Old Life

Mrs. Espinosa

Real Name: (first name unknown; see Movie ) Espinosa

Distraught over the loss of her son Angelo Espinosa (Skin to you and me), Mrs. Espinosa sees her fallen child as an angel, who could never have done anything wrong. Unaware of her sons survival, or even of his mutant abilities, she believes that all mutants are spawns of the devil, and that Tores is the worst amongst them.

Mr. Espinosa

Real Name: (first name unknown; see Movie ) Espinosa

The father of Angelo Espinosa was gunned down before his son's eyes as an accidental victim in a drive-by shooting (not entirely confirmed in the comics, but shown in Skin's 1994 Marvel Universe card).


Though no mention of Skin having siblings has never been made directly, but he has never claimed to be an only child, and has made several off-hand remarks about his mama's children. (in the movie he had an older brother and a younger sister; see Movie )


Real Name: Gil (Gilberto?) (last name unknown, possibly Espinosa)

Cousin of Angelo, and the only person Angelo felt confident enough about to confide with the knowledge that he had survived. A free-spirited surfer, who although still a teenager, lives on his own in a house in Venice Beach, California, after his mom moved to Santa Fe.


Real Name: Inez (last name unknown, possibly Espinosa)

Angelo's cousin. She knows, or at least suspects Angelo is still alive, because she saw Skin hanging out at Tores' house. Tried to tell Angelo's mom that she saw him alive.



Father Miguel

Real Name: (unknown)

The priest at Angelo's old C.Y.O. (Catholic Youth Organization), and a good friend of the family.


Real Name: unknown

Also Known As: Torre, Torres

Angelo's ex-girlfriend from his days as a gang member in L.A., she has now become the very controlling leader of a very powerful L.A. gang. She has psionic-based mutant abilities that allow her to channel psychic energy into a destructive force (click here for a sample). She has an as yet unknown business relationship with Generation X mentor Emma Frost.

D & Dog

Real Name: (unknown)

Apparently a high ranking member of Tores' gang with strong influence on the others. (There is a store in Angelo's old neighborhood, called "D and A Liquor" or "D'anda Liquor", maybe a reference to D)

Realation to D.O.A.? Probably none.


Real Name: No name has ever been given for this pivotal character

Right hand man to Tores, and presumably a good friend of Angelo before his "death". Other then that he shows up every time Tores or even any of Angelo's old gang is around, nothing else is known about him.


Real Name: Unknown (probably Lupe, a short form of Guadalupe) (last name unknown)

Lupo is Tores' second cousin (son of her mom's cousin Marisol), and was a close member of Angelo and Tores' old gang, and spent a lot of time at juvenile hall as a kid. He was instrumental in the incident that resulted in Skin's faked death.

Note: This is the second Marvel character named Lupo, the first was a Savage Land Mutate.


Real Name: (unknown)

Another old gang member from Angelo's days in the barrio, Gordo was always a little volatile, and on that ominous day when he, Lupo, Angelo and Tores crossed into Figueroa territory, it was Gordo that fired the first shot, and payed the price. On that day Gordo and Angelo were believed to be victims of gang violence, but only Angelo is still alive.


Real Name: (unknown)

Member of Tores' gang. Strong, but not influential.


Real Name: (unknown)

Barkeep of "Bud's" (also known as "Buddy's"), a club frequented by Angelo's old gang. Not one that likes losing control of his own bar, but willing to make exceptions for Tores.


Real Name: Kristoff

Kristoff is a sleezy Hollywood agent with an undefined connection to Angelo's pre-Gen X days. Angelo knows he's bad news, but he didn't stop Jubilee from becoming Kristoff's client. After a week of working together Kristoff tried to take advantage of Jubilee (she blasted him for it).

The Figueroas

The main rivals to Angelo's old gang during his time there were the Figueroa gang. Presumably, the gang is bassed on Figureroa Street in South Central L.A.

On to the next section to learn about Skin's New Life!

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