Midi Request Station
Midi Request Station

Irasshaiimase! Welcome to the Midi Request Station, where I try to satisfy my DJ dreams! Starting small, but when I get more time, etc, I'm hoping to set up a dedication corner featuring Anime Midis and the occasional mp2s and mp3s, especially for the people out there who tried to get their radio station to play it, but the station had no idea what they were talking about ^^; Enjoy yourself at your own pace while I get back to work, jya, mata ne!

Allan may be alien, but music penetrates language and cultral barriers anyway. Can't help but pity him after this one!

Dark and ominous music off the Negaverse!

I believe this is called "Fate is So Beautiful", Michiru's theme song.

"Aisenshi", Warrior of Love... ...

"Kaze ni Naritai", Wish to be the Wind, Haruka's theme song. I really like this one.

Route Venus for Sailor Venus

The Moonlight Legend, "Moonlight Densetsu". If you don't know this one, WHERE IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU BEEN?!

A Sailor Stars midi.

Remember the Antique locket/musicbox? Hey! Where did it go? Tamahome!!!


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