WAY COOL LINKSFor those who just can't get enough
This page was last updated on 30th of October 1999
X-Files and other, less important things...You are visitor number
It's All Gone to Hell - An extremely well-crafted, most complete archive of post-colonization stories. You will find everything you want here - Marita and Krycek have done a wonderful job.
Mulder and Scully Hate Each Other - Oh, this is too precious. A beautifully done site, dutifully informing us of all animosities and terrible things that Mulder and Scully ever unleashed on each other. And the Temple of Bee is not to be missed. A must-see for all noromos... and everyone with a sense of humor.X-Clusively Our Opinion - The return of one of the best fanfic archives. C. Slatton and LuvMulder have done something great in resurrecting it. Please, visit - and stay awhile, browsing through the author pages and favorite stories... OK, some of my stories are there too, but that's not the reason why I recommend it...SETI@home - Oh wow... an opportunity to look for extra-terrestrials on my home computer? I will take it, thank you very much. And so can you - do your small part in finding the little critters from other galaxies. It's not a joke.Noromo Values - So, did you think that just because I recommended some really damn good romances on my recommendations page, I was a shipper? Did you also think that just because I really wanted to see Mulder and Scully in Consortium together, I also wanted them to have sex together regularly? Thought wrong.Darkstryder's Fanfic - an impressive, weekly updated collection of fanfiction, X-Files, graphics, and homestead links. And who could miss some really wonderful stories by Darkstryder herself and Dom Parker?The 1999 Spooky Awards - Let's vote, people! After all, this is more important than Emmy's, Oscar's, or presidential elections. Do your part :-)Tiny Dancer's X-Files Episode Guide - Spoilerville! Episode Transcripts and Reviews! Images! Sounds! More extensive than any other page of the sort and highly satisfying.Know Your Exits - Ashlea Ensro's homepage where she speaks about the weird Mr. Noodles, worships good old CSM, and posts her fantastic fanfiction.Maraschino's Homepage - Some of the best fanfiction you will ever find, and a great collection of links.Badfic Hall of Shame - Read too much angst? Wrote something dark and depressing? Suffering from a bad case of writer's block? This is the cure!Gossamer Project - Yes, it's never updated as often as we would like it to be. But who can resist the sheer grandeur of the ultimate X-Files Fanfiction archive? There is only one Gossamer.Doghouse - Weekly recommendations from Sparky. The best that X-Files fanfic community has to offer!Chronicle X - A new style of fanfiction archive, where you will find all author pages, all X-Files fanfiction archives, all WIP pages, and even interviews with authors we love. Absolutely not to be missed.The X-Files - The one and only official X-Files site. The best place to find out the title of the next rerun (smirk)Deep Background - Pellinor's website with her excellent, supremely angsty fanfiction, as well as oodles of information about The X-Files show and its characters, government, FBI, paranormal, and everything else you could possibly need for writing.The I in FBI - A no-nonsense XF fanfic archive featuring all stories with mythology, investigations, and real X-Files.MulderTorture Anonymous - Some of the best angst you will ever find on the net. 'Nuff Said.The Annex - A library stuffed with long, satisfying X-Files novels.Ephemeral - If you are tired of dealing with off-topic posts and flames on ATXC, this is the place for you. Nothing but fanfic, newly autoarchived from the newsgroup.The Ferret Cage - Drovar organized one of the most interesting XF fanfic collections featuring the man we love to hate... or just love. Agent Jeffrey Spender!Ladies of the Not - Some excellent XF episode reviews. Go there every Monday!The Circle of CiCi - Opinions, Acid Desk, great fanfiction. There is nothing like it elsewhere.![]()