Whoa. . .Where'd this come from? o.O I was just doodling one day, and this sort of morphed and became what you see now. A fairly interesting drawing. . done in pencil, like usual. Most of the 'textures' on her clothing, the things she's wearing, etc. . .were just figments of my imagination. They sort of created themselves as I sketched away. :P
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Whew. . .This one's strange, actually. I used a fairly different technique on the muzzle, eyes, etc. Not that bad. . .but like most of my drawings, this one's lacking a background. :/ As always, this was done with your trusty old #2. . .If I add something, I'll probably use that wonderful 'fader' for some veeery nice shading/effects/etc. *grin*
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Who knows what species this female is, but she just had a certain something that caught my eye. . .what is it?
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New image! Sometimes you just wonder. . .and that's what I'm doing right now looking at this. It didn't take much to create it, only 10 minutes or so. Quite sketchy, as are the rest of my piccies.
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Just your average doodle of. . .uuuh, what? Yeah, a couple of strange looking people (I have absolutely no clue as to the species) giving you an odd look with those empty eyes. You know what I used, but this is an older one.
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"No way, I only date girls -shorter- than -me-, thank you." Geeze, what a jerk, eh? I sort of screwed up on the arm that -supposed- to be pointing at the cute girl (I seem to like her a bunch after creating her), and she's sort of giving him one of those 'laaame' looks. ;) He'd better watch out...
This was sketched up in the morning, took me about 15-30 minutes to scribble up with pencil, like always. It's also my first attempt at the male torso, so. . .what do you think? ;)
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NEW! Just a couple of 'skaters' sitting about campus. ;> The one on the right has no clue what she's staring at, and the other's worried (as you can see). This one was a quick scribble, since I was bored, and I -SHOULD'VE- put it on white paper instead of lined.. whoops. :P Pencil, and that's about it.
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NEW! You like Sonic? Well, this one should be neat. This is one of those drawings you'll never get to look the same -EVER AGAIN-, and I was pretty shocked by the look I gave it. ;> Knuckles' pants are messed up, by the way, and they're supposed to be posing/standing on rocks. :P
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NEW! Ouch.. Why did I draw this? I have no clue. She's just staring at her (somehow) bleeding fist.. not even yelling or screeching in terror.. Odd, is it not?
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