
And other musics

Yes folks, after I got over my John Farnham obsession (I'm still blaming that on puberty), which was about a year or more ago, I finally fell for U2. Or course by then they'd stopped making the music I fell in love with and were experimenting with all that technological wierd stuff, but hopefully this new album of theirs will be "back to basics".
I say finally, because Pennie, who you might have met on my friends page is (or was?) a rather large U2 fan herself around ten years ago, about the time they were touring with ZooTV (or Zoomerang as it was in Australia). She actually got to go to a concert in Melbourne (lucky $%*#), and she loved it. Never mind that she was right up the back of the MCG, it still blew her away. I saw the video U2 released of the Zoomerang show they did in Sydney, and I can believe it. Just my bloody luck if they never decide to tour Australia again.
My musical tastes tend to follow Pennie's, but a few years delayed for some reason. I got into classical music, but only after Pennie had played it to me for years. I haven't gone for Elvis yet, maybe it's only a matter of time... :) I obviously didn't influence her much with my John Farnham thing... (sorry about that!).
It's not really an obsession (yet) cos I haven't fallen droolingly in love with any of the band members and I don't love all of their music indiscriminately. Mind you I haven't actually heard all their music yet. Zooropa is growing on me, and I am miffed that they didn't include Achtung Baby in their 'best of' album. Or most of October for that matter. What was wrong with Gloria?! I am confused as to why they included The Sweetest Thing, since it isn't old and not that good either. (Sorry guys.)

Ye gods, I try to write a U2 page and STILL I end up talking about myself. Sheesh. Anyway, for starters, here's a few really kewl U2 sites...

U2.ORG is a really cool up-to-date site, the other is less up to date, but has a great lyrics archive, and some hilarious other bits... I suggest you have a look at "The Amazing Adventures of Electric Erogenous Egde"... the U-toons are great too... :)

And HERE is the transcript of the chat session Bono had on Yahoo earlier in March, which I tried unsuccessfully to observe. Still, it's there to look at (in Word document form).

Well, now it's a few years after I wrote all that... I have, in that time, fallen first in, then out of... something, with most of the guys in U2... Larry's just not my type, mermaid-snogging video clip or not... :)
I would LIKE to think I have left my days of obsessive crushes behind me... but I can't deny that I picked up a bass because Adam is damn funky. ;) Pity I can't afford any more lessons right now, cos I still suck!!

I've found a lot more music to listen to, and have seen a lot of it live (but not U2 yet)... I saw Midnight Oil not long before they broke up last year, and in November I saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Sydney... I got completely hooked by the bass line in "By The Way", and got the album, and just went from there... they frickin' kick arse. Flea is amazing... *dreams of bass duel between Adam and Flea*... and I have a feeling Flea would win too. Sorry Adam...
Yeah, like anyone cares. I'll write this up more cohesively at some undetermined point in the future... I've cleaned up the broken bits so that's enough website-polishing for now.

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