Updates to the Weavercrafthall Site
October 29, 1998
- Site relocates to Geocities
July 3, 1997
June 22, 1997
June 20, 1997
- Updated parts of the guide to reflect
changes in the online +lhelp regarding knot keys and rosters
June 19, 1997
June 18, 1997
June 17, 1997
- Population Page:
- Added that Broccal is Kylee's mentor
- Added "journeying the Benden Area" to Kylee's title
- Moved Avina from jr. apprentice section to full apprentice section
- Changed Varina's title to "Co-Craftmaster"
- History Page:
- Added Varina as newest Co-Craftmaster
June 16, 1997
June 12, 1997
June 4, 1997
May 28, 1997
May 27, 1997
- Logs Page
- Added log of Smith demo at the Weavercrafthall on maintaining looms
- Creations Page
- Added link to Broccal's Creations
April 15, 1997
April 14, 1997
April 1, 1997
March 25, 1997
- Population Page:
- Added that Nalaya is Kylee's mentor
- Moved Jecharra from jr. apprentice to full apprentice
March 20, 1997
March 19, 1997
March 18, 1997
March 16, 1997
- Edited the Info Guide so that Jorai is
listed as the Mastertailor
March 15, 1997
March 10, 1997
March 9, 1997
- History Page
- Added Ros as newest Baker
- Divided Norbert's time as the only Baker between when he was
assistant and when he was a full Baker
- Population Page
- Added Ros
- Removed Norbert
- Added "handyman and eliminator-of-greens" to Flail's title
March 8, 1997
March 7, 1997
- Population Page:
- Moved Mammaw from junior apprentice to full apprentice
- Removed Manch
- Added "Appprentice Weaver" as Tarma's title
- Creations: Display Tent Page:
- Added Mirtia's "Masquerade Runner Costume" and "Masquerade Shipfish Gown"
March 6, 1997
- Population Page:
- Added Jecharra
- Removed Beldaviar and Triene
- History Page:
- Added Beldaviar and Triene as Starsmiths from July 26 1996 to January
21 1997
February 28, 1997
February 25, 1997
- Population Page:
- Removed Duvetyne and Julaina
- Added "Beastcrafthall" as Jorai's posting
- Moved Kylee from apprentice section to senior apprentice section
- Added Flail and Lark
- Moved Cinzia fom junior apprentice section to apprentice section
- History Page:
- Added end date for Julaina's stint as Mastertailor
January 30-31, 1997
- Moved site to Interlog server
January 22, 1997
- Population Page:
- Moved Jorai from journeyrank section to master section
- Added 'Weaving subcraft' to Varina's title
January 21, 1997
- Population Page:
- Moved Broccal from journeyrank section to master section
- Removed Kylee and Kelay's apprenticeships to Broccal
- History Page:
- Added Broccal as the newest Apprentice Master
January 20, 1997
January 7, 1996
- Info Guide:
- Changed the name of the Mastertailor from Zelez to Julaina
- History Page:
- Added Julaina as the newest Mastertailor
- Population Page:
- Moved Julaina from journeyrank section to masters section; gave her
the title "Mastertailor", removed her posting to Benden Weyr and her
mentorship to Cleona
- Changed Zelez's title to "ex-Mastertailor"
- Removed Cinzia, Mirtia and Tarma's apprenticeships to Julaina
- Added Kylee and moved her to full apprentice ssection
January 6, 1996
- Creations Page:
- Added the Weavercraft display which took first prize in the Best
Exhibit Contest at the Ruathan Runner Festival in December 1996
January 5, 1996
January 4, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added that Nalaya is mentored to Opa
- Display Tent Page:
- Added Maryse's trilogy of "The Finger Points..." tapestries
- Logs Page:
- Changed link for 'The Breaking of Fiona'
- Added 'An apprentice and a sale'
January 3, 1996
January 2, 1996
- Overhaul of website look-and-feel
- Population Page:
- Moved Tarma to senior apprentice
December 31, 1996
December 29, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added that Nalaya is journeying the Western Area
- Changed Jorai's posting from the Western Area to the Central Area
December 16, 1996
December 10, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added Cinzia
- Moved Nalaya from junior journeyrank to full journeyrank
December 9, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Mairin from junior apprentice to apprentice
- Moved Nalla from senior apprentice to inactive or deceased portion of
ex-Weavercrafthall members
November 21, 1996
November 18, 1996
- Logs Page:
- Added log of Julaina holding a class on making gathers
October 2, 1996
September 25, 1996
September 24, 1996
September 18, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added that Tarma is mentored to Julaina
- Added Manch
- Added "Apprentice Tailor" to Mirtia's title
- Removed Jondra
September 17, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Mirtia from full apprentice to senior apprentice
- Moved Nalaya from senior apprentice to junior journeyrank
- Removed Nalaya's apprenticeship to Julaina
- Moved Broccal from junior journeyrank to full journeyrank
September 14, 1996
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added items for Della: Della and Rodin's Quilt and Maternity Gather
- Added new customer: Inn, with one item: Anniversary Dress
August 31, 1996
- Logs Page:
- Added log of Fiona breaking her leg
- Population Page:
- Added that Nalaya is mentored to Julaina
- Added that Julaina is mentored to Cleona
August 24, 1996
August 20, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Jorai from junior journeyrank to full journeyrank
- Added that Kelay is Broccal's apprentice
- Added that Mirtia is Jorai's apprentice
- Added that Fiona is mentored to Varina
- Added that Jorai is mentored to Varina
- Added that Broccal is mentored to Opa
- Added that Jorai is posted to the Western Area
- Removed indication of Fiona's posting to the Western Area
August 15, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Kelay from junior apprentice to full apprentice
- Added Gemydia
- Added Lecil to ex-Weaverfolk section
- Moved Judil and Kahori to ex-Weaverfolk section
Removed Leigh, Rinalis, Tuvia, Wesley and Zephine
- Changed Gabrielle's title in ex-Weaverfolk section from weyrling to
August 14, 1996
August 13, 1996
- Population Page:
- Addued Maura
- Moved Mirtia and Tarma from junior apprentice to full apprentice
August 9, 1996
August 8, 1996
August 4, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added links for Madelaine, Mirtia and Tessa
- Removed mentoring information from the titles of Amina, Amiya and
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added new customer: Alyssa, with two items: Lavender Gather Gown and
Gather Tunic for F'nar
- Added new customer: Chelsea, with three items: Everyday Outfit for
Brinnala, Gather Dress for Brinalla and Emerald Gather Gown
- Added new non-commissioned item: Maternity Flying Jacket
- Added new customer: T'ren, with five items: Autumn Outfit, Black/Red
Cloak, Spring Outfit, Summer Outfit and Winter Outfit
- Added new customer: Maarie, with four items: Maternity Flying Leather
Jacket, Maternity Gather Dress, Maternity Overtunic (Apricot) and
Maternity Overtunic (Pale Blue)
- Added new customer: M'rgan, with one item: Flying Leathers
- Added new customer: Della, with one item: Gather Dress, Royal Blue
July 31, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Evaine from junior apprentice to full apprentice
- Added 'drudge supervisor' to Jekar's position
- Added Mirtia
July 30, 1996
July 27, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added links for Acacia, Daymon, Jaiya, Jekar, Kelena and Rinalis
- Moved Kalera from journeyrankers' section to ex-Weavercrafthall
members section
- Added 'posted to Northern Area' to Broccal's title
July 26, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added link for Tarma
- Moved Zelez from ex-Weavercrafthall members section to masters section
- Removed Brandisa, Hana, Jaydi, Jinian, Natan and Patria
- Added Beldaviar and Triene
July 25, 1996
July 23, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added Tarma
- Moved Sachi from junior apprentice to full apprentice
- Moved Duvetyne from junior journeyrank to full journeyrank
- Added 'Journeyrank Weaver' to Broccal's title
July 14, 1996
Population Page:
- Added links for Darden and Lirika
July 10, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added links for Alcyone, Davill, Evaine, Kelay, Kymer, Nalaya and
July 9, 1996
- Population Page:
- Gave Maarle the title of Apprentice Fibremaker
- Gave Jorai the title of Journeyrank Tailor
July 7, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added Devill and Evaine
- Moved Cyllan and Nalaya from apprentice to senior apprentice
- Moved Broccal and Jorai from senior apprentice to junior journeyrank
July 1, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Zelez from masters section to ex-Weavercrafthall members section
- Removed Abigail, Fyanna, Harumi, Koranna and Yudit
- History Page:
- Added ending date for Zelez's period as Mastertailor
June 22, 1996
June 14, 1996
June 3, 1996
May 31, 1996
May 20, 1996
May 11, 1996
May 10, 1996
May 7, 1996
- Info Guide:
- Changed link for Southern Boll Hold
- Population Page:
- Removed Joseana and Kirsten
- Moved Faile, Josien, Koranna, Nylie and Yudit from apprentices'
section to ex-Weavercraft members section
- Moved Gabrielle from staff and residents section to ex-Weavercraft
members section
May 6, 1996
May 4, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added Sachi
- Changed Kymer from junior apprentice to full apprentice
May 3, 1996
April 25, 1996
April 22, 1996
- Info Guide:
- Major organizational changes to page
- Addition of 'about the crafthall' and 'about the region' sections
April 19, 1996
April 14, 1996
- Population Page:
- Divided ex-Weaverhall members section into two parts - those still
played online and those inactive or deceased
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added new item for Tanghos: For Sejan: Rogue's Outfit
- Added new customer: Aphrael, with one item: Sapphire Gather
- ADded new customer: SEjan, with two items: Blue Outfit and
Gather Outfit
- Added item for R'val: Cream Gather Outfit
April 10, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added Tig
- Removed Chesric, Abigail, Linzi and Raven
- History Page:
- Removed Raven as Assistant Baker
- Added Tig as newest Miner
April 9, 1996
April 6, 1996
March 29, 1996
March 5, 1996
- Info Guide:
- Changed links for files on the unofficial PernMUSH page
March 3, 1996
March 2, 1996
March 1, 1996
- Logs Page:
- Added log of tithe expedition to Fort Weyr
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added new customer: Tanghos, with two items: Madras Outfit and Work
- Added item for Carow: Tapestry: Bitra Valley
- Added new customer: Elyandra, with one item: For L'nay: Flight Jacket
February 28, 1996
February 27, 1996
February 19, 1996
- Population Page:
- Changed Tuvia's title to Assistant Steward of Tillek Hold
- Removed Bess
February 15, 1996
February 13, 1996
February 10, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Tuvia from residents section to ex-Weaverhall members section
- Added Norbert
- Changed Deresh from apprentice to senior apprentice
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Major organizational changes - put commissions for individuals
on separate pages
- Added item for Daphne - Seasonal Tablecloths
February 7, 1996
- Julaina's Samplebook
- Added item for Daphne - Powder Blue Dress
- Added item for Dwane - Handfasting Outfit
February 6, 1996
- Population Page:
- Changed Tasmin from junior apprentice to full apprentice
- Added Gabrielle
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added non-commissioned items: Tapestry: Bitran Winter Sky and
Tapestry: Bitran Winter Valley
February 4, 1996
February 3, 1996
February 2, 1996
February 1, 1996
January 31, 1996
- Population Page:
- Added that Duvetyne was journeying the Benden Area
- Added that Fiona was journeying the Western Area
- Added that Haldi was journeying the Fort Area
- Removed Varina's High Reaches Hold posting
- Added links for Broccal, Cyllan, Damian, Farilan, Harumi, Iyles, Jorai,
Josien, Judil, Kahori, Koranna, Leigh, Maarle, Morayne, Nalla, Ninali,
Nylie, Tasmin, Wesley and Yudit
January 25, 1996
January 24, 1996
January 23, 1996
January 17, 1996
January 16, 1996
- Info Guide:
- Changed postings section to correspond to five posting areas instead
of four
- Added Nola as the NPC Fibre Master
- Population Page:
- Changed Kalera's posting from High Reaches Area to Northern Area
- Moved Cyllan, Damian and Farilan from junior apprentice to apprentice
- Moved Broccal, Jorai and Morayne from apprentice to senior apprentice
- Moved Fiona from senior apprentice to junior journeyrank
January 15, 1996
- Population Page:
- Removed Fyanna
- Added 'Apprentice Fibremaker' to Fiona's title
- Added imagemap
January 14, 1996
January 13, 1996
January 12, 1996
January 10, 1996
- Population Page:
- Moved Josien from junior apprentice section to full apprentice section
January 9, 1996
January 8, 1996
January 6, 1996
January 5, 1996
January 4, 1996
January 3, 1996
January 2, 1996
December 30, 1995
December 29, 1995
December 28, 1995
December 26, 1995
December 22, 1995
- Population Page:
- Changed Julaina from junior journeyrank to full journeyrank
- Added Broccal
December 21, 1995
- Population Page:
- Gave Duvetyne the title of 'Journeyrank Knitter'
- Changed Kahori from junior apprentice to apprentice
December 20, 1995
- NPCs Page:
- Population Page:
- Changed Maarle and Morayne from junior apprentice to apprentice
- Changed Duvetyne and Haldi from senior apprentice to junior journeyranker
- Added Damian
December 19, 1995
- NPCs Page:
- Modified blurb for Caladin
- Added Erna
- Info Guide:
- Made updates to 'subcrafts' and 'display tent' sections
December 18, 1995
- Population Page:
- Added links for: Abigail, Amina, Amiya, Bess, Chesric, Deresh,
Duvetyne, Fiona and Haldi
December 16, 1995
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added non-commissioned items: Gather Prize - Pillow, Julaina's Azure
Swimsuit, Off-the-Shoulder Gown, Tunic and Harem Pants, and Tunic and
- Added item for Carow - Gather Outfit
- Added item for Marissa - Gather Outfit
- Added item for Jessy - Gather Outfit
- Added item for Selenay - Plum Dress
December 15, 1995
December 13, 1995
- Julaina's Samplebook
- Added item for Selenay - Everyday Dress
- Added item for Jerika - Blue Velvet Gather Outfit
- Added item for Kyleri - Forest Green Shirt
- Added item for Kalren - Wedding Outfit
- Added item for Nalaya - Sky Blue Gather Gown
- Added item for Rickon - Forest Green Shirt
December 10, 1995
December 2, 1995
November 30, 1995
November 29, 1995
- Population Page:
- Changed Fiona from apprentice to senior apprentice
- Added link for Maryse
- Gave Fiona the title 'Apprentice Tailor'
- Added 'NPC Dyemaster Caladin's Apprentice' to Haldi's title
- History Page:
- Added Sharon as first Craftmaster
- Made the dates of Pandat's sojourn as Craftmaster more
- Added Deven as Craftmaster after Pandat
- Modified explanatory notes to the Craftsecond and Mastertailor
- Added links for Maryse and Pandat
November 26, 1995
November 25, 1995
- NPCs Page:
- Modified blurbs for Caladin, Clara,
Johann and Travis
- Population Page:
- Removed Broccal
- Added link for Kalera
- History Page:
- Added background and changed text colours
- Added coloured bar dividers
- Added top and home icons
- Italicized all dates
November 22, 1995
November 21, 1995
November 20, 1995
November 19, 1995
November 16, 1995
- Population Page:
- Added Uma
- Added the words 'Devra clan' to Jinian's title
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Added item for Jenufa - Golden Acorn Belt, and
non-commissioned item - Julaina's Benden Gather Outfit
November 13, 1995
November 11, 1995
November 10, 1995
- Population Page:
- Added Linzi
- Removed Kasumi
- Changed Ninali from junior apprentice to apprentice
- Gave Amina the title 'Apprentice Dyer'
November 9, 1995
- Population Page:
- Changed Fiona and Nylie from junior apprentice to apprentice
November 8, 1995
November 7, 1995
- NPCs Page:
- Added Caladin and Nissaren
- Population Page:
- Changed Julaina from senior apprentice to junior journeyranker
- Changed Haldi from junior apprentice to apprentice
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Changed organizational structure somewhat
- Added outfits for Mathex - Blue/Violet/Green Everyday Outfit,
Burgundy/Cream Everyday Outfit, Green/Black/Red Gather Outfit,
Harper Blue/Black Gather Outfit and Harper Blue/White Everyday
November 6, 1995
November 4, 1995
- Population Page:
- Gave Chesric the title 'Apprentice Knitter'
- Minor visual change
November 3, 1995
November 2, 1995
- Population Page:
- Changed Kalera's posting from High Reaches Weyr to the High Reaches Area
November 1, 1995
- Population Page:
- Divided Journeyrankers section into two - standard and junior
- Added Abigail and Fiona
- Removed Sietha
October 31, 1995
October 30, 1995
October 25, 1995
- Julaina's Samplebook:
- Renamed Julaina's Drawstring Pouch to Julaina's Fancy Drawstring Pouch
- Replaced Julaina's Head Scarf and Julaina's Lavender/Blue Outfit with
Julaina's Fancy Boll Outfit
- Added Julaina's Plain Boll Outfit and Julaina's Wimple Outfit
- Added top, back and home icons
October 24, 1995
- Population Page:
- Added link to High Reaches Weyr
- Removed Duvetyne's Benden Weyr posting
October 23, 1995
October 22, 1995
- NPCs Page:
- Added Bessira
- Added background
- Population Page:
- Changed link colours
- Rearranged Staff and Residents section with Retired or Ex-Crafters
- Split Retired or Ex-Crafters section into two: Retired Weavers and
Ex-Weavercrafthall Members
- Removed Dannor
October 21, 1995
October 20, 1995
- Population Page:
- Added Vivian to the ex-weavers section
- Changed Julaina from Apprentice to Senior Apprentice
October 18, 1995
October 17, 1995
October 13, 1995
- NPCs Page:
- Added Meera and Tanlia
- Added a 'donated by' section for each NPC to credit those who made
them up
October 11, 1995
October 10, 1995
- Population Page:
- Removed Masao
- Changed Deresh from Junior Apprentice to Apprentice
October 9, 1995
October 7, 1995
October 4, 1995
- Population Page:
- Added Judil
- Changed Lenore from Masterweaver to Retired Craftmaster
- Changed Opa from Craftsecond to Masterweaver
- Changed Varina from Apprentice Master to Craftsecond
- Removed Cleona's Fort Weyr posting
- Removed Opa's Benden Weyr posting
- Removed Masao's Benden Weyr posting
October 3, 1995
October 2, 1995
- Population Page:
- Changed rank of Jorai and Madelaine from junior apprentice to apprentice
- Changed Morayne from resident to junior apprentice
September 20, 1995
September 19, 1995
- Population Page:
- Changed rank of Julaina from junior apprentice to apprentice

Guide | Population | Creations | History |
Logs | NPCs | Encyclopedia | Links