Sapphire Dreams
poetry of Kenia Madrid.
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Two Oceans A Thought For the Sea Freedom Timeless Beauty Courage |
Looking in your eyes, I see two oceans full of beauty.
They have a deep passion hidden within them.
Gazing upon them I began to enter a haven of love.
I find myself drowning in their mystery.
Enchanting jewels, you possess immense power over my essence.
Two windows opening to your sweet soul.
And when they forever lose their light,
darkness shall inhibit my heart till enternity.
Two oceans deep, and blue, full of beauty and mystery all around...
Now I must live for the beauty of the sea.
He is my quest in life forever.
I must protect my beloved friend,
for he is my life, for he is my everything.
Forever his spirit will remain in my heart and soul.
I declare you my guardian and I your twin soul.
If for every tear, I had a rose, I would have a garden;
a garden of sadness. Its beauty will be shadowed by despair.
If for every time I plead for freedom, I will own a star,
I would have one and many galaxies around me.
If my wings could be revealed to the world, if only then, I would be happy.
I am chained to the ground; I cannot set myself free.
I need to expand my broken wings. My heart can no longer bear or hold pain.
I'll only let nature be friend, she will never, never hurt me.
She'll let the moon be my guardian. She'll let the flowers cover my sadness.
She'll let the seas cleanse my soul and the earth nourish me,
cradle me to sleep when I am unwary.
I'll let the sea, and only the sea, comfort me. I want to be in his arms forever.
I need to be free, free, free, free, free, free, free.
Freedom is my lost and forgotten dreams.
Like petals on a rose,
Like stars in the sky,
An endless ocean full of life.
Like mountains full of snow on a winter night.
And the way the moon caresses the night with her light.
The many colored leaves of an autumns day
The sparkles in the meadow after a spring shower.
Something from within me emerges from my soul every time,
I close my eyes and imagine these many worlds of roses,worlds of stars.
My world of timeless beauty whom, you have become part of.
You have entered the sacred place in my heart.
Fill with timeless beauty.
All around you have become
My timeless beauty, so precious,
so rare to man kind, and
I will treasure you till all the petals die and the heavenly stars fall,
and my grandiose beauty, my ocean dries up.
Never forget that my precious one.
My Timeless Beauty.
My Timeless Beauty.
Courage doesn't beam from the heavens like rays of sunshine.
Courage doesn't grow in the earth, nor comes from the seas.
Courage lays inside waiting to be found,
it waits in your very essence for something powerful to awake his ever slumber.
Some creatures are born with courage.
Others, like men, search a whole lifetime to get a glimpse of it.
To have courage is to stand alone in the darkness of time;
It's to shout to the whole world, it's to fight against all odds.
He who has courage will endure, will survive and triumph over every obstacle.
Courage is not taught or learned.
Courage emerges from a hidden part of the human heart;
a place not of flesh nor of blood, but of spirit of unimaginable power,
power that only the human heart possesses.
I search and search, and yet I have not found it.
When would it awake?
I'll wait and wait, till it conquers my fears.
A haunting echo carrying the word "death,"
has shattered many hearts, including mine.
Your eyes never met mine, but my gaze was upon you.
My heart beats, my mind thinks, my soul feels sorrow.
Your spirit has been granted wings and soars to heavens.
Memories of you should never be forgotten.
Those hearts you have touched, will never remain
Fortunate is the moon that
with nobody's permission
beams her rays of beauty into my heart.
When darkness falls, she finds my weak soul drifting from my body.
As she cradles my aching heart,
I must surrender solitude; for she is my only companion.
My only friend knows not who I am or where I come from,
and yet she brings her kindness night after night.
Fortunate is the moon,
but fortunate am I for having such a powerful guardian.
True love because I feel a passionate feeling on my soul.
True like the harmonic songs of the nightingale.
True like the beauty of a rose that blossoms in the mist.
My love for you is sweet, humble, and true.
I'll give you wings to fly.
I'll give you my heart to cherish and love.
A love that in the eyes of men forever it will echo in the sweet
whispers of true love.
So let the whole world hear my true whispers of my true love forever.
My hidden world, come to the surface of life.
Bring back the Dove's wings, restore magic in my being.
Why do you remain hidden in my mind?!
How do I wish that you could be as real as the horizon.
Yearning for magic I await for my soul to embraced in its weakest moments.
Unicorns, fairies, and elves; castles of dreams and the wild orchids
coexist as one in the meadow of wishes just beyond the mermaid lagoon.
The ruby trees shimmer in the moonlight.
My world of a thousand moons caress my heart; hold me in your silver arms.
Let the desire to believe in magic awaken.
Sea of tears vanished from the eyes of the soul.
Let my mind indulge in sweet memories.
Let the heart rejoice once more.
Awake me not of such sweet dreams.
Hidden World, take me back to the origin, to the beginning of happiness.
Fairies, hide no more. Come and dance in the ring of flowers;
Sweet unicorn, heal my broken heart with your power.
I want to believe, I want to be a part of our world.
Crystal Castle, my home, let me in once more.
I'll stay forever and I'll never let go of the magic.
Let me become magic with you, my only love.
To smell the sweet scent of the jasmine...
To feel the wind brushing against your body...
To see the millions of stars...
To be alive is to be free.
Serenity, embrace my aching heart.
Green Haven of mine, never wither or I'll die.
Nature, cradle my thoughts, guard me from wrong
Till the ends of time...