François Reincke's Download Page
- EuroCalculator(136 kb) - In 2002, 12 european countries are going to adopt a single currency called the "euro". This programme converts these currencies to euros and vice versa. A Dutch version is also available.
- kb) - Handy programme for solving Logiquiz/Logigram-problems. (Updated 26 March 2001;bugfix) If you have no idea what a Logigram is, try one the exercises:
* Solution Not Included!
- kb) - A simple editor for making Logiquiz problems. Changes since 26 March 2001:
- Fixed: Introduction didn't read into the "Edit Clues/Solution" dialog box
- Fixed: Grid didn't scale correctly to text in last column
- Fixed: Editing text in grid didn't invoke the "Loose current Grid" question
- Added: Results grid (TResultListView) scales automatically to data
- Added: After testing the logiquiz grid, the results can be automatically converted to a table and placed in the solution text.
-;In Dutch) - Klaverjas game. One player only. This is the 7th alpha version. There are some small changes since the 6th-alpha version:
- Tuned the engine some more
- Some general bug fixes
- Some other small changes
- Computer Players now try to make/avoid "Roem"
Known Bugs:
- It is possible to play a card before the programme is ready. So after you played the card, the programme asks for a new one. As a consequence, at the end of the round you run out of cards to play. (293kb) - Based on klaver95, you can play klaverjassen with your friends over the internet!
- A lot of bug fixes. I am focusing on getting the (internet) engine bug free, after that I'll have a look at the computer players...
- Scores an texts are sometimes incorrect
- Sometimes, all the clients' cards are marked "not allowed to play" and will give you and error message, e.g. "Je moet kleur bekennen"... (Highly Annoying)
- Program locks up if one of clients looses connection or shuts down the programme
If one of the problems I thought I fixed still occur, please send an E-mail to I am currently creating a mailing list to inform everybody of new versions being available. If you want to be on it, send me an E-mail.
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Version 2.10 - August 2001.