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by Philip Niewold

Main Page
Adventurer's Guild
City of Dyvers
Fharlanghn's Sign
Hall of Boccob
Lendor's Lore
Spindle of Istus
Trithereon's Quests
Fharlanghn's Sign
  [ Favorite Links ] [ Mailing Lists ] [ Webrings & Archives ] [ Site List ] graysheet_rightcorner.gif (138 bytes)
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art by Larry Elmore

Fharlanghn, Dweller on the Horizon, is regarded as the god of travel and distance. Just as his elder brother, Celestian, wanders the starroads so does Fharlanghn roam the four corners of Oerth. His symbol is a wooden disk, with a curving line representing the horizon carved into it.
- taken from: A Guide to the World of Greyhawk
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Favorite Links

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Below are some of my favorite Greyhawk links.

Entirely shamelessly I also promote my other AD&D related site about my Forgotten Realms (gasp) campaign.

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Mailing Lists

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There are currently two different Greyhawk-related mailing lists that I am aware of, the Greytalk mailing list and the Greyhawk mailing list. Information about how to join either one is given below:

Greytalk list

To subscribe: send an e-mail to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
ith the following text as the body of your e-mail message:

subscribe greytalk

To unsubscribe: send an e-mail to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:

signoff greytalk your_email_address

FAQ: If you have questions about Greytalk

Greyhawk list

To subscribe: send an e-mail to Majordomo@lists.MPGN.COM
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:

subscribe greyhawk

To unsubscribe: send an e-mail to Majordomo@lists.MPGN.COM
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:

unsubscribe greyhawk your_email_address

To set the digest mode: send an e-mail to Majordomo@lists.MPGN.COM
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:

subscribe greyhawk-digest

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Webrings & Archives

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There are many initiatives to bring fans of Greyhawk, AD&D and RPG's in general on the web together. Listed here are only a few of these initiatives. The first (the Greyhawk Webring) is a purely Greyhawk-related initiative, while the second (the AD&D Site Exchange) and third (the RPG Archive) are more generic in nature.

The Greyhawk Webring

Click for the [ Previous | Next | Skip | Next 5 ]
Want to join the ring? Click here for Info.



the RPG Archive

The Great RPG Archive Come and visit the Great RPG Archive
Links to great RPG related home pages
Click here to get listed

Want to visit the home of Dungeons and Dragons, and the World of Greyhawk? TSR, Inc. is the owner of all Greyhawk-related trademarks, and the sole official publisher of  Greyhawk-related accesories. TSR is currently a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. As a result of TSR being taken over by the Wizards' their net policy has relaxed somewhat, allowing the community to share some of their ideas and information about AD&D and Greyhawk. You can support this policy by buying products from them and to refrain from reproducing any copyrighted material that could hurt sales.

You can visit their website at:

TSR http://www.tsr.com

or go directly to the Greyhawk-related section at:


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List of Sites

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Instead of devoting time to updating my own link page I refer you to two excellent pages of Greyhawk Links instead:

Patrice's Hot List at http://perso.pacwan.fr/froon/Links/Role.htm
by Patrice Forno, last updated on 6 november 1999


Greyhawk Links at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/2284/GH_links.html
originally compiled by Stéphane Tanguay on 14 april 1999


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