Some Groovy X-Files Fanfic This page was last updated on 23rd of December 1999You are visitor number
For the longest time, this page was disorganized. There was no rhyme, reason, or single explanation to be found around here as to why exactly all these stories were on this page.
So, today... I wrote comments. For each story. Maybe now it all will become clear. Maybe being the key word.
Shall we begin? (Crowds scatter in fear...)Favorite Authors - a whole separate page!
Favorite Stories - right here!
December 23rd: I rarely recommend one story in two different places - but I feel obligated to do so now. Falling Down in Four Acts by Anubis is archived at The Truth Distorted page already, but I can't recommend it highly enough. The only worthy way to describe it is what happens when a skilled painter takes a palette of darkest colors and creates the most frightening, yet the most beautiful picture. Yes, I'm feeling poetic today, so sue me.
And, I simply can't begin to tell you how amazing The Seventh Age by David Hearney is. In the days when I started to lose faith in fanfic epics or in post-colonization stories, he proved me wrong on both counts. This is the single most original story archived on this page. It is also the best science fiction story I've read in ages, whether in fanfic or outside of it. Please, do yourself a favor and don't miss it.
November 29th: JiM, a marvelous slash writer, has written lots of goodies big and small. My favorite perhaps is the Houseboat Variations series, due to my recent obsession with M/K. But you will find a lot of variations and a lot of combinations on this page, and I recommend everything heartily. Dig in!
November 7th: Two months without updates - didn't you find fanfic world dead? But with Little Earth by Xanthe, I found myself with renewed faith - and a puddle of tears at my feet. This is so hopeless, there are no words to describe it. And, aside from its utter and absolute bleakness, it's also a brilliant post-colonization tale, told without excuses, reader coddling, or any kind of niceties. And the narrator's point of view will floor you. Do yourself a favor and read it now.
September 7th:Longer Gone by Jintian is one of the most effective pain-inducing things I've read in a long while, and I mean that in the best possible way. I'm still shuddering, and the nightmares are not that long in coming. An absolutely unique point of view on the events of Biogenesis.
July 28th: Mercury Falling by C. Slatton is a perfect portrait of Mulder in the profiling mode. This story beats anything else of the same nature out there. It's a WIP so far, but not that many chapters are left to go, so let's cross our fingers.
July 17th: I can swear that Nothing For Me by Summer is the best portrait of Diana Fowley to date in fanfiction. Say what you will about the woman, but she deserves respect, and her intentions are still unclear. This story presents her with unparalleled clarity.
July 13th: Oh, I'm about to recommend something really delicious. I have to thank Danielle Leigh for pointing my silly little nose in the direction of fabulous C.Slatton, whose Domination of Lies is one of the best Profiler!Mulder stories ever written. This isn't just an angstfest of how Mulder sinks inside the mind of a killer. This is a true mystery, a brilliant novelization of the investigation that feels entirely too real to be just fiction. Bravo.
And, another story which I should have recommended ages ago, Locusts by Syn. This is a mystery the answer to which you will be dying to know - along with everyone else on this evil and unpredictable ride.
One of the best dialogues between Mulder and Scully, and if that's not enough to make you read these two great stories, consider this: ansgt, Krycek, cancer, Skinner under control of nano-machines, family of Charles Scully, and a plot uncoiling like a snake to strike at the reader's heart. Wow. It's Subcutaneous and Splinter by Maria Nicole.
July 8th: two people whose real names I really don't know, Cerulean Blue and Pinkus, wrote a trio of some hilarious badfics. You can find them here: Cerulean Blue and Pinkus Learn to Write XF Fanfic. Just a warning: it's a scary ride.
May 8th: Mercy Universe by Laura Sorensen is one of the more surreal, incredibly imaginative stories I've ever read. If you ask her nicely, she might write more - I can't wait to see where this is leading!
April 13th: More Equal by Tim Scott is my favorite post-One Son story, because it finally gives justice to the character who I feel was slighted by many other stories of the same nature. Hey, I'm a Mulderist and proud of it. This is one conversation I'd pay to see acted out on the show.
April 1st: One Flew East, One Flew West by Danielle Leigh is officially making waves in my subconscious. It features an original character equally compelling to Mulder and Scully, and the amount of angst could send one reeling. Though it is unfinished, Danielle has recently written some more chapters, leaving it off on the most heartwrenching cliffhanger so far.
Full Part I and Part II through chapter 6 are included.February 21st: I am a sucker for Splitville. Oh, that means stories where Mulder and Scully part ways - and here they do it on their own terms, in a frighteningly calculated and plausible way. There is nothing else like Terminus by Seda. And now, she'd written a delicious sequel, Divide. I sure hope the conclusion of this trilogy comes soon.
February 8th: I was just waiting for Annex to load this epic before I could recommend it here. I am certain most people read it by now, but for those ignorant, Hide and Seek by SpearmntXF is a must-read. This is the best mytharc resolution I've ever seen. Period. The movie, the show will never come close. The amount of work that must have gone into this adventure is gigantic, and I can't give enough justice to the result.
February 5th: When I read All the Mulders by Alloway, I tried to get past this huge lump in my throat. This is the shortest post-colonization story I've read, and all the other epic behemoths couldn't even come close. Funny, tragic, sweet, cute, sad - all wrapped up in ten short kilobytes.Another awesome addition is The Emissary Trilogy by Darkstryder and Rocketman. Where else would you see Mulder almost shooting Scully or a characterization of an alien so perfect that you would sympathize with her? Read it. Today.
Tell me you don't love Well Manicured Man, and I won't recommend that you read Well-Manicured Life by Madeleine Partous now. This story fleshes out an intriguing character so wonderfully that my longing to see him come back to life has been permanently reinforced.
Bureau Years by LuvMulder are still unfinished, but the two available parts (stand-alones) are awe-instilling. Some of the best X-File cases I had a privilege of reading.
I am a noromo. So when it comes to a story in which Mulder and Scully are joined at the hip in the most intimate way, and I can't stop praising it to the sky, it means the story is more than excellent. It is a rare gem, such as Magician Series by Jennifer Lyon and Susanne Bickerstaffe. Not only that, it is also worthy of the best fantasy series you can find on the shelves of an ordinary bookstore.
Dea Ex Machina by Pusher is the most beautiful X-Files fanfic I've ever read. I am not exaggerating. Read it, and you will see what I mean. I pray every day that it will be finished, and soon.
Sin Eater by Jane Mortimer stayed with me long after I've finished reading it. I kept wondering what happened with Mulder when he opened the door... wait, am I giving up the plot here? Just read it - rest assured it's great.
Cieca Fede by Deb Prewitt is once again, a rare romance that almost made me weep. It features the scenario many had thought of but few implemented with such stunning elegance: the return of cancer.
Wallpaper by Annie Sewell-Jennings is one of my favorite Mulder in Consortium stories. And I can judge those, believe you me. Both Scully and Mulder characterizations are frighteningly accurate, in insanity, and in sickness. One of the darkest stories out there.
The Courage To Go On by Livengoo - I can't do this justice by talking about it. Suffice it to say, surprise awaits you, and it will either make you laugh hysterically, or you will never want to visit my page again.
Time After by Amperage is, simply put, cathartic. It's written from a surprising point of view and it features Mulder at his worst... and best.
The Rockies by LuvMulder & Esther Walker & Ruefrex & Vickie Moseley - all the adventure, angst, torture, and desolation one can possibly withstand. Also, a great X-File. Not to be missed.
Partnership I 2 by Glymax & Anne Cologna: yet another venture into Splitville, this time of an involuntary nature. This story, also unfinished, will keep you on your toes and curdle your blood.
Anyone For Pie? by Leyla Harrison is a proof that she must spend more time writing humor, in addition to the excellent angst and romances, all found on her page. You think Maggie was sick in Theater of the Absurd? You should read this story.
Vengeance by Juliettt is one of the first stories I've read, and still one of my all-time favorites. ScullyAngst galore - post-Anasazi.
Who can resist the sheer grandeur of Letters of Transit by Loch Ness? One of the best post-colonization stories I've ever seen, and let me just say that Casablanca was less interesting.
Cheapened Things by MD1016 is one of the rare erotic MSRs that left me begging for more. Chockful of angst, perfect characterization, and haunting lines.
Distant Suns by Susan Lynn is a small post-Memento Mori vignette that affected me in the strangest way... I almost cried when I finished reading it. And yet, not much seemed to transpire... Can anyone solve this mystery?
Together by Talia is an extremely well-crafted adventure in mytharc, with the right amounts of angst, tender M/S moments, a twist on Samantha subplot, and some of the most interesting Consortium characterizations. A must-read.
Is There Something I Should Know? by Blue Silver comes here courtesy of The Badfic Hall of Shame. I think I hurt something inside from laughter while reading this. I refuse to believe it was unintentional. Such awful grammar, spelling, and characterization can only happen out of writer's specific intent to be this god-awful. Great stuff.
Darkness and Light 1 2 3 4 by Leyla Harrison is probably my favorite post-Gethsemane explorations. I wept. I literally wept. Heart-breaking, beautiful, and just - perfect.
Banging Your Head Against The Red-Haired Brick Wall by Blair Provence - no, I don't just like this Mulder/other because I am a noromo! I love this because it's one of the few and rare "other" voices that is not a Mary Sue, and Mulder characterization couldn't possibly be more dead-on.
Blood of Angels by The Lone Gunguy is a psychedelic adventure featuring absolutely everything you could possibly wish for, AND white kangaroos. X had never been more interesting, and the plot had never been more deliciously convoluted. I keep wondering why this is an X-File fanfic and not a story in its own right, recommended by literary critics alongside best works of Kurt Vonnegut and Salinger.
Contact Ironic by Anne Peregrin - the word 'ironic' takes on a new meaning in this funny, touching, and frighteningly belieavable post-Gethsemane story. If Mulder really did pull that trigger, and if he was too rash... I don't want to think about it. But Anne did. Prepare to pull out tissues.
Ghosts 1 2 by Torch is the best Mulder/Krycek romance I've ever read. And this really is a romance, this is not just about sex (though sex scenes are smoking hot). Scully is never left behind, and the featured cases are just as intriguing as the relationships. Torch is the master of her craft, what can I say?
Mr. Efficiency by Jill Selby is my favorite post-movie fic. Witty, hilarious, and ominous all at once - nothing can beat it.
After I read The Lady and The Tiger by Stephanie Davies & Sue Esty, I had to stop and catch a breath, and treat myself to a slew of mindless comedies just to wade off the dark, depressing, yet wonderfully satisfying feeling. What a beautiful post-Anasazi exploration! Had this really transpired on the show... no, I don't want to think about this.
The Gift by Sue Esty - if you read this and don't cry, then there is something seriously wrong with you. Yes, I will pass judgement!
Please note: Half of the stories above are mere links. The other half are on this site. If some of the links don't work, please let me know.
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