Far across Time and Space, lies the tattered remenants of a distant past. And a child, the last, and first, of all her kind.

Sailor Sirius

  • Common Name: Tenrou Yui
  • Alias(es): Yu-chan, stripling (old pet name currently used only by Kiri.)
  • Senshi Name: Sailor Sirius
  • Apparent Age: 18
  • Birthday: 11th Febuary
  • Likes: Kiri, solitude and Ginko trees.
  • Dislikes: People to pry into her past and Usagi.
  • Hobbies: Observing people.
  • Strength: Painting and Flute.
  • Weakness: Physics. Her past.
  • Has trouble with: Trusting and loving.
  • Signiture Phrase: "Foolish being(s)."
  • Fondest Wish: To have died with the rest of her loved ones.
  • Dream: To see her friends reborn.
  • Transformation: Sirius Illusion, Light-Up


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