*Jess: What lady? where?!*
Shar: *kick* Get lost! You're blocking the screen!
Ze High Queen of Egomania strikes again... with worse puns than before! Hey, whatcha still doing here for? Back to the topHey there, *leads the way* watch your step, *sheepish grin* sorry, I know I'm not the most tidy person in the world, but it's so hard to find time to do anything these days. *confidential whisper* Of course there's always the point that it's an orderly mess, but some people'd never get that. *sighz* Anyway, this bit has little to do with the station and everything to do with me, so kick off your shoes and prepare for some REAL stuff! *grinz*
*kicks Jess again* Oi! Who let you in here?! *performs the incredible feat of throwing Jess out*
It's incredible because she's easily twice my size. Imagine that! She should stop eating so much, that and put her tremendous allowance somewhere safe, ie with me! *grin*Besides being crazed, morbid, sadistic hedonist and an avid frequenter of the Fake Moon Chat (FMC), I am a Philosopher and a writer as well as, God forbid, a dubious poet. I'm a constant living identity crisis, love radio and toast, want to be a DJ at RCS, write fiction and see the world before it disappears. I believe that Armageddon's just round the corner and am addicted to Computers, Dramatics and RPGs. RNRPG SMRPG RKRPG Music Writing RCS Perfect 10 Alter Egos RL Stuff What do you get when you cross a cool, hot Chicago guy with a hysterical alien ghost?
- The Sailormoon Role-Playing Game (SMRPG)Wouldn't it be nice if Ranma had a friend who's a girl and NOT chasing after him all the time?
- The Ranma Nibannoichi Role-Playing Game (RNRPG)Living in the Meiji period is no easy thing, especially if you were once the deadliest of Assasins...
- The Rurouni Kenshin Role-Playing GameWhat won't we give for eternity? Yui wants to give it away. Immortality isn't all cracked up to be.
- The *New* SMRPGCompanion to Yui.
- The *New* SMRPGNever roam the streets at night, cos the Red Wolf's on the prowl!
- Ronin Warriors RPG (RWRPG)Ever thought of the earlier Magic Knights? Kinomoto was one who stayed.
- Magic Knight Rayearth RPG (MKRPG)A teenage thug as a Messiah? And you thought you've seen everything! (I didn't create Yuuaki all by myself. She is now played by the co-creator.)
- Magic Knight Rayearth RPG (MKRPG)Singaporean in the Joe ranks and someone nice, just for Nicky (Tunnel Rat). I don't understand why the girls aren't jumping to grab the poor guy!
- G.I. Joe RPG (GIRPG)Name: Sharen Chin (Shar) Birthday: 12th Feb Horoscope: Aquarius Race: Chinese Location: Singapore Status: My own Age: 15 Wanna do: See the world Wanna be: DJ, performer and writer Occupation: Philosopher, Shrink, Writer Titles: High Priestess of Sarcasm;
High Queen of EgomaniaI'm sarcastic, pretty and a genius...
wabbit (FMC 13/5/98): You forgot "modest".
Uh-huh, and (melo)dramatic, easy-going and funny, too. I'm an Aquarius through and through: eccentric, forgetful, occasionally indecisive, friendly, romantic and out-rageously open-minded. I listen to Perfect 10 everynight from 2000 to 0200 and do an open variety of things, such as sketch, sing, write, act, web-design, RPGs and flirt, plus the half million other things I can't remember at the moment. Don't laugh, Jess, I'm sure people agree I do all these better than you do! '_^ I also part-time as a counseller, rather unsuccessful in the finance department tho, none of my clients ever actually pay. *sigh* Like every other teenager on Earth except a certain Debbie whom I know, I'm broke 99.9% of the time and like every teenager in Singapore, hardly ever free due to the INC.What INC?
INC, the Inter-National Conspiracy, aka Global Boards of Education. They can get away with anything short of blowing up the Universe; cos the Boards of Welfare would never put up with it. *bleeep! This has been another quote of Shar, the High Priestess of Sarcasm*. Hino Rei and the sketch on the top left both resemble me, BTW. Shoulder length hair, glasses. Oh yeah, and reality. I ALWAYS forget that part... Well, so much for my rambling. *shrugs* Mail me at songshadow@hotmail.com with anything short of chain and junk mail or check out the FMC for fuu-chan if you ever need me.
Need you? what in the world do they need YOU for? They need a doctor!
*kicks Jessica* Anno... mata ne!
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