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From wizards and sorcerers to druids, priests, and witches, magic (and the methods used to protect against it) plays a prominent role in the Mystic Realms. This section covers all things related to magic and spells - amulets, potions, rings, scrolls, and wands; the spells available to characters can be found here, and caster levels for critters can be found here.
Amulets are charms hanging from a chain; they are typically worn around the neck, though they can be implanted into clothing or armor (imbued), granting that item the amulet's powers. Amulets are either magical amulets that grant access to a certain place (noted as "location" below) or protection (appear as a small cross). Clerical protection amulets (noted by a (C)) are smaller discs, often using the same colors as some of the magical protection amulets.
Amulets, Magical |
Location | Color |
Orc lord | Lt. blue |
XON* | Pink |
XON | Yellow |
Amulets, Protection |
Type | Color |
Air | Lt. Blue |
Body (C) | Lt. brown |
Earth | Lt. brown |
Energy | Purple |
Fire | Red |
Ice | Blue |
Illusion | Lt. green |
Light | White |
Mind (C) | Yellow |
Nature | Green |
Soul (C) | Red |
*The pink amulet is a very rare drop by Harold (Lord of the Krell); no one is quite sure where it goes, though speculation tends toward the door in the cliff north of XON. Meno, of course, is not talking.
Brooms and Staves
Brooms and staves can be enchanted with spells by witches and wizards, respectively. In order to be enchanted with a spell, the broom or staff must be perfectly crafted and enchanted with another effect (see Weapons and Armor, below). Enchanting a staff or broom is exactly like imbuing a potion (see below) - you must hold it in your right hand and use the IMBUE command, along with the spell to be imbued. The staff/broom is then enchanted with that spell at that level, and you can cast it from the staff/broom like a wand, but with an unlimited number of charges. You can, however, change the level and/or spell at any time by simply repeating the process.
While not technically magical in and of themselves, certain items of clothing (headbands, shirts, and pants) can be imbued with enchantments from enchanted items (this is done in Uswick), while others grant bonuses and/or can be imbued with amulets. They take on all properties of the armor, including defensive value, which makes such things invaluable to classes that can't wear armor, like wizards and monks. The types of clothing are described below.
Belts: Belts come in two kinds - ceremonial and monk's belts. Ceremonial belts can be worn by anyone, and imbedded with amulets (their primary purpose); monk's belts can only be worn by monks, and they increase attack power.
Bracelets: Bracelets are nearly identical to bracers - they can be imbued with amulets and provide no defensive value, but can be worn with gauntlets or arm greaves.
Bracers: Bracers can be imbued with amulets. Unlike wristbands, they do not provide any defensive value, and can thus be worn by wizards and other spellcasters.
Cloaks: Cloaks provide a bonus to hiding, and can be used by anyone with at least one level in Hide.
Hats: Hats can only be worn by spellcasters; they come in various colors, according to the type of magic. They provide a bonus to caster level.
Headbands: Headbands can be used by druids and monks; they provide a bonus to saves. They can be imbued with an enchantment from a helm.
Pants: Pants, as mentioned above, can be imbued with an enchantment, but only by monks - other classes can only imbue amulets into them.
Robes: Like hats, robes can only be worn by spellcasters, and their color is related to their magic type. They also provide a bonus to caster level.
Sashes: Sashes can only be used by fighter classes; they provide a defensive bonus based on their level, and can be imbued with amulets. Sashes are class-specific, and color-coded: dark blue for warriors, light blue for knights, and purple for mercenaries.
Shirts: Shirts, as mentioned above, can be imbued with an enchantment or amulet.
Tunics: Tunics are designed to be worn over shirts or armor, and can be imbued with an enchantment or amulet.
(Ceremonial) belts, bracelets, bracers, shirts, and pants are available in Uswick, but all other types of clothing can only be found as treasure.
Iun Stones
Iun stones are small, extremely rare gem-like stones that come in four colors - red, green, blue, and yellow. They can only be found as treasure, but there are certain traders who can unlock the powers of these stones. All iun stones have levels, and their powers are described below. All the iun stone traders can be found in Clysmort.
Blue stones can be used to increase the level of an ability in weapons or armor (for instace, if a suit of plate mail had L7 protearth, the blue stone would increase it to L8). Also, the stone personalizes the item, as if the character had stood on an item rune.
Green stones increase the level of a skill ring not listed for yellow stones (see below). When one of these stones is bonded to the ring, it also personalized.
Red stones, when used, make the effects of a potion of the same level permanent until you drink a potion of that type at a higher level, or die. You can also "barf up" the potion and store it (if you were going into an area where you might die, for instance). This must be done at the red stone trader and costs money, but creates a "permanent potion" that can be redrunk later.
Yellow stones (only) increase the level on class, hide, steal, and cleric and mage spellcasting skill rings. Yellow or green stones will work for any other skill ring.
Potions come in bottles of various types and colors. Protection potions, for example, are all bulbs, while hero potions look like squashed bulbs, healing-type potions look like soda cans, and general use potions look like squashed soda cans. They are separated by type. Unlike amulets, most potions can be bought; this is also noted in the table under "location". Hero potions, however, can only be found as treasure. Potions are used with the DRINK command.
Imbuing Potions
Only clerics or mages with the appropriate skill can imbue blank potions with prayers or spells. In order to do so, you must have a blank potion (they can be bought at the Holy or Magic Stores in Haven); you hold the blank potion in the right hand and use the IMBUE command, followed by the prayer or spell you want to put into the potion. Only defensive prayers or spells can be so imbued, but any kind of healing prayer can be imbued. The level of the potion equals the level at which the spell is cast (see the Spells section for more details).
Name | Color | Location |
General |
Barkskin | lt. blue | Clsymort |
Bless | purple | Clysmort |
Courage*** | magenta | -- |
Elegance | cornflower | Clysmort |
Honor* | yellow | -- |
Truth* | white | -- |
Valor | orange | Clysmort |
Healing |
Bind | red | Sanctuary |
Cure blindness | white | Sanctuary |
Cure disease | yellow | Sanctuary |
Cure poison | green | Sanctuary |
Heal | tan | Sanctuary |
Karma | yellow | -- |
Mana | d. purple | -- |
Mend | dark blue | Sanctuary |
Refresh | Lt. blue | Sanctuary |
Hero |
Agility | lt. green | -- |
Constitution | red | -- |
Cognition | dark blue | -- |
Empathy | lt. orange | -- |
Luck | white | -- |
Strength | lt. blue | -- |
Willpower | purple | -- |
Protection |
Air | Lt. blue | Salazad |
Body | lt brown** | Sanctuary |
Delusion | ?? | Sanctuary |
Earth | brown | Salazad |
Energy | magenta | Sanctuary |
EShield | yellow | -- |
Evil** | magenta | Sanctuary |
Fire | red | Salazad |
Ice | blue | Salazad |
Illusion | lt. green | Sanctuary |
Light | white | Sanctuary |
Mind** | brown | Verbonic |
Missile shield | magenta | Uswick |
Nature** | lt. green | Verbonic |
Soul** | red | Sanctuary |
*This potion is a bulb, not a squashed cylinder.
**This potion is a squashed cylinder, not a bulb.
***This potion is a cylinder, not a squashed cylinder.
Certain potions are not self-descriptive, so their effects are listed below:
Bless: Improves attack and defense.
Courage: Improves defense.
Elegance: Improves saves against spells.
Honor: Improves precision attack.
Truth: Improves spellcasting.
Valor: Improves attack.
Hero potions, as mentioned in the player's manual, grant a bonus to the appropriate stat. Hero Strength and Agility each give bonuses to Strength and Agility (divided evenly between the two), but if the bonus granted is odd, the extra point goes to the stat related to the potion (i.e., a Hero Strength potion grants the extra point to Strength, while the reverse is true for Hero Agility.).
A secondary note on potions: certain types of potions do not stack with each other - that is, a character cannot benefit from both at the same time, specifically: Barkskin and Eshield, Valor and Honor, or hero potions. In any case but hero potions, the second effect does not work. In all cases, the new potion replaces the other effect if it is higher level, or fails if not. This also applies to spells.
Rings are, obviously, worn on the hands. They are separated by color; most grant a bonus of some type to a certain skill, caster level, etc., while prayer rings grant the power to cast a prayer (Clense, Locate, and Find), and spellcasting rings grant the use of a spell (Sense). Only sense rings can be bought, at a merchant in Clysmort. Anyone, regardless of class, can use a spellcasting or prayer ring. Spellcasting rings are fairly simple - if you are wearing the ring, you can use the spell by either typing the name (locate and find) or the name and a target (for clense and sense).
If you do not have at least one level in the subject skill, the ring has no effect. Otherwise, these rings increase your effective level in that skill, with the one exception being level requirements for casting spells - a ring does not enable you to cast a given spell at a level higher than what
you could normally cast, even if it boosts the casting skill for that spell. For example, if Jasya the mage had a L5 EBOLT ring and L14 in the EBOLT skill, the ring would not allow her to cast EBolt at a higher level.
I have removed the table because, with the current changes, it is impossible to pin down what ring is what color with any certainty. I myself have received the same rings in two different colors - one from monsters, and one as a prize - so I find it pointless to try to keep track of them anymore. If they ever get set like they were, I'll put the table back up, but for now, we're all on our own. Sorry.
Class skill rings are named and color-coded (see below); the classes for each ring are listed below.
Assassination: Assassins
Battle: Warriors
Healing: Healers
Holiness: Priests
Knighthood: Knights
Martial Arts: Monks
Nature: Druids
Ranged Combat: Rangers
Soldiering: Mercenaries
Sorcery: Sorcerers
Stealing: Thieves
Witchery: Witches
Wizardry: Wizards
Class rings are color-coded according to the general class:
Clerics: Lt. gray
Fighters: White
Mages: Silver
Rogues: Dark gray
Scrolls are pieces of parchment with spells or prayers inscribed on them. They are single-use items, like potions - once the spell is cast, the scroll crumbles and becomes useless. To use a scroll, you must hold it in the right hand and type the name of the spell on it, as if you were actually casting the spell.
Scrolls can only be used by spellcasting characters, provided they can cast the spell in the first place. The level of scroll you can use is based on your Casting skill level for that spell or prayer (no bonus for class skill level is applied - see the Spells section).
To scribe a spell on a scroll, you must obtain a blank magical scroll at the desired level (they can be bought at the Holy or Magic Stores in Haven) and hold it in your right hand, then enter ENSCRIBE followed by the spell. There is a mana or karma cost, as if you had really cast the spell, but in this case, it is inscribed on the scroll. The level of the spell on the scroll is either the level of the blank scroll or your level in the recitation or spellcasting skill for that prayer or spell, whichever is lower. Any spell can be scribed on a scroll.
Wands are almost exactly the same as scrolls, except that they hold multiple charges (spell uses).
Like scrolls, wands can be imbued with spell charges. This is exactly like enscribing scrolls, except the IMBUE command is used instead of the ENSCRIBE command, and doing so increases the number of charges by one. Only attack spells can be imbued into wands. They may be imbued by casting the spell from a scroll or casting it normally, but may only be so imbued by the wand's owner (the person to whom it is tied).
Once a wand is imbued with a given spell at a given level, it cannot be imbued with a different spell or at a different level. If the last charge in a wand is used, it crumbles and becomes useless.
Weapons and Armor
Magical gear can be found that does magical damage (if attacking) or protects from magical damage, including elemental magical damage, if defending.
When attacking, magical weapons do not need to hit to do their damage, and they gain a +6 bonus to do such damage. However, the amount of damage is the same regardless of how well you hit your target. There are various levels of magical weapons, and they do an additional level of damage for each level of their magic.
When defending while wearing magical gear or carrying a magical shield, the level of magic in the item protects against that many levels of magic (of the same type) in the attacking weapon. Magical gear also reduces the damage inflicted by spell or prayer attacks of the same type, and does the same against elemental attacks (i.e., attacks inherent to a creature, like a shadow's elemental touch), which are not affected by defensive spells and prayers. Only one magical item of a given type (see below) may be worn at the same time.
Magical weapons and other gear may be enchanted, in which case the enchantment just increases the level of the magic in the item.
The different types of magic that can be found in gear are as follows:
Soul Chilling: Inflicts or protects against Priest effects
Harmful Looking: Inflicts or protects against Healer effects
Impressive Looking: Inflicts or protects against Witch effects
Natural Looking: Inflicts or protects against Druid effects
Pulsing: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Energy
Glowing: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Light
Flaming: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Fire
Ice Cold: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Ice
Rock Solid: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Earth
Transparent: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Air
Shimmering: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Illusion
Mind Boggling: Inflicts or protects against Elemental Delusion
Besides the magical items listed in the previous section, there are various other enchantments that can be found in weapons, armor, shields, boots and helms. These enchantments can be "Upped" (improved) by using item runes or blue iun stones; in this case, the enchantment goes to the next higher level. The different enchantments are as follows:
Killing: These weapons inflict much greater damage (50% of the target's stamina) when they hit, but only against a specific type of creature, whether it be demihumans, animals, undead, or evil humans. Protection from Killing armor or other gear protects against these types of weapons in the hands of creatures of the given type, and also decreases damage taken from that type of creature by 50%. Note that in the hands of creatures all Killing weapons and other gear are considered to be Player Character Killing.
Slaying: These weapons function the same as Killing weapons, but instead inflict 100% of the target's stamina as damage (i.e., they slay the target in one shot). Protection from Slaying gear defends completely against Slaying weapons in the hands of the creatures of the given type, and also decreases damage taken from that type of creature by 75%. Similar to Killing weapons and other gear, Slaying weapons and other gear in the hands of creatures are always considered to be Player Character Slaying. Protection from Killing defensive gear will drop the effect of Slaying weapons to that of Killing weapons. Lastly, there are higher levels of Slaying weapons and defensive gear that apply to more than one type of creature as follows:
Intelligence Slaying: Undead and Evil Humans
Instinct Slaying: Demihumans and Animals
Domestic Slaying: All creatures
Bleeding: Inflicts bleeding whenever it hits. How much depends on how well the weapon hits. Protection from Bleeding gear protects against this type of weapon and also prevents all normal Bleeding.
Wounding: Inflicts wounds whenever it hits. How much depends on how well the weapon hits. Protection from Wounding gear protects against this type of weapon and also prevents all normal wounds.
Headhunting: Inflicts a head blow (e.g. Dazed, Stunned, etc) whenever it hits. The type depends on how well the weapon hits. Protection from Headhunting gear protects against this type of weapon and also eliminates all head blows occurring normally.
Poison: Poisons the target when it hits, which causes a continuous reduction in stamina, potentially to the point where the target dies. The severity of the poison depends on the severity of the hit. Protection from Poison gear protects against this type of weapon and also prevents the wearer from being poisoned.
Disease: Inflicts disease on the target, potentially to the point where it can't defend itself. The severity of the disease depends on the severity of the hit. Protection from Disease protects against this type of weapon as well as disease effects.
Body Injury: Combines the effects of Bleeding and Wounding.
Head Injury: Combines the effects of Headhunting and Knockdowns.
Illness: Combines the effects of Poison and Disease.
Strickness: Combines the effects of Blindness and Petrification.
Injury: Combines the effects of Body Injury and Head Injury.
Sickness: Combines the effects of Illness and Strickness.
Malady: Combines the effects of Injury and Sickness.
Damage: Inflicts 1.4 times the damage that a normal weapon inflicts, with Protection from Damage gear reducing damage (against all types of creatures; this is in addition to any reduction from Protection from Killing or Slaying gear) by about 30%.
Destruction: As Damage, except the damage inflicted is twice the normal, and the damage reduction is 50%.
Annihilation: As Damage and Destruction, except the damage inflicted is around 2.8 times normal and the damage reduction is about 65%.
Death: As Destruction, but damage inflicted is 4 times normal and the damage reduction is about 70%.