
A fool and his proverb are soon quoted
- me

This is a collection of quotations from various sources.

All the quotesA file containing quotes collects from books, the 'net, conversation and other places. Topics tend to be varied. Keep mind open.
Conversation QuotesConversation is truly evil when it's recorded. :)
Favourite QuotesBecause the other file is so large, here's a smaller one with some of my favourites.
IFC quotesQuotations from many years on IRC. Some are profound, some insipid, and some so far out of context they're just plain weird.
School QuotesJust things professors have said during class.
I hate quotations.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

StoriesPoemsQuotesOther Stuff
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internet explorerThis site was made with Internet Explorer so Netscape users will have to sulk, or e-mail me and complain if things don't work right for them. Oh, yes, and if you're using NS communicator 4.whatever, PLEASE UPGRADE!