François Reincke's Homepage

Hi, my name is François Henri Reincke and I'm a chemistry student
at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The seventh alpha version of the klaverjas programme is available here.
Do you want to:
know what I'm doing?
read the very original Star Trek stories that
a friend and I wrote?
play a game? It's in Java so everybody can play
it. When you don't have Java, go to the
site and download the 'Java Developement Kit' (jdk). In this jdk there
is a programme named 'appletviewer', with which you can run this game.
see what the Infrared Spectrum of Vanillin
(Vanilla) looks like? (I guess not!) Java required
- Go to my download page? It contains a kalverjas game, a logiquiz solver and a eurocalculator.
Visit the sites of my friends?
E-mail me? Just dump anything you want to say in:
get out of here as fast as you can? For some unknown reason I don't quite
blame you.
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