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by Philip Niewold

Main Page
Adventurer's Guild
City of Dyvers
Fharlanghn's Sign
Hall of Boccob
Lendor's Lore
Spindle of Istus
Trithereon's Quests
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[ Player Characters ]  [ Non-Player Characters ]  [ Aftermaths graysheet_rightcorner.gif (138 bytes)

Copyright by Larry Elmore (70k)

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Player Characters

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Below are some links to descriptions of some of the characters I have played. They are formatted in the style first used in the Return of the Eight adventure.

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Non-Player Characters

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Here are some of the famous (and notorious) NPC's that featured in our conception of the World of Greyhawk.

  • Orcus

  • Turrosh Mak (coming soon, his commanders are below)

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Aftermaths are written records detailing what happened during a playing sessions as observed by the DM. As we only began to record such aftermaths late in our campaign, only few are (and will be) available here.

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