My lives at Cibryen Weyr

Cibryen Weyr is an off-line, email-based fan-fiction club, based on Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern(tm) series of books. We role-play characters we've created in a modified version of the world of Pern, and it's a lot of fun, as I've discovered in the years since I joined up. Eventually I hope to include a drawing of at least some of my characters (and their dragons and firelizards!) on this page, but for now, here is a very bad sketch of Marian and blue Kiranth, my first characters in the Weyr.

Yes, I was doodling in class... :) And yes, his wings are wonky but there you go. I've made some more drawings recently, and as soon as the Uni puts it's comp labs in order (or I can use Jase's scanner) I'll put them up...
I surprised myself with this Weyr, I came across the page (see links at bottom of page) searching for something else, and I didn't quite know what it was about, but it sounded interesting and I was thoroughly hooked on McCaffrey's dragon books by that stage, so I invented a persona and sent it off. I was a little wary when word came back that it was a roleplaying thing (any of the Murpers who read this may well chuckle), but I found it much easier sending RPs over email... don't have to do it person-to-person, so I don't have to get all self-conscious... :) I found myself having a lot of fun, and before I knew it I was inventing a second and third character, then more, and when my two Candidates BOTH Impressed at a Hatching (done through a chat room, that was great fun), well, I was hooked for life... I think I now have... *counts on fingers* nine or ten characters (and their dragons etc), who are...
Marian, wingrider of blue Kiranth
G'kar, wingrider of brown Natoth
S'than, wingrider of brown Beltath
D'ralin, recently graduated rider of blue Malkenth (and miserable silent angst-ridden loner)
T'ren, weyrling, recently Impressed by bronze Volgeth (YAY!!)
Betany, weyrling, recently Impressed by green Krith
Seralla, Queen Candidate for the upcoming Hatchings of the remaining clutch (Ramanth's) on the Sands at Cibryen.
I also now have Kenvir, an ambitious 15-turn-old boy, a regular candidate for Ramanth's clutch...
Fiander, who is a 13 turn-old holdless boy, who has ended up in the Weyr and is terrified of dragons... *L*
and Linara, slightly psychotic and adoptable older sister to Marian. The persona is adoptable at least, it might be fun to have someone else play the troublemaker and me not knowing what's going on. Tee hee!

As you can see, I've kinda gotten into the Weyr in a big way, but I was on 3 months holiday at the time I wrote this and had little else to do, not that I wouldn't be in it anyway - after all it was still semester when I started. It keeps my brain active and reassures me that I'm not the only loony in the world... even though I am the only Australian in the Weyr... *EG*

If you're even remotely interested, check out the Weyr at the below link, and feel free to join in... :)

I came back from hiatus in May 2002... I had to stop after I left Uni since I no longer had that lovely 24 hour, free net access... *sigh*
Still, I'm back now... I have a couple of new characters, and some of the old ones up there are still in limbo... Seralla, for instance, Impressed blue and Kenvir got a bronze... but they're in limbo. S'jul is my current arrogant bronzerider and I have a complete nutter who lost his dragon when Igen Weyr exploded... yes, we killed Igen! *evil larf* That was just way too much fun for the geology nut in me. It wasn't my idea but I got to write it... :)
I've also got a healer in the Southern Continent Weyr that Cibryen is in the same timeline with... There was a very odd gold flight recently and I'm tempted to offer up a candidate... *ponders*

If you think that's worrying, I won't even mention how I'm fascinated by an actual real roleplaying game at the moment... I've ordered the bloody Werewolf: the Apocalypse (tm) book, for heaven's sake... but I don't know any roleplayers up here! There's no hope for me... :)

Very Silly Update:
This really has nothing to do with Cibryen, beyond that fact that the people involved are all in Cibryen... but if you're insane, take a look at this, the latest AIM-chat-inspired idiocy. *G*

The Lithping Pirateth League

Links to other sites on the Web

Cibryen Weyr
Wavecrest Weyr
Werewolf: the Apocalypse

Stuff I do
Friends & Family