Weavercraft NPCs

For use in the aid of RPing

This is the most recently updated list of Non-Player Characters. If you have more to add, please email the webmaster.

Weavers | Residents and Staff | Other

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NPC Weavers

Name: Bessira
Position: Unknown, above sr. apprentice
Donated by: Tuvia
Bessira, Tuvia's grandmother, is originally from High Reaches Hold. She had silky, long black hair when she was young. Now her hair is still as straight as a waterfall, and just as long, but it is beginning to go silver. She is a sprightly 78 turns old, and Tuvia's father is the youngest of her two sons. Bessira married Arthel, a Tillekian farmer whom she had met when she was just a senior rank apprentice in her craft.

Name: Caladin
Position: Dye Master, at the Weavercrafthall
Made up by: Haldi
Blurb by: Julaina
Master Caladin is an older, fairly reclusive, man. His pate is shiny and bald, with only peppery brown and white hair ringing his head above his ears. Steely blue-grey eyes take meticulous note of anything related to his dyeing duties at the hall; these are set beneath a pair of bushy eyebrows which seem to be trying to make up for the lack of hair on the rest of his countenance. From the look of his apparel he seems to have given up on trying to keep his workclothes "spot-free"; even the generously sized work apron he wears doesn't stave off the various and sundry blotches of dye from his outfit. He tends to be impatient with anyone other than weavers, and has a earned the nickname "old grump" amongst the apprentices. He is, however, excellent at what he does.

Name: Erna
Position: Master Knitter, at the Weavercrafthall
Made up by: Julaina
Master Erna is an older, very fastidious, woman. Her hair is reddish auburn softened by streaks of grey; this is usually pulled back into a tidy bun. Round hazel eyes are quick to take note of any apprentice at the hall who shows promise in the area of knitting and her face is marked by the start of laugh lines. She is tall and lean with long fingers which fly while working and her movements are always very precise. She is easily recognized throughout the WeaverCraft Hall by her distinctive footfall and the jingle of her key fob as she goes about her business. While seeming a bit intimidating at first, she is a generally accessible individual known for her willingness to expend her valuable personal time helping knitter-hopefuls.

Name: Meera
Position: Journeyranker, posted to High Reaches Hold
Donated by: Keera
Meera, mother of Keera, was married to a starsmith journeyranker named Kerin, but he died about 12 Turns ago in an accident. Meera's current age is about 44 Turns.

Name: Nissaren
Position: (Sr.) Journeyrank Tailor, posted to Big Bay Hold
Donated by: Deresh
Nissaren was a Journeyrank Tailor, posted to Big Bay hold, where he met and married Lanis's grandmother, Vailsa. He was particuarly skilled in embroidery and passed this skill onto Lanis's mother, Michanden, who in turn taught Lanis, who is now resident at Igen Weyr, as a seamstress. Nissaren's family had a cothold, beholden to Ruatha, but he joined the WeaverCraft at eleven and continued through the ranks until he retired as a senior Journeyranker, to marry and settle at Big Bay, at the age of 24.

Name: Nola
Position: Fibre Master, at the Weavercrafthall
Made up by: Haldi, Jorai and Julaina
Master Nola is, by far, the most boisterous of the older generation of WeaverCraft Masters; her generosity of character is well known throughout the hall. It is not unusual to find her up late at night, soothing the jangled nerves and fears of new apprentices with a twinkle in her warm brown eyes. Her hair falls in klah brown curls about her shoulders, now generously peppered with steely strands of grey. Laugh lines are deeply etched into her features; it is rumored that she was a bit of a prankster in her younger years, much to the dismay of Caladin and Erna, but that age has mellowed this tendency. Her face has a healthy glow and she handles even the most physically demanding of her tasks cheerily, her ample size working for her in most areas of fibre preparation. Nola can be easily located in the WeaverCraft Hall by her distinctive laugh, and by the laughter she elicits from others.

Name: Tanlia
Position: Unsure, either master or very senior journeyranker, posted to Curved Hill Hold
Donated by: Halia
Tanlia, Halia's mother, is in her mid to late 40s. The oldest in a large family, she lives at Curved Hill Hold, near the Keroon River, with her husband Oram and several of her 8 children. She's very stubborn, and a notorious busybody, but very devoted to her family and her Craft.

Name: Thelva
Position: Journeyranker posted at the Weavercrafthall
Made up by: Haldi
At the moment, Thelva is one of the journeyrankers who both instructs apprentices and takes classes herself with the masters at the Hall. One of her jobs is to deal with those people who arrive at the Hall in the hopes of being apprenticed. She will often show them around, take them to some of the lessons in progress, and observe what skill they have before making a report to Masterweaver Opa about them.

Name: Vaerlyn
Position: Retired Master
Made up by: Rinalis
Vaerlyn is Rinalis' aunt and foster mother. She also has four children of her own who have a reputation for being pretty monstrous.

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NPC Residents and Staff

Name: Amarina
Made up by: Linzi
Amarina is one of the paying students. She hails from Lemos.

Name: Clara
Donated by: Julaina
Clara is best described as stately; she has kept her figure well over the years and, despite almost 20 turns in the Boll, has very few wrinkles on her well tanned (and richly freckled) face. Her hair is a dark brown, with just the beginnings of a striking streak of white beginning at her widow's peak. Her eyes are a startling shade of powder blue and carry an amused twinkle which belies Clara's outwardly quiet demeanor. Raised in the Benden hold area of Pern, she came to the Boll to seek a position in the WeaverCraft, finding instead Johann, to whom she is utterly devoted. She doesn't seem to have regretted her decision to raise a family instead of pursuing her craft; over the years she has contented herself by sewing her family's clothing and acting as a seamstress in the Boll to implement the family income. She is very proud of her daughter Julaina's entry into the WeaverCraft hall. These days it is all she can do to keep up with her young son Travis.

Name: Danika
Made up by: Linzi
Danika is one of the paying students. She hails from the High Reaches.

Name: Djoram
Made up by: Natan
Djoram is one of the drudges at the Weavercrafthall, under Natan's jurisdiction. He can often be found sweeping the floor of the Great Hall until it sparkles.

Name: Harkken
Made up by: Tuvia
Harkken is a resident at the WeaverCraft Hall. He's a stocky, broad-shouldered man of medium height and deeply tanned skin. He is beginning his 4th decade, and has been married to his wife for the latter 20 of those turns. His grin is infectious and his manners are friendly and easygoing. He'll strike up a conversation with anyone about anything. Harkken may not always be deliberate, preferring to be blunt and to the point, but he is observant, and won't press a person who is obviously stressed. His blunt way can put people off which he realizes but can't always help. Harkken is most often found working around the grounds of the WeaverCraft Hall, directing field workers or even more typical, keeping verdant growth from encroaching, trimming the greenery at the boundaries, and clearing the pathways of debris himself.

Name: Salia
Made up by: Linzi
Salia is one of the paying students. She hails from the High Reaches.

Name: Telind
Made up by: Linzi
Telind is one of the paying students, hailing from Telgar.

Name: Travis
Donated by: Julaina
A tow-headed terror, that would be the best way to describe Travis, Julaina's younger brother. She gets along well with him but still, she found it sometimes difficult to impress the Master Weavers with him tearing about the hall the way he does. Usually, her mother Clara brings him with her on the days she works in Southern Boll hold to bolster the family income and this gives the hall a break. If it weren't for Travis, Julaina would have begun her apprenticeship at fifteen instead of at eighteen; but Julaina loves the little guy and doesn't hold it against him. In fact, one of her first projects as an apprentice was that of fashioning a small stuffed wherhide bronze forhim; it was dubbed "Elmo" and is never far from Travis's sight. Travis seems to take after his older brother, Martigan in both his energy level and his appetite for mischief.

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Other Weaverhall Folk

Name: Johann
Position: Journeyrank Baker
Donated by: Julaina
Johann is an imposing figure at first glance; he stands at least a good foot above average and obviously believes in sampling his own wares. His face is sunbaked from years of Boll life and, despite his many responsibilities, often crackles into a broad smile beneath his bushy black moustache. His clothing is simple and of the Southern Boll style. While he is on-duty he proudly sports the apron his daughter Julaina made for him. His head is protected by a deep red turban fastened with a BakerCraft Journeyman's knot. Johann has a generally accomodating personality and always seems to find the time to help out hungry hall residents. He can often be found at the kitchen door of Weavercraft Hall, directing traffic for the hall's next meal.

Name: Y'tell, rider of blue Phelth
Position: Weavercrafthall Watchrider
Donated by: Fiona
Y'tell and Phelth are the watch rider and dragon assigned to the Weavercraft hall. Standing 5'6" tall and the picture of thirty-turn-old health, one might wonder what Y'tell is doing here when he could be used in a fighting wing. This becomes obvious as Phelth shifts his wings and you see the massive tissue damage to one of them caused by a misjudged turn while fighting Thread. Even though he isn't up to the quick turns needed for Threadfighting anymore, the blue is more than capable to perform the duties of a watchdragon in between his naps on the warm beaches of Southern Boll. Ytell's one weak spot is sweets from the kitchen. He's willing to travel almost anywhere on Pern if persuaded with rolls or bread fresh baked by the WeaverHall bakers.

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