Generation X was a team of mutants-in-training based in the Massachusetts Academy (formerly run by the Hellfire Club) in Snow Valley, Massachusetts. The students were taught by a former X-Man and Interpol Agent (among other things) named Sean Cassidy also known as Banshee, and former villainess and member of the Hellfire Club, Emma Frost the one-time White Queen! (click on the section that interests you)
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LeechReal Name: unknownWith the power to dampen the powers of other mutants, Leech was one of the youngest mutants in the care of the Morlocks, a group of disfigured mutants feared by society that lived beneath New York City. After the Mutant Massacre that killed most of his fellow Morlocks, he was taken in by the original X-Factor, where he met his friend for life Artie, and the two where placed in foster care to get a better education. They where taken from this life by demons, and then joined a new group of young mutants called the X-Terminators. They continued to be bounced from one foster care facility to another until they were once again kidnaped this time by Morlock survivors called Gene Nation. They were rescued by Generation X, and where put in the care of the Massachusetts Academy. Leech has since left the school. |
ArtieReal Name: Artie MaddoxArtie is a mute malformed mutant with the ability to project his thoughts as holographic images. After his scientist father failed to "cure" him of his powers, he was taken in by X-Factor where he met his best bud, Leech. The two became fast friends and are now inseparable. They became members of the now defunct team, the X-Terminators, and then put in the care of the Xavier's Institute. Equipped with Image Inducers, Artie and his friend Leech were free to roam the grounds of the school just like any other kids. Artie has since left the school. | ![]() |
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NicoleReal Names: Nicole St. CroixAfter the abduction of their sister Monet by their evil brother Emplate, Nicole decided that she and her twin, the autistic Claudette, should take the place of their sister rather then let their father think his eldest (and favorite) daughter was gone. Eventually, they switched places with their erstwhile sister, and became the second Penance, but they have since been freed from that bondage, and have returned to their father with whom they had a strained relationship. |
ClaudetteReal Names: Claudette St. CroixClaudette has gone with her sister wherever she goes, although she has never been known to speak, and suffers from a rather savere form of autism. While she and her sister were mascarading as their older sister Monet, Claudette would often "take over" the "M" body whenever her superior intellect was needed, causing M to go into a trance-like state. She has also been seen opening portals to other worldly dimensions using nothing more then a piece of chalk. | ![]() |
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FranklinReal Name: Franklin RichardsFranklin is the super-powered son of the famous Reed and Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four. He has reality shaping powers that, when unchecked, can create or destroy entire realities. During the time when his family was trapped in a universe that he unknowingly created, he was cared for by Generation X, and became close friends of Leech and Artie. When Franklin was a member of Power Pack he went by the name "Tattletale".(an alternate reality teenage version of Franklin took the name Psi-Lord and lead a team called Fantastic Force) |
SkinReal Name: Angelo EspinosaAngelo Espinosa was captured along with Husk, M, and Blink, when the Phalanx made their assault on mutant-kind. Although he was happy to help the others escape, he was reluctant to join Generation X. It wasn't until he received some words of encouragement from the bouncing Beast that he decided to become part of the X-family. Since Generation X dispanded, Skin has gone back to L.A. alongside Jubilee.For more on Skin, look at the rest of this site! | ![]() |
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ChamberReal Name: Jonothon Evan StarsmoreJono was born and raised in England, and had intentions of becoming a musician until his mutant abilities first manifested themselves by blowing a gaping hole in his chest and face. Now his only means of communication is telepathy as his mouth and chest are now a bio-nuclear psionic furnace. He also has an on again off again relationship with Husk. Chamber is currently continuing his education at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, as a member of the X-Men. |
HuskReal Name: Paige GuthriePaige is the second mutant from the Guthrie family of Kentucky to join the X-family. Her older brother Sam joined the last class of young mutants, the New Mutants (aptly named) as co-leader and went on to lead X-Force and then join the X-Men. Not one to fall behind Paige has high hopes of following her brothers footsteps, and even to lead the X-Men some day! She has the unique (and according to Jubilee, disgusting) ability to shed her skin (much like a corn is husked, hence the name) to reveal a new form underneath. That form can be anything she chooses, animal, vegetable or mineral, unfortunately she has yet to master the transformation process. Husk is currently using her unique powers to fight alone for causes that might be bellow the radar of more traditional heroes. | ![]() |
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MReal Name: Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. CroixMonet is one of four powerful children of rich eccentric Cartier St. Croix. After she was captured and transformed into the first Penance by her evil brother Marius the villainous Emplate, she was "replaced" by her sisters Nicole and Claudette, who took her place as Monet St. Croix. Eventually, she was freed from the Penance from by her sisters, who for a time, took her place in that shell. Monet has now, finally, been put back into her own body, super-strength, telepathy, and all. During their time as M, the twins played a very meanspirited and uppity Monet, unfortunately for Gen X, the real Monet worse, and makes no excuses for it. M has returned to her home with her younger sisters, her demented brother, and the mysterious Penance. |
JubileeReal Name: Jubilation "Jubes" Lee (called "Jubecita" by Skin)Jubilee is the youngest member of Generation X, not including the Twins. After her Chinese- American parents were killed by the gangsters Reno and Molokai near their home in Beverly Hills, she was adopted by her stuck-up next door neighbors, also with the surname Lee. After a very brief stay, she ran away, and became a mallrat, until her encounter with the X-Men and their ally, the mutant teleporter Gateway. She spent some time squatting in the X-Men's Australian base, until she was accepted in their ranks after saving the life of Wolverine, and remained with them until the formation of Generation X. Then she uses her firework-like plasma abilities to fight alongside her teammates. Currently she has returned to L.A. along with Skin. | ![]() |
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SynchReal Name: Everett ThomasEverett Thomas is a young mutant with the ability to "synch" with and gain the powers of other mutants. He grew up a straight "A" student in St. Louis Missouri, raised by his parents, Stan and Ida, who also helped raise foster children, including a blind infant named Kim. He never caused any trouble, and never did anything wrong, which is why everyone was shocked when one day he screamed so loud that is shattered windows for blocks. He didn't know it yet, but he had synched up with Banshee, who was at that time, coming to save Everett from his attackers, the Phalanx. Always an upstanding student, Synch learned at the Xavier's School along with his friends. Everett died attempting to disarm a bomb set by Emma's sister Adrienne Frost. His death saved hundreds of kids, and Emma personally avenged him by shooting her sister. |
PenanceReal Name: UnknownUnknown. Once, simply believed to be the prison of first Monet, then her sisters, Penance now appears to be a creature unto herself, with her own past and identity as-yet unrevealed to us. Her diamond hard skin, and inability to communicate, or be communicated to (beyond the visual), make her mystery all the harder to unravel. Penance is presumed to be living with the St. Croix family at their family home. | ![]() |
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BlinkReal Name: Clarice FergusonLittle is known about the young, insecure mutant named Clarice. It is known that when she first used her powers of instant teleportation ("blinking"), she woke up several hours later in a pool of blood. It was this traumatic experience that lead her to withdraw into herself, and that made her vow never again to use her powers on another living being. Later she was captured, along with most of Generation X, by the Phalanx member known as Harvest (also called Harvester), and it was Harvest's evil intent that made her break her vow. Nicknamed "Blink", she twice tried to use her powers against him, the second time, apparently killing herself in the process.
GaiaReal Name: GaiaGaia is a young mutant from another galaxy that spent thousands of years as the guardian and prisoner of an extra-dimensional device known as the Universal Amalgamator. The Amalgamator has the power to unite all of universe into one being, and Gaia has the power to ignite it. The being called M-Plate (and amalgam of the Twins and their evil brother Emplate) sought to exploit this potential, and used Synch to do it. Thanks to the intervention of Generation X, not only was the universe saved, but Gaia was freed from her imprisonment. Upon reaching Earth, Gaia sought to enjoy her newfound freedom by taking full advantage of her reality warping powers, and she did, until she was placed into the custody of Generation X. Now she has decided to try to learn about life, enjoying her newfound freedom, on her own. | ![]() |
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MaggottReal Name: Japheth (last name unknown)Japheth is a tragic young mutant. He grew up in the plains of a racially divided South Africa near a small town called Ottoshoop. He had two brothers, Lot, his elder, and Daniel his younger. They were both strong and healthy, while Japheth was small and sickly. He did not know it at the time, but it was his awakening mutant powers that were causing his constant illness, and it took the mutant master of magnetism, the powerful Magneto, to show him his true destiny. Magneto revealed to Japheth his odd mutant abilities, powers which manifested themselves in two maggot like creatures that took the place of his digestive system, maggots that can eat anything, and that give Japheth great strength. After learning of his strange abilities, he learned that his brother Lot had been killed by pro-apartheid rioters and that his father had gone after them. Magneto used his powers to forcibly stop the violence, and Japheth was changed forever. Now calling himself Maggott, he has been a brief member of the X-Men, and an even briefer member of Generation X. |
MondoReal Name: unknownThe mutant known only as Mondo was very happy in his native Samoa. He didn't have a care in the world, and had no desire to explore life outside of the islands. Then he met another young mutant named Cordelia Frost (younger sister of Emma Frost the White Queen), who wanted to exploit his abilities to absorb and gain the properties of organic matter. After saving to children from a raging fire using his abilities, and of course taking time to relax, Mondo was kidnaped by his new "friend" Cordelia, who wanted to use him to cement her place in the new Hellfire Club. Unfortunately for everyone inloved, the villainous Black Tom took Mondo right out of the clutches and cloned him! He then allowed the clone to be "rescued" by Generation X, only to join the team and betray then. Following his betrayal, the faux-Mondo was killed by the mechanized-mutant-hater, Bastion. Much later Black Tom revealed all this to Generation X, we now know that the real Mondo had never even met the team until later attacking them along with Cordelia, as Black Tom's latest "student" (following in the footsteps of Sean's daughter, Siryn). | ![]() |