Here are a few of the places that Skin has called home, and a few other places he's been known to show his face.


Untill recently, Skin's home was just outside of the Berkshire Mountains in Snow Valley, Massachusetts, where he attended the prestigious college preparatory school, the Massachusetts Academy. Founded in 1700 by high class colonists to bring "proper breeding and culture to the children of the gentry of the wilderness." It spent the majority of it's history under the control of the Hellfire Club, until it recently came under the full control of one of it's members Emma Frost. It briefly held the title of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, until returning to it's former title. There is a massive underground hi-tech training facility, that was not commonly used by Generation X (see Generation X).

A. Arts Studio

B. Science Building

C. Computer Building

D. Stables

E. Main Class Room Facility

F. Gymnasium Facilities and Indoor Track

G. Library and Study Hall

H. Cafeteria

I. Student Lounge

J. Chapel

K. Main Building Administration

L. West Faculty Building

M. West Dormitory

N. East Dormitory

O. East Faculty Building

(Note: this map was made prior to the formation of Generation X, since then numerous buildings have been built and destroyed, currently the grounds are in ruin and disrepair)


Skin's former living quarters at the Massachusetts Academy were in the boys dorm, in a private room filled with everything he needs, from video game systems (ranging from a Sony Playstation to an old Atari system) to a picture of Tores by his bed to his cigar box with Lupo's gun.


Formerly known as the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the Xavier Institute is the parent school of the Mass. Academy, and many school functions (such as baseball games) take place on this campus. Located on Graymalkin Lane just outside of Salem Center in Westchester County New York, it has been a school for mutants for many years.

(Note: this map was made prior to the Prime Sentinel attack During Operation Zero Tolerance)


Skin was born and raised on the streets of the East Los Angeles barrio (district). Although he is believed dead by most of those who knew him there, he has returned alongside Jubilee.


Bud's Bar was Skin's old hang out when he used to be part of Tores' gang, although, being dead, he is no longer welcome, Tores and her crew still come here to be served drinks by Annie the bartender. (For more on Annie see Old Life)


After Skin faked his death, it was Gil he came to. Gil's Venice, California home is technically under his mothers name, but since she moved to New Mexico, Gil is the only one staying there. It was recently destroyed by Prime Sentinels during Operation Zero Tolerance. (For more on Gil see Old Life)


Tores' uncle bought this lot cheap do to it's poor location, and Tores herself occasionally uses it to hide out from the cops. It was recently destroyed by Prime Sentinels during Operation Zero Tolerance.


The alley behind Tores' house is naturally a hang out for her and her gang, as well as a place that Angelo knows he can find Tores if he needs her. There Tores and her crew enjoy the outdoor pool table, refrigerator, sofa, hanging lanterns take-out from "Manuel's" restaurant. (For more on Tores see Old Life)


Skin makes sure to make regular visits to this cemetery in East Los Angeles. In this cemetery is the grave of Angelo Espinosa (his grave), often visited by mourning friends and family. (see Old Life)

For great maps of the Marvel Universe (well, earth at least), that even lists famous landmarks like Skin's birthplace, L.A., visit The MarvelAtlas Project!

On to the next section to learn about Skin's Style!

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