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Balls Copyright © JPayne 1997

A word to Parents, Educators, and Legal Guardians:

You may have noticed that there is no rating information on this site. There's a reason for that. I don't believe in rating my web site. For one thing, I've no real idea how to go about establishing a rating for my site.

Okay, that's no longer true, I just looked up rating services on Yahoo! and found at least one service that's free...but I'm still not going to rate my site.

Why? Well, for one very plain and simple reason: it is not my job to tend your children. That, once you get away from the censorship and free speech arguments, is for me the crux of the ratings issue. I realize parents have a somewhat tougher job these days and they feel they need some help. I sympathize, really I do...but, well...your children are not my responsibility. If you don't want your children reading my site, I suggest you tell them so and enforce the rules you set. That's parenting.

For what it's worth, I try to stick by the geocities guidelines and I doubt anything I have on my page is a violation of the service contract. If you find something on my pages (not on a page linked to me, I'm not responsible for their content) that you feel is a potential violation, contact geocities. You can get there by clicking on the "G" watermark that's floating along the right-hand side of the screen or by going to

Thank you, Kathy Pulver 2/19/1999