"A mind is like a door: if you keep it open all the time, you might as well not have one" - Unknown
This is just the page that holds all the stuff that's not quotes, poems or stories. It'll lead you to the rest of the site, Eris willing.
 | A very brief biography of me, in case anyone is curious as to why I've escaped being committed already. |
 | Chanservianism, the home page of Norn De Cat and other wierdness awaits the traveller who ventures into these waters. Bring a lifejacket and, even better, a sense of humour. (Or humor, if you're country is too lazy to include the 'u'). |
 | Links to my other web page, pages that helped with this site and other sites I find interesting. I can't guarentee all the links will be up, though :( |
 | As I tend to spend time on the mirc server irc.dal.net and the channel #game1 I figured I'd devote a page to it with some simple scripts, aliases and stuff. |
 | Just everything that doesn't fit into the page that holds everything that doesn't fit into the main page. Nice and simple. |
 | Just a section of the site containing stuff on Role Playing Games, notes and the like. Almost all of it exists on my actual rpg site as well. |
"Confusion is always the most honest response." - Marty Indik