Guide: |
My current works: | All images (c) me, bleah blah. |
Art done for me by artists, or done -for- artists. ;)Latest update: 01/31/2000
| Below are pics friends have done for me, and vice versa (Note: Click on the thumnail for a larger version, etc. :P) |
NEW! Very nice. Carrie (in both the Velar and Furnation archives) took a portion of her time to actually fix this up for me. Awww, thanks! ^_^ It's a very nice inking job, and I hope to do more 'team ups' like this one. You can check out her art at Furnation or Velar! Once again, thank you. (and I'll try to ink more often! :P) | ![]() Click here.NEW! Awww.. Carrie inked up my Sonic pic just minutes after I posted it. Isn't she so kind? Yes! So visit her web page, -NOW-! ^_~ Thanks agian! Oh, and keep note of the legalities and stuff. | ![]() Click here.NEW! Well.. here's a couple nice pics that I'll hopefully get some thumbnails up for.. They're two lovely little ones of the ultra kawaii Carrie of SPR. ^_~ I hope she likes these: | Awww.. wouldn't you just love to catch -this- Pokemon? ^_~ |
Please visit the faster site (mucho thanks to WhiteDeath!) at! Thanks. :) All art is (c) me, as usual. But feel free to use the characters if you wish. I'm on the lookout for anyone who might have some names for these piccies, the furs in them, and am open to any questions, comments, complaints, suggestions, etc you can throw my way. ;) Have fun! -Ben . By the way, you can contact my via ;) |