There are currently two
different Greyhawk-related mailing lists that I am aware of, the Greytalk mailing list and
the Greyhawk mailing list. Information about how to join either one is given below:
Greytalk list
To subscribe: send an e-mail to
ith the following text as the body of your e-mail message:
subscribe greytalk
To unsubscribe: send an e-mail to
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:
signoff greytalk your_email_address
FAQ: If you have questions about Greytalk
Greyhawk list
To subscribe: send an e-mail to Majordomo@lists.MPGN.COM
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:
subscribe greyhawk
To unsubscribe: send an e-mail to Majordomo@lists.MPGN.COM
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:
unsubscribe greyhawk your_email_address
To set the digest mode: send an e-mail to Majordomo@lists.MPGN.COM
with the following text as the body of your e-mail message:
subscribe greyhawk-digest |