Mostly Old Photos

These are mostly Gaudy photos from Uni... The Gaudy is an annual function in Howitt Hall. Up until 1997, it had been your fairly standard function, a small fee for dinner and drinks and a DJ and dancing afterwards. But in 1997 some bright spark thought they'd introduce themes... thus the Masquerade theme of last year's Gaudy was born.
In 1998, the theme was MEDIEVAL...

Me after someone opened the camera...

1998...or is it 1298?
Me, She Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous, and Jase
Me and She, with roses (and a tilt)
The Blessed Tutors of First Floor
A veiw of most of our table
4 people in great costumes, ie: Kristen, Tania, Belinda & Pauline
It was a dark and windy night...
Three Crusaders at odds...
Revellers having fun
Winners of the best costume award
The runner-up... I think she put more effort in than I did... :)
A reveller with balloons in his hair... ?
More people having fun
Two fair ladies, one with a strange device...
Me after fetching my vittles... note wandering minstrel in the background!

Some shots from a 2nd year geology field trip...

Wilson's Prom
A beach
The decline to Squeaky Beach
It was kinda steep...
And the tide was coming in
A lovely lump of granite

Other photos
The 3 Stooges, as we were known...
And a close up

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