 40, 42 PRG 1-3
Guard chief 33 THF IF
Guard chief 35 Dark Orc Caverns
Guard hob 31 THF IF
Guard officer 33 THF IF
Guard sergeant 32 THF IF
Healer 8 Castle of Lord of Krell
Healer 18Mar West
Healer 37, 39, 41 PRG
Healer 58, 60 Jal Pal
Healer acolyte 7 Castle of Lord of Krell
Healer Elder 9 Castle of Lord of Krell
High healer 24 Mar East
High priest 24 Mar East
High witch 24 Mar East
Hobgoblin 18 THF
Hob chief 20 THF
Hob, elite 29 THF IF
Hob, fierce 20 THF
Hob guard 19 THF
Hob mean 22 THF
Hob, royal guard 34 THF IF
Hob sergeant 19 THF
Hob, veteran 27 THF IF
Jackal 1 Kobold Kastle
Jackal, crazed 2 Kobold Kastle
Jackal, fierce 4 Kobold Kastle
Jackal, guard 6 Kobold Kastle
Jackal, mangy 0 Kobold Forest
Jackal, nasty 3 Kobold Kastle
Jal guard 45 Jal TF
Jal officer 46 Jal TF
Jal warrior 44 Jal TF
Knight 20 Mar West
Knight 28 Per K
Knight 37, 39, 41 PRG
Knight 48 Jal KF
Knight 64 ??
Knight 85, 86, 87 ??
Knight elite 12 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Knight captain 30 Per K
Knight captain 36 Per VK
Knight captain 39, 41, 43 PRG
Knight captain 50 Jal KF
Knight captain 58 Jal EK
Knight guard 13 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Knight guard 29 Per VK
Knight guard 50 Jal KF
Knight guard 57 Jal EK
Knight leader 8 Castle of Lord of Krell
Knight leader 38, 40, 42 PRG
Knight lieutenant 49 Jal KF
Knight lieutenant 57 Jal EK
Knight lieutenant 67 ??
Knight lord 62 The Mound
Knight officer 36 Per VK
Knight officer 50 Jal KF
Knight officer 58 Jal EK
Knight sergeant 29 Per K
Knight sergeant 35 Per VK
Kobold 1 Kobold Kastle
Kobold, big 4 Kobold Kastle
Kobold, dazed 0 Kobold Forest
Kobold guard 6 Kobold Kastle
Kobold mage 3 Kobold Kastle
Kobold mage 8 Kobold Kastle
Kobold, mean 3 Kobold Kastle
Kobold, priest 3 Kobold Kastle
Kobold, ugly 2 Kobold Kastle
Kobold, weird 0 Kobold Forest
Krell guard 9 Valley of the Krell
Krell Knight 7 Castle of Lord of Krell
Krell mercenary 7 Valley of the Krell
Krell ranger 7 Valley of the Krell
Krell warden 5 Breedery, L -2
Krell warrior 7 Valley of the Krell
Lynx 2 Breedery
Mage (all) 7 Castle of Lord of Krell
Man-at-arms 17 Mar West
Mean chief 24 THF
Mean chief 35 Dark Orc Caverns
Mean sergeant 23 THF
Mean guard 23 THF
Mean leader 34 Dark Orc Caverns
Mean officer 24 THF
Merc boss 48 Jal BUN
Merc boss 56 Jal EM
Merc guard 9 Valley of the Krell
Merc guard 13 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Merc guard 47 Jal BUN
Merc guard 55 Jal EM
Merc leader 8 Valley of the Krell
Merc lord 62 The Mound
Merc officer 9 Valley of the Krell
Merc officer 48 Jal BUN
Merc sergeant 47 Jal BUN
Merc sergeant 55 Jal EM
Mercenary 46 Jal BUN
Monk 7 Valley of the Krell
Monk 26 Per MK
Monk 37, 39, 41 PRG
Monk champion 9 Valley of the Krell
Monk champion 28 Per MK
Monk champion 34 Per VM
Monk champion 39, 41, 43 PRG
Monk champion 52 Jal EF
Monk champion 60 Jal Pal 2
Monk elite 11 Bastion of the Krell Elite
Monk guard 9 Valley of the Krell
Monk guard 27 Per MK
Monk guard 51 Jal EF
Monk leader 8 Valley of the Krell
Monk leader 27 Per MK
Monk leader 33 Per VWM
Monk leader 38, 40, 42 PRG
Monk leader 51 Jal EF
Monk lord 62 The Mound