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Now Playing: "It's All Coming Back To Me"
United Souls
A place for Alejandra's poems, as well as mine to her.
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ImzadiIn your arms
Lazo De Amor
United Souls
Guardian Angel
Go get her...
Lonely Beauty
The Rose
For Aleja
Lost One
Mi Bonita Mariposa
“Shhhh… Don’t cry for me, my love. I selfishly choose to let go of life tonight. I am sorry… I leave you today because I know that you can handle it… You are strong… You always were, My Imzadi.”
“Shhhh… Don’t be frightened, my sweet. The tears that cloud my eyes are not of sadness, but of joy. Do you know why? I am thinking of those tender moments… The first time I felt your caress upon my soul.
Oh! Imzadi, do you remember when our eyes met for the first time? It was pure desire. With tears running down my face, I am also thinking of your arms around me… Those strong arms… Oh, Imzadi! I know you remember the Jungle… Such a magical night. I don’t want it to end, Will… All these wondrous thoughts are swimming in my head... As I lay dying. But only a part of me is expiring today; the other half must remain with you, my soul mate. Only this body is leaving tonight because I have bequeathed the soul to you. Only to you… Love."
“Shhhh… Don’t be sad, my darling. This is only the beginning and we had more than enough time…We had a lifetime. In your arms, I am forever safe…” As the light left those luminous, dark eyes of hers, Will Riker stood, holding his Imzadi close to his bruised heart. “A lifetime just wasn’t enough, Imzadi,” he whispered tenderly into her ear. ”It just wasn’t enough…”
The pain, oh God! The pain, threatened to consume his being…as he softly cried out to the one who would never again hear the word… Imzadi.
Amada Mia, ese primer instante cuando escuche tu voz en mi mente, senti que al fin estaba completo. My beloved, from the first instant that I heard your voice in my mind, I felt like I was finally complete.
Cuando te encontre, mi bella dama, nuestras almas se unieron y formaron ese lazo de amor llamado Imzadi. Aquella tarde tantos anos atras, encontramos la simple dulcera de perdernos entre nuestros brazos… When I found you, my beautiful lady, our souls were united and formed that bond of love known as Imzadi. That evening so very long ago, we found the simple sweetness and were lost in each other's arms...
Nusetra pasion se realizo en esa jungla, mi amor, que nos ha hecho pasar largas noches de melancholia a la simple memoria de Jalara… Eramos jovenes, perdidos profundamente en el amor, nunca pensando que el cruel destino nos separaria por largo tiempo, pero, gracias ha esa eterna palabra que nos volvio ha reencontrar. Our passion was revealed in that jungle, my love, which has made us spent many, long nights of meloncholy at that simple memory of Jalara. We were young, lost profoundly in our love, never thinking that cruel destiny would separate us for such a long time, but, thanks to that eternal word we have found each other once again.
En ese momento en la jungla de Jalara, cuando nuestros cuerpos se unieron, la serenidad y felicidad se formaron para siempre en mi ser. Todo esto va mas alla de la atraccion fisica, mi vida. Te necesito a mi lado para siempre… Te llevara a Jalara y te declare mi amor. Casate conmigo? En frente de las cascadas, te pedire tu mano en matrimonio y volveremos a celebrar el amor que empezo alli mismo. In that moment in Jalara Jungle, when our bodies became one, serenity and happiness settled in my being. All of this goes beyond physical attraction, my life (my love). I need you by my side. I will take you to Jalara once again so that I may declare my love to you. Marry me? In front of those waterfalls, I will ask your hand in marriage and we will once again celebrate the love that began there.
Cuando no te veo a mi lado, mi alma gemela, es como si mi corazon se basilla pensado en esa triste soledad, pero cuando vuelves a mi, todos esos pensamientos se van al aire, y solo quedas tu… Estamos unidos por esa simple palabra que guarde pureza, amor, y eternidad. Para simpre, te amare, Sin ti, no soy mas que una alma perdida… Los lazos de amor que nos unen nunca se romperan porque somos… Para Siempre….Imzadi. When I don't see you by my side, my soulmate, it's like if my heart empties of all life while thinking of that sad loneliness, but when you come back to me, all those thoughts are of no concern, and only you remain. We are united by that simple word which holds purity, love, and eternity. I will love you always... Without you, I am but a wandering, lost soul. The bonds of love that unite us will never break because we will be Imzadi forever.
My Love,
Was it written in the stars that your soul shall reach to mine?
Yes! It was written long ago as the story of our lives.
When my soul responded to your touch, when you whispered
to my heart, oh yes, it was all meant to be in the story of our lives.
All my life, I've wondered and hoped, that there was such a tale
of a man and a woman whom fate united as twin souls.
Then I knew the answer as one look,
one touch from you became my salvation.
As my soul cried out for yours, all that was left to do,
as it was always meant to be, was to listen to those pleas
that vibrated throughout my being.
The reunion was so sweet as two halves became one whole
when your heart joined mine to beat as one eternally.
As separated halves, we were weak.
As United Souls, we stand strong.
You are my soul mate,
You are my all.
I once prayed to God to send me an angel.
One that would protect, love, and want me with unconditional surrender. I needed one desperately, you see, because those around had abandoned me. I remained alone, always alone, it seemed, yet I had no choice but to go on the sad path that destiny had me follow. From that moment on, I kept all at arm's length and held on fiercely to my wounded soul. I refused to let my guard down; I wanted the control, I needed the experience. I could not love and be loved for fear of desertion. I remained distant, I became aloof, yet I could not deny my heart's lonely cries.I once prayed to God to send me a soul mate. One that would love me, need me, and stay with me. I craved one hopefully, you see, because the world around had surrounded me. I became lost, so very lost in it, yet I patiently went on the path that fate had me follow. All my life, I had carried the pain and sorrow by myself. There was no one to kiss the sadness away, no one to love, no one to keep.
Then, one day, I met a man whose tender gaze broke down my protective walls. He looked deep into my soul and he never let it go. In the beginning, we were both afraid to try, both afraid to love. We became best friends yet always wanting more. Somehow, he gently made me see that I could truly love him as he did me. In the end, when our bodies and souls became one, he promised that he would always love, protect, and want me. I promised the same in return, as our spirits cried out in joy in response to their reunion.
Then, one day, God came knocking on my door. It seemed He was there to take back something I had borrowed, which I was not allowed to keep. I had to return the angel He had once lent me. I was alone once more, yet I was with him all the same. If I could not have in body, then I would hold onto him in spirit, which is the eternal embodiment of my soul mate, my guardian angel...
Alone in a meadow lay a flower.
A rare beauty, immense was her presence.
Silently, I approached her.
I began to caress her sweet petals of silk.
But she remained stoic in response to my touch.
I began to feel sad, for this beauty of a flower.
But, yet, she was alone.
I began to realize that her beauty she did curse.
Her uniqueness had outcast her from the world.
I gave her a kiss and her petals began to shed.
The wind was taking her away, so I thought.
She whispered to my ears, "thank you, I'm free".
I did not understand her joy, nor my sadness.
The reason they outcast her is becuase they thought she was ugly.
I have never seen such a beautiful flower and yet her kind
excluded her. She was stoic of all the pain she had.
But my kiss awoke her sadness.
And she felt free to dance with the wind,
To fly in the sky...For the flower of my life, Vanessa Alejandra...
The softness of her body caressing the skin of those who touch her.
The scent of her petals, so therapeutic for the soul.
Her beauty opens the eyes of my heart, making me see and the love the true beauty of Mother Earth. I have walked the path of nature before, but never have I seen
beyond the colors the the flowers, the touch of the wind, and the deepness of the sea.
But the rose has made me aware of these wonderful things.
Why are you so blind Riker?
Deanna is there, perfect for you.
Love her, marry her, but don't strike her.
Don't be so dense, don't make her do
What everyone does when they're with you.
You need to settle, you know you're ready.
So, stop stalling, and go steady.
You'll be great together and you share a past
and you'll surely won't want to be the last to get hitched.
But if you don't hurry, Riker, you'll get ditched.
For it was their destiny, and they were lost to it...
I do not know you, yet you are familiar.
I have never met you, but you are my friend.
We share great joy and endure tremendous sorrow.
Yet, we are separated by three thousand miles.
We come from different backgrounds, yet, in the end,
we are always united by one simple term...
"Imzadi," tells of one man and one woman,
who are bound together by fate and passion.
They both hold us in their moods, entrap us
in their love, and hypnotize us with their essence.
Their love for one another transcends the reaches of time and space.
They convey heart-wrenching emotions, for all to see, for us to feel.
True soul mates, together in spirit, together at last, who are embraced by you and I.
All thoughts, feelings, and aspirations lead us back to Deanna Troi and William Riker.
Our love-starved spirit takes a chance to let us dream.
When we were young, it was our destiny to lose ourselves in their existence.
We continue our fantasies without a care as to what people say or think.
"Deanna and Will" are our breath of life, our solace, as well as our eternal haven.
They give us that and we give them love. They make us laugh, cry, and believe.
Every raw emotion is in response to what they make us feel.
We weren't aware that we had those feelings until we met them, and then we knew.
They fill our every thought, whether we are awake or asleep.
The ache in our hearts is forgotten by one look at her lovely smile,
one look at his tender gaze.
There's truly no one like you who can understand my life's devotion as you do
and I thank you for that because it means the world to me.
Once, a man and a woman dared to follow their hearts and,
you and I, my friend, were forever lost to them...
She sees not the tremendous beauty hidden in her dark eyes when she looks in the mirror.
She’s blind to the compassion in her soul…
such a sweet and precious treasure she is to me.She brings a smile to my face and warmth to my cold heart.
Her words inspire and soothe my weary spirit in times of despair.
I need her to share my thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams with. When she is sad, when she is scared and sheltered in a place of darkness, I will provide the sun to light her way, and my arms to hold her, and listen to her with an understanding no one else can possess.
I am here to steal away her fears like a thief,
protect her with the vicious aggressiveness of a wild animal.Brought to me by fate and chance…
I am grateful and feel honored to have such a person in my life…
my friend, a kindred spirit.I will never take her for granted.
Shadows of doubt cloud your mind
You find yourself alone and empty in this world
You feel desperate and confused with the things around you
The room spins around and around, and there is no one there to help you find ground again.Let me be the one to hold your hand, and show you the path to light
Give you hope in a place so desolate and wide,
Full of menacing people, unpredictable and distrusting.May I put a face on hope, of a better life than what you’ve been given
I realize fate hasn’t been the best to you,
That your dreams haven’t turned out quite as you expected them to.
You were torn from arms all too comfortable and loving
Ripped from the confines of joy and happiness much too soon,
And denied someone to fill that space in your heart.
Yet, you have a spirit so beautiful,
words aren’t sufficient enough to describe.
Eyes so breathtaking, they are the true gates to a soul still trying to find the other half.I can never take the place of those loved ones lost
Nor will I ever be
I have failed, in that respect.My soul fills with grief, knowing that you hurt so
My arms long to hold you, to shelter you from the pain you feel
A pain so strong, it threatens to choke the life you have left inside you.
Could I take it away with love…I would love you forever.
Surround you in a sea of comfort, where nothing, no one,
not even time could take away your content.
Could I destroy it with strength, I would fight to the death.
This I would do and more.I close my eyes, and think of you, wondering what you’re doing,
what you’re thinking.
I imagine you here with me, and I smile…
My heart aches…missing you.
Don’t give up on yourself.
Don’t give up on the hope of a better day. The sun will rise again. You’ll see.BLW, 1999
Mi bonita mariposa
“Spread your wings and prepare to fly, for you have become a butterfly…”
In a secret garden
I can only visit in my dreams,
I have found a treasure
A creature of grace, elegance, and beauty…
Look, there she is! in her still state…
Enclosed in her opaque armor,
And even more beautiful to me.You see this subject of my affection
Has yet to grow and blossom
With newborn wings to the world
For now, she remains withheld inside a tiny, delicate cocoon,
Developing all that she will need to surviveWhen the time comes, she will be ready to fly.
There will be no doubt in her mind,
No questions unanswered in her heart.And ever so slowly, carefully, she will emerge from her shelter,
fresh, and untouched by any hand. And as the sun welcomes
this new being into existence
With rays of light, full of warmth ever so strong and protecting,
Arms of flight will unfold in colors brilliant for the eyes to behold.She will take her first breath and then her first try at freedom from her shell.
And she will do it, because along with her tender feminine charms, this one
Has been blessed with determination and an inner strength indomitable.
Mi bonita mariposa… She is beautiful, no?BLW, 1999
I can read your mind, and I know your story
I see what you're going through
It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you
Don't surrender
'Cause you can win
In this thing called loveChorus: When you want it the most
There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it isVERSE TWO
When you question me for a simple answer
I don't know what to say
But it's plain to see
If you stick together, you're gonna find the way
So don't surrender
'Cause you can win in this thing called loveRepeat Chorus
When life is empty with no tomorrow
And loneliness starts to call
Baby don't worry
Forget your sorrow
'Cause love's gonna conquer it allTe amare con todo mi corazon y alma para toda la eternidad.
Gracias, mi amor. I am forever in your debt.
Continue on:
Will and Deanna's Quarters | Sapphire Dreams: Kenia Madrid's poetry
Page created by BLW © 2000. All written material contained here is original.
All comments and questions regarding these works can be sent to either
V.A. Madrid: or me: